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  1. Rest in peace.
  2. Happy birthday
  3. Address: Highrise Block 2 Account name: itzramon Last seen: 26th September Screenshots:
  4. The best of luck! :D
  5. HBD!!!
  6. Happy birthday
  7. Happy birthday bratan
  8. Happ birthday
  9. Happy birthday
  10. Happy birthday fam :grinning_face_with_big_eyes:
  11. Date: 7/20/2021 FOX crew involved: @JohnnyEnglish Other players involved: @Villain @iAcez Spanish Summary: One of my colleagues who goes by the name Spanish informed that theres a corrupt officer located in San Fierro. Shortly after a Armored Transport heist the corrupt officer overheard The Chief of Police asking Spanish and Me to retrieve the Truck used for transport and its contents. Hearing this he instantly called the people who were behind it to rendezvous. To us he was acting suspicious so we decided to sidetrack and trail him. Upon arrival we confirmed it was he who was leaking our classified info to some thugs. The location was an abandoned Junkyard. It was secluded. We decided to eavesdrop, he started talking about the classified information. Once we heard what he said to them we decided to put a stop to it. Once we assasinated the traitor the "gangster" cowered in fear and scrambled. This is not the end. The next thing on our agenda is dealing with the thugs that are aware of our classified information.
  12. Happy birthday!!
  13. Date: 6/14/2021 FOX crew involved: JohnnyEnglish, Beast, Chuey Other players involved: Karagiannis (Kara) Summary: There were some rumors about the infamous street racer and car dealer Kara having a meeting about a pink lamborghini that he lost in an illegal street race. We decided to check out that rumor and decided to raid the meeting place which was conveniently Royal Flush's base. Beast decided to assist me with this mission, so we took off in a heli. Once we have finally landed on their base we saw the person that we were searching for on the roof, but mission went horribly wrong as he was rescued by the racer he lost to. Taking a heli, he escaped. Once he took off so did the racer by jumping off of the building, we caught up to him and arrested him. We brought him to our torture room to get information from him, where the racer lives and if he will have some other deliquents with him. He did not want to talk, torture ensued. I began hitting him and slapping him he only taunted further and kept spitting. I grabbed a tool from the desk and took 2 fingernails off, still spat at us and taunted us. It was going to be living hell for him. The next what I decided to do was to play the knife game with his hand on his thigh, stabbing both his hand and thigh multiple times in the same wounds. Just by watching him you could see he was about to talk as his life became a living hell. The next words out of his mouth didnt shock us, in large amounts of pain he screamed "I WILL TELL YOU EVERYTHING I KNOW YOU DOGS". He gave us his adress and told us how powerfull he is. After he told us that, we threw him in the gas chamber because he experiences all kinds of torture and saw what he shouldn't of had. He died quickly and peacefully. The next job on our agenda was arresting Kara. We called in JohnnyEnglish. The plan was to surround Kara's place and deploy stingers infront of his vehicle. He will not escape this time. We arrived quickly at his safehouse, he was nowhere to be seen but his car was there. Within a second everything was deployed, stingers were ready, cars were placed correctly, to be used as shields incase he tried to fight back. We got into positions and instantly started yelling for him to get out. He went outside, he was instantly in a shock. Kara was told to get down he listened and went down almost as soon as he was told to. JohnnyEnglish cuffed him and I pushed him to the car, he got inside. Mission still wasn't done we had to escort him to his cell. The ride went smoothly. Once we arrived at our destination he was placed in his cell, he can not disturb annyone anymore.
  14. Srecan rodjendan
  15. Date: 4/29/2021 Event type: LMS LWS: AntiRug Prize: 1.000.000$ Hosted by: Chuey Winner: Douglass Screenshots:
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