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  1. Happy cake day Groove
  2. https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/just-cause-4/standard-edition Claim it boys
  3. https://valid.x86.fr/ca68jc
  4. 1914
  5. Skerdi
  6. @Tut-Greco said in [SUGGESTION]Adjust vehicle masses: Hmu on discord I have something in mind.
  7. Can agree, a crown vic goes through a few parked trucks like they're nothing lol. Whoever has made the handling models for the vehicles, didnt do his job at all :)
  8. Imagine making whitelist application on RPG server, lol.
  9. 31
  10. @Brophy said in Server lag is making the server unplayable: We could possibly look at adjusting some of the server settings in the mtaconfig file. That's nice to know, might throw an eye at the sync interval settings ^^
  11. @Brophy said in Server lag is making the server unplayable: As the for a new "sync" system, this has nothing to do with us and "sync" is provided by the MTA mod. I can agree with everything you said Broph, except the sync part. There is ways to improve it, perhaps have the developement team do some research and find ways to improve it. It can be done and it has been done. Cheers.
  12. Well, without a proper rulebook and administration, I can assure you that 90% of the people who decide to RP will either metagame or powergame the shit out of it. SO in case this project gets a chance at life, there has to be somek ind of Staff of proper RPers assigned to administrate and keep everything under control =)
  13. @Lucifer said in [POLL] Small RP-Only area: Stunning idea, we can finally revive the main reason of this server, but my question is: If you ever played a true RP Server, you would know that you do not need objects and special commands to RP properly =) All you need is /me /do and /my + animations and for crowded RPs ( /ame /ado and /amy )
  14. As a hardcore RP player on samp, agreed.
  15. @M7mod said in Till When ? ......: I think its a worldwide problem due to the load on the internet providers because of the quarantine, so everyone is staying home doing nothing than using internet, which is a huge number of users using internet at the same time ::: Spoiler Text :::
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