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Reggi last won the day on November 27 2024

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About Reggi

  • Birthday 12/01/1990

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  1. Architest Bridge Project Part 1 Construction_number: 6 Number of objects: 236 Link to Album: https://imgur.com/a/b05PC4d
  2. In-game Name: Reggi Account username: xr3gg1x Age: 34 Joined the server on (Date): Mar 2016 Events topic link: (In case you haven't posted your events on Discord): Discord Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S: I want to do new style events a bit different from when I was LWS last time. I like to try and import themes from other games and check the mechanics of the things in the build panel. Things like building a Donkey-Kong map and using wrecking balls as barrels or capture the flag with bikes. Putting new twists as well on known event styles. Also wanting to try more skill based games other then just getting lucky. Let us know your current Gang/Groups memberships: Yakuza, Zip, SAFD, BRINKS, GXT and SAM Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun": To me it means to belong to an exclusive club on the server that brings a lot of activity and fun to the server that's not like any other group. A unique Entity that creates really good and creative events that people actually are intrigued to join. Explain why you want to join L.W.S: I want to rejoin LWS to let my creative side have a new outlet again. I have so many ideas that I try to explain to LWS members but they don't fully get my vision. I feel that I can bring out my best for LWS and focus solely on innovation with new quality events that I know the server will enjoy. Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member: Yes I am. State something briefly about yourself: Born in the USA, I enjoy hanging with friends and gaming on SAES and other platforms. I also enjoy art and being creative in any way. I'm very friendly and easy to approach.
  3. Participants: Myself Duration: 45 mins Activity: Trucking Creek to MC top Date: 12/04/2024 Screenshots:
  4. House Boat Construction_number: 5 Number of objects: 421 Link to Album: https://imgur.com/a/zX8YaTl
  5. Updated 11/23/2024
  6. This is an automated post for: Reggi Donation: GBP 20.00 GBP (Bonus x3) Link to your donation tracker topic: Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your donation tracking topic link and requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: BF injection x2 Vehicle Type: Sanchez x2 Vehicle Type: Cart x2 Usernames to lock: (xr3gg1x) Where you want it placed: Jdm Garage (Already have approval) Plus the ingame cash.
  7. RP Number: #12 Participants: Reggi, I-Gun(helper) Title: Jet fuel Story: With the influx of new weapons and cash we have gained, our VIP service has been doing well but as we grow as an entity we will need more ways to keep our money clean and spendable. With that in mind we try to tap into a bigger market. We needed to grow and expand our business before it starts to look weird. But we also had to stay on task. I thought it would be a great idea if we add private jets to Blackwell security, upping the price and growing its value. A lot of Yakuza players are already experienced pilots and already certified with the Aviation Command. So we jump started it and soon we got our first call. We setup for our first flight and got a call shortly after. Went to pick him up and take him to his destination and after he got there he asked for an escort to a local pizza joint with some crazy activity going on but we never judge. When he paid we were easily able to add an extra 50,000 as a trip. Blackwell has doubled in efficiency, allowing us to launder way more money than we could before. Screenshots:
  8. Roleplay type: Aviation Crash Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): Just as we wrapped up our training and were about to head home from our shifts we get an alert at LSFD. An accident has happened on the Las Venturas Highway containing 2 wrecked vehicles and a small plane crash. The only other firefighters on duty were away at another call in SF and we could get there way faster then they could. So very short staffed a had a think quick I know that highway is mountain side and the plane did an emergency landed on cliffside and it rolled into the highway. FF Twix and I rushed to the scene I had him operate the engine and I brought the ladder for height support. When we got there we saw 2 people on the side of the road who were driving the cars and we moved them away. They said someone was stuck up top and I put the ladder in position but all of a sudden the flames began to heat up, with Twix on the hose I got out my extinguisher and started to put the car fires out. Once we got those under control we moved to the plane and I heard screams for help. I rushed to the ladder as the other firefight kelp working on flames. Once we found the pilot we pulled him from out of the wreckage and started examining his wounds. He seemed to be ok so we pull him to the side to and continued to put out the flames. Once all extinguished we made sure a medic took a look over all the partys involved and cleared them. We went back to LSFD wrote our reports and signed off. Location: LV Highway Participants: @Reggi @Twixx Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/otkr1XJ
  9. Activity type: Training Description of Activity (minimum 3 sentences): So I decided to host a small training session for a volunteer firefighter. He was going a shift and removing some fire hazard from the map when I gave him the call on the radio. He came quickly and we start to get into the lesson. We went over engine safety, what tools we have and how and when to use them. We cover touched on radio calls and codes and what maintenance the engines call for. All in all we had a pretty good session. I believe this fire fighter has potential and Once I dismissed him I gave him my number to give me a call next time he's on shift and ill ride along with him. Location: LS Fire station to LV/LS Highway Participants: @Reggi @Twixx Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/xGHP937
  10. Address: Black Eagle Security - Conference building Account name: itzziga Last seen: oct 9th 2024 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/aLypUFt
