MIT - Application Form Username: Kocovali Account name: Gohan1 Age: 18 Nationality: Turkish Languages: Dutch, Turkish, English and a bit German. English skills (1-10): I would say 9/10 because I don't have any kind of issue with communicating, and people are capable of understanding me. Do you have Discord: Yes I do, Gohan#0726 How long you play SAES/RPG: I have been playing SAES since 2012 if I am correct. How much in-game hours do you have: 112 hours of playtime. Do you have Procop Diploma: No, I don't have. Previous Gang/Squad/Company: SAFP & SAPA. Have ever been banned before: No, I haven't. Read the MIT rules and explain them in detail: Explain Rule 3: You are not allowed to patrol alone if there are officers nearby who are available. You are not allowed to leave the patrolling officers behind either, unless if it is for an urgent mission with the server. Explain Rule 4: It is not allowed to arrest players below 5 stars, and about criminals with a higher wanted level, you can always offer an RP, but you should give them 5 seconds to respond to your offer. Explain Rule 6: Things like deathmatching, mark kill/arrest and park kill/arrest is not allowed, but MIT tolerates this kind of action once per criminal, so ramming on a criminal more than once is not tolerated. Explain Rule 8: You should not arrest players at a hospital or in an event, neither should you camp at one to get the arrest, it's prohibited and will have consequences if you do so. Why do you want to join us ?: Well, I haven't been in a squad for like a long time because I did not like how most of them were organized, or I did not like the way they behaved. So when I was scrolling through TAB, I saw MIT and I instantly knew what it was about, I was also kinda impressed that those players made it to the officials, which was the first reason for me to consider joining MIT. As second, I knew what MIT was before I saw it on the scoreboard, cuz every Turkish player does know what it stands for, which made it more attractive for me, so I contacted the leader of the squad and asked him a few questions regarding the group, and the leader was nice and positive, and told me they enough sufficient attention to the rules and their members. This all is enough for me to join a group, and if a group is organized, I think there is also teamwork and all kind of other stuff related to that, and that's why I decided to apply for MIT. Kind regards.