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Everything posted by CptJones

  1. 77% votes say it has to be changed i'm not saying you have to use a button but certainly other options are available. for me when i log on (doesn't matter what time of day or night) after 15 mins to a max of 30 minutes it Always starts raining i don't mind my bit of fair realism i reallly do but i can't stand a game where it always rains especially when i want to do races. Now for me personally the rain can stay however i would like it if its regulated so i don't get rain all day everyday but instead it changes somedays in morning somedays at night some sunny clear sky days some foggy days but give the sun a moment too thanks for reading and i hope this was helpfull yours truly: cpt.jones
  2. atm +Car spawn + and a decent size could be a level 2 base Starting bid 15.000.000$ Min Bid add: 500k ::: :::
  3. 66vs12 GG well bois time to add that button. so nobody can ask for rain or ask to remove it everybody happy now ok bye. The people have spoken.
  4. Personal information Nickname: Cpt.Jones Ingame Username: Cpt.Jones Age: 25 English proficiency: 8/10 Nationality: Belgian Spoken Languages: Dutch,English,German Roleplay skills: 6/10 Previous Organizations you joined and the reason why you left/kicked : I started out with ThC,Now the reason i left it was simple all of the older people i knew stopped playing,went on a break,left etc... then i came across TC (the corleones) wich was a temporary gang of mrwan it died so then oc was created again i obviously joined but after a lot of discussions and fights i decided not to stay anymore. Questionnaire Write a paragraph explaining our Role: Your role is like a goal getter, you get jobs all over San Andreas to exterminate certain people, wich does not matter if the are low life citizens to even people with a high standard class, Wild Angels have there best men making new plans bigger ones even better ones,they have covered it all lets say there are cops on their heels they make sure those cops will be dealth with nothing goes past these people there attention every detail is noted,and to top it all off WA has their crew ready to teach new members what Wild Angels is all about. Previous punishments/bans and reason: i have been adminjailed before because i used a minigun at jail (i still had the gun after a while) and i wanted to deplete the ammo Why you want to join Wild Angels?: I want to join because WA is a strong gang wich is independant of others meaning that they can take care of themself if they need to, i also know a few members for a longer period of time, but what gives me the most interest about the gang is how they work, i like organised crime planning steps ahead and making things interesting. What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : i have been a player on Saes for a long time i know a lot of people and information to use i have led a gang to succesful br's succesfull turfings too, overall i'm a people's person i like having a nice bond with people close to me, i was a former Vice leader. What does DeathMatch means: killing some player (even though its not allowed withouth the right reason) example if a cop chases you you can If someone randomly DMed you, what will you do?: Obviously i will screenshot it happening if its another gang i will consult the hq's of wa if it is a gangless/squadless person i will just /report So you were going for a JB then you find a cop (AFK or not chasing you), what will you do?: i will let the player stand and ask if he is actually AFK as soon as he tries to chase me i will shoot him but other then that he can stand on the same spot if he wants to What does avoid arrest means: It basicly means you tried to escape from being arrested wich can resort to disconecting, climbing to place where cops can't get to,or even using a Handgrenade to kill yourself. State 3 turf rules:Don't use a helicopter,Don't aid the turf as a cop or a medic,you cannot spawn in a property of your own only a hospital or the base State 3 BR rules:No marker killing,No suicide to get out of the bank safeley, Only 2 Br's per day State 3 GR rules: You can never gangrob on your own make sure to contact your gang's hq's beforehand, Don't come as a medic or pizza courier to aid your gang members, Don't marker kill any players Additional Information Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : I contacted the gang Leader wich i already knew a bit, i have friends in the gang too as members What are your strengths:i know how to lead a BR, I have experience as a turfwar commander,in general i know a bit about eveything (i have been playing a long time) What are your weaknesses:Dm itself (open to learn the tactics) i doubt myself. Something else to add?: What else do you need you need you fucken druggo. ;)
  5. Nickname: cptjones Real name: Hyde Age: 25 How long have you been playing SAES?: august 17, 2017 is when i joined on this account my first account was around 2015 2016. Do you own a freeway?: i think if wouldn't own a freeway and wanted to join a MC i'd be the biggest moron on saes tbh Previous G/S/C experiences and reason of leaving?: i left ThC because i lost my interest in it and wanted a fresh start kind of. I've been Explain roleplay: roleplaying is like putting yourself in a figurative personality and playing that role as best to your ability you can meaning you have to do actions according to the person you are playing as What is an MC?: Motor club Why do you want to be a Rebel? In my honest opinion i always liked to be in a biker gang especially the right one wich to me are the rebels and not some fake wanna be rdmc's. What is DM?: DM is called deathmatching wich is not allowed and can get you adminjailed or you are able to screenshot it and report the person you caught doing it.
  6. I do like the concept of kill arrests but there has to be a other way to get people to play as police. As others have said it the jail has been having almost no jailbreaks anymore and that takes the fun out of the jailbreaks. However i do insist on Kill arrest in banks cause that way the cops still have a chance to win themselves and have some money out of it cause its not all about the criminal life. Great work on testing some new features out that could possibly make Saes more balanced. I'm looking forward to more progress!
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