  11. RP Number: #5 Participants: Reggi, Twixx. Title: Securing the Bags Story: On another front of the business we have a lot of new income coming in. We haven't been able to touch it to avoid getting the feds on our tail so we have been looking for a way to clean it up and legally store it. So a couple of the boys have a sit down to figure something out, whats high income enought to have all this cash coming in and it wont look suspect. We thought about opening a brick and mortar and figuring it out that way but its to much paper work. We wanted something confidential so then I came up with it. A security gig that only transfers Rich VIPs who will hide there identity from society, For there privacy federally we wont have to share there names or any personal info. How it works is, we start this company and we take on big status clients only rich clients that will heavily tip without question. We then take those tips and "Enhance" them with the money we obtained illegally. The client wont know because they dont want to receive anything that says they were with us and when. And the Feds wont know because at the end of every service we get a signature with the enhanced tip amount so if we report it to the feds it looks legit. We will call it Blackwell Security Incorporated. I tell the team to let me get the paperwork done and we start taking clients as soon as possible. Screenshots:
  12. RP Number: #4 Participants: Reggi, Scooty, Blue, Bostonking. Title: Rage and Revenge Story: After the completion of the shipment me and my men get angry about the interruption we had. The Triads are pushing into our territory and that has to be stopped. I had a few of my men do some scouting and location some of the Triads most frequented Areas. Once the information was given we set up a plan to hopefully rid SF of the enemy's. After hours of consideration we went thru a few possibility's on how to deal with them, we didn't want to go in guns blazing and put our members in an unsafe situation. We also didn't need them to know that it was us immediately. So we came up with an Idea.. we go stealth, we move quick and burn them to the ground and we leave the Triads in ashes. Literally. Screenshots:
  13. RP Number: #3 Participants: Reggi, Scooty, Hrl, Blue, Bostonking, Cicada & Special Thanks to Outlaws Vex & Peto for helping. Title: The Chief and The Choice Story: As we all prepare for the ship I made sure to stop and let everyone know how important this is. This is not just another load of weapons, or another log of drugs. This was our arsenal, this contains everything and more we need to finally take out the Triads. I warn that I'm your not up for the task and you cant give you your full attention that back out now. As expected no-one backed down. So we prepared the truck and took off to the train station in LV scheduled to arrive shortly we all take off. Once we got there we received the goods and got everything loaded into the trucks. This was almost too easy, something seemed wrong. As we make our way back to base we notice that we are being followed. What they don't know is they are also being followed by our men who we told to trail behind just incase. We also had people ahead of us so we are covered from all bases. We can tell that they are armed and we dont want to risk the shipment being taken or damaged. So we get everyone on the phone and decide that this ended now. We took a turn off the road and stopped quickly and formed an attack formation. The truck turned sideways the car in the back gets out and draws arms and so does the car in the front. The vehicles that were trailing us were stuck in the middle but without a moments notice they start firing. all of our men are taking cover and waiting for the right moment to strike. Then there it was, a reload. We all started firing in there direction, Hitting the tires so they can leave hitting the windows so they can see and once we got a clear shot we aimed for the head. Kill confirmed but the hitters werent familiar. Probably hired by the coward Triads, We get back on the road and quickly make it to base and unload the equipment. Job well done. Screenshots:
  14. RP Number: #2 Participants: Reggi, Twixx, Reed. Title: The Chief and The Choice Story: I was hanging around the head quarters getting a few things in order for our big shipment of substances and as time gets closer I remember about an ace up my sleeve. It's time to visit the Chief of Police, I called up the chiefs assistant and told her I was with the office of the Mayor and that we would like to setup a meeting. The assistant was happy to schedule the meeting as quickly as possible. When it was time for the meeting I walked in, the office went silent and the chief tells me I need to leave that he has an important meeting coming up. I tell him, I am your meeting, a new mayor is in charge, he again asks me to leave. I say "We can do this one of two ways, we can have this meeting out here or we can have it in private, then a pull out a picture I took from the scene to show him. Reluctantly he says "step into my office". We go into the office and I waste no time getting to the point. Chief I know of your dealings with the triads, I have evidence, photos, recordings and a witness. I'm willing to expose it all and ruin you but since your already working for the other side I have a deal for you. He starts to sweat immensely not even bothering to deny it after he seen the picture. I tell him "you may continue working with the triads as soon there will be no more triads" But from now on Yakuza owns you. I want policing in my area but if Yakuza is involved you look the other way. I said we have a shipment incoming, I expect that to go as planned and I want no involvement from you. That's step one, Step 2 will be you staying in line and doing what we say, Do I make myself Clear Chief?? The chief says Yes, Crystal clear, I'll recall any investigations pending on Yakuza you wont hear from use unless requested. I walk out of the meeting and head back to base to inform the crew Screenshots:
  15. RP Number: #1 Participants: Reggi, Twixx, Reed. Title: The Spy's Victim Story: After noticing something off with the local criminal activity in San Fierro we decided to do some investigating. It seems like every time we make a move the law enforcement was hot on our trails and we had to be extra careful. Yet word on the streets is another local gang encroaching on our territory was given almost no resistance by the force. This was something that we couldn't look the other way on, so we tasked some of our men so keep a wide eye on the gang and see if you spot anything out of the ordinary. About a week later I get a call from one of my associates, what he found blew my mind and I had to see for myself so I rushed out to his location. When I arrived on scene I quickly hopped in his car and took a look from his binoculars. We saw 2 of the gang leaders and the local police chief in a nearby alleyway, very odd what would a gang leader and a police chief ever have to discuss. They then ducked off into some hidden room and i decided that I had to get a closer look. They seemed to be alone so we snuck in to see what we could see. In the room we here laughing and clinking of beers and the Police chief says "A deals a deal, I've held up my part now where's my money. My associate is recording this while deal we have just enough evidence to get what we want. Now we wait for the perfect time to strike. We have a huge shipment coming in at the end of the week. I bet this will be way easier if have the police looking the other way. I say to myself "I'll see you next week chief. Screenshots:
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