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  1. Some crimminals are using this disk to avoid an arrest or a pursuit immediately after they drop the VIP.
  2. Address: Abandoned Armory Store Account name: silikondy Last seen: 17th February 2023 Screenshots:
  3. Address: 3 Brown Street Account name: silikondy Last seen: 17th February 2023 Screenshots:
  4. Up. 1. Quick animation of getting on and off the bike making it very hard for the cop to arrest the criminal by taking his bike. 2. Jump and Super jump. 3. Almost impossible to chase a biker cuz it doesnt have tires to shoot and it is "indestructible". 4. Hard to kill the crim while he is in moviment. Conclusion: The bike must be nerfed. How? 1.Make it destructible by shooting 2.Remove jump and superjump (if possible) 3.Turn the bike into a modded car so the cop can instantly arrest the crim in a bike without needing animation
  5. @AkyZ said in SAES Daryl & SAES NanoBob: @James said in SAES Daryl & SAES NanoBob: @AkyZ I did not give access to sherap,there was a bug which he abused @SheraP said in SAES Daryl & SAES NanoBob: Level 3 member had permission to take out money. Check the squad panel Not my fault if you let me take money out. @James " there was a bug ". There is a bug in your brain to set level 3 to take money out. Deal with your tear ;)
  6. @SheraP said in SAES Daryl & SAES NanoBob: 350m gone to Samuel 150m gone to Element @Daryl I sold 350m to samuel for +/- 35 dollar I bought a prop close to jail from element for 150m
  7. @Kybali0n said in SAES Daryl & SAES NanoBob: SAES Daryl & SAES NanoBob BEST ADMINS IN SAES SAES>SheraP would be better
  8. @Bartman said in SAES Daryl & SAES NanoBob: i guess sherap did alot shit & waited till get banned, seems like he couldnt wait anymore : D he was banned from every lws events, sadly i couldnt let him play with some fake name & letting him win to tell him he is not the winner uuuf uuuuf
  9. 350m gone to Samuel 150m gone to Element @Daryl
  10. @VayraN said in SAES Daryl & SAES NanoBob: @SheraP said in SAES Daryl & SAES NanoBob: Level 3 member had permission to take out money. Check the squad panel Not my fault if you let me take money out. I thought lately that you are a victim, Now I see how autistic you are, You deserved what you've got Ty
  11. I liked to use your money ;)
  12. Level 3 member had permission to take out money. Check the squad panel Not my fault if you let me take money out.
  13. link text @SAES-Creative @SAES-Developer
  14. @xDarkMan said in [SUGGESTION] Mark-killing at jail: any admin can delete the post since there is no poll? IDK where we can vote @Kiroa6Ko said in [SUGGESTION] Mark-killing at jail: you forget to add a poll REPORTEDDDDDDDDDDDDDD There is no need to put in a poll because the criminals on this server do not know how to be neutral in their decisions, they always want to benefit regardless of the situation. Crimminal side of saes:rpg has no maturity to recognize when they are wrong. This is a suggestion of the cop side for the saes community, since the other side is not mature enough to recognize injustices.
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