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Everything posted by Freezy

  1. Address: Bud barklyes house Account name: mhd05 Last seen: 6/3/2023 Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/gijWkBa.png]
  2. Address: Botanica Carlos Miguel 2 shop Account name: mhd05 Last seen: 6/3/2023 Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/5erjwOG.png[/img]
  3. Type Of Activity: Refueling Date: 4/04/24 Participants: Duration: 1 hour Screenshot:
  4. Type Of Activity: Refueling Date: 3/04/24 Participants: Duration: 1 hour Screenshot:
  5. Type Of Activity: Refueling Date: 3/04/24 Participants: Duration: 55 minutes Screenshot:
  6. Type Of Activity: Refueling Date:2/04/24 Participants: Duration: 50 minutes Screenshot:
  7. Type Of Activity: Refueling Date: 1/04/24 Participants: Duration: 30 minutes Screenshot:
  8. Date: 31/03/2024 Participants: Type of activity: Deliveryman Duration: 5mins+ Screenshots:
  9. Date: 31/03/2024 Participants: Type of activity: Deliveryman Duration: 8mins+ Screenshots:
  10. Type Of Activity: Delivering Date: 31/03/24 Participants: Duration: 5 min
  11. 10% isnt that mush , if you get 30k group will take just 3k so its nothing
  12. Type Of Activity: re-fueling gas stations Date: 31/03/24 Participants: Duration: 50 min
  13. Type Of Activity: re-fueling gas stations Date: 30/03/24 Participants: Duration: 30 min
  14. Address: abandoned caravan Account name: antirug Last seen: 29/2/2023 Screenshots:
  15. These jobs will be included: Taxi Driver Deliveryman Bus Driver Racer Pilot Chauffeur(Limo Driver) mechanic medic firefighter fuel trucker trucker money transporter
  16. Hello. I have a wonderful suggestion that everyone could possible agree(especially group HQs/CEOs) Read it down below. Group Funds Bank: As we all know, gangs & squads have its own huge panel, with members, motd, vehicles, bank etc.. And the group panel has nothing but just member/invite/vehicles options, i mean yeah-They're the most important ones, but why not improve it a little bit? Add a bank too so we can all manage our group money, unlike now, we store the "group money" on someone's personal bank(ceo/hq) and it sucks and possibly lose count of the group money and end up spending it(if the holder loses track of the group funds) but if you're rich enough, you don't have to worry. The GUI could have the same UI as the gang/squad bank but it be much better if we get a new UI just for the group one(if ever). But that's not the main topic of my suggestion and it was just a part of it. Main Suggestion: My main suggestion aside from the group funds bank is how the group earns money. We all know that gangs earn money by holding turf zones for as long as they can keep the zones, and the income is per hour, but the groups CANNOT earn money except if there's a donation that came from another player. And here comes my suggestion-the group bank can earn money by taking some of the player's income- Example: I made a delivery from LV-WH(deliveryman) and I earned 20k, 20% of that will go to the group bank, so that means- $4,000 of player's earnt will go to the group fund's bank. I know it will be a pain in the ass but that differs from how much the income the player gets. The higher the income, the higher the percentage of it will get taken away and will go straight to the group's bank. $1,000-$5,000 income = 1%-5% $5001-%10,000 in come = 5.001%-10% and the max percentage would probably be 15-20%. Each dollar earnt will add 0.001% to the "tax"(group funds) Aside from that, I guess we can all agree that we SHOULD get the property income that the group owns. What's the importance of this you may ask? Well, we can save up to buy properties that suits our group, payment for group cars, base change, group acceptance and more.
  17. Type Of Activity: Deliveryman Date: 29/03/24 Participants: Duration: 11 min
  18. Type Of Activity: re-fueling gas stations Date: 29/03/24 Participants: Duration: 40 min
  19. Date: 28/03/2024 Participants: Type of activity: Deliveryman Duration: 10mins+ Screenshots:
  20. Type Of Activity: re-fueling gas stations Date: 28/03/24 Participants: Duration: 50 min
  21. Activity #147 Date: 28/03/2024 Participants: me Type of Activity: Fast Food Selling Duration: 20 minutes
  22. Activity #144 Date: 27/03/2024 Participants: me Type of Activity: Fast Food Selling Duration: 20 minutes
  23. Date: 27/03/2024 Participants: Type of activity: Deliveryman Duration: 10:12 - 10:22 Screenshots:
  24. Type Of Activity: Delivering Date: 27/03/24 Participants: Duration: 5 min
  25. Activity #143 Date: 27/03/2024 Participants: me Type of Activity: Fast Food Selling Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots:
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