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Al - Munazama

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Everything posted by Al - Munazama

  1. ^[] ^[ANNOUNCEMENT] Hey everybody! On behalf of the HQ team I'd like to announce that we are BACK!, If you are interested you can apply now and don't forget to join our discord server https://discord.gg/AbxA8rX and check our new promo! https://youtu.be/ZFn7BOKNtgI . Rayies of Al - Munazama - Mosaab Mahdi
  2. The roster has been updated Founder: @Brondy @ViRuSLN @Blu Leader: @ViRuSLN Vice Leader: @Blu HQ Team: @Lincoln @Markus We're back again. If you would like to join us please do not hesitate to apply Discord; https://discord.gg/uKrRst4 Media Archive: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/1436/al-munazama-media-center Application; ::: Please fill out the application format below in order to join us (Try to be creative) Part 1 - Player Info Ingame nick: Real Name: Account name: Nationality: Rate your English Skills (0/10): Current Organization: Current Group List: Player 2 - Role-Play Info Rate your RP skills (0/10): Talk about your RP experience: Write a short RP story related to rebels: Add a photo of a rebel please: ::: ~[**Riot, Blood, Money, Fire - **]~(maroon)
  3. Our discord channel is erased.We're working on new one. We will announce our new discord channel from our topic. coming soon :full_moon:
  4. @PunchLine @coffler
  5. @Shakespeare Thanks for showing your interest of becoming a part of our organization, we haven't seen your effort in joining us yet, hang with our members and join our activities and Good Luck! Nayeb of Al - Munazama's Rayies - Mosaad Mahdi
  6. @KiCKeR @Andre We decided to change your answers to ACCEPTED, Contact any of the HQ team to test you ingame.. Nayeb of Al Munazama's Rayies - Mosaad Mahdi
  7. @Andre Thanks for showing interest in joining, our family and our lovely organization, first we'd like to apologize for being late in answering your application we are really sorry, after discussion with Al - Munazama High Councils we decided to give you PENDING because we still need to see some effort from you to join us, join our activities and hang with us, if you don't see any activities ongoing you can contact any HQ team to host one.. Mosaad Mahdi - Nayeb of Al Munazama's Rayies
  8. @bernasx @ElPadrino Welcome aboard, find any HQ to test both of you, do not forget to join our discord; https://discord.gg/PdMtpH
  9. @PulaR Keep joining our activities Other pending applicants sorry for not hosting many activities but we were busy with the group stuff, and expect many activities from us soon Mosaad Mahdi
  10. We will be glad if you watch our first promo, leave a like if you liked the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkF77N8Ro4s&feature=youtu.be
  11. @UrBan @Bernasx Didn't see you in any of our activities, start hanging with us to show us your skills.. @ziad @Harb Contact any of our HQ team ingame in order to test you @ElPadrino You will receive your answer after editing your application Mosaad Mahdi
  12. @Harb @ElPadrino Wrong formats, you have 24 hours to fix your application or either you will be denied.. Others will receive their answers soon
  13. @hope @BlaZZey Tested and Invited, Welcome.
  14. @Kiroa6Ko Dear Apllicant, thanks for application after having discussion with our HQs, we decided to change your answer.. Mosaad Mahdi
  15. @kiroa6ko said in Al - Munazama | : Part 1 - Player Info Ingame nick:KiroSa Thanks for application, after discussing with HQ team we decided to;
  16. @hope @Tefa Dear Apllicants, thanks for application after having discussion with our HQs, we got a succesfull answer about you. Find a HQ ingame for your tests.
  17. ^[] ^[This account belongs to -=(873138)Al - Muzanama=-'s leaders] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFn7BOKNtgI ^[] -=(873138)2011 - The Syrian Revolution=- ^[] A family called -=(873138)Mahdi's Family=- were living in one of the syrian streets at a big old house, this family worked for years in the field of the explosives industry, selling Primitive homemade explosives, and selling it to the rebels and the civilians.. Their business started to grow after the revolution began, the amount of people who buy explosives were increased, they decided to open their own factory at -=(873138)Hamad Desert=-, Unfortunately, after some period of success, the Syrian police could know their location and they arrested a large number of members of the family ^[] -=(873138)2013 - The New Life=- After what the family met.. The rest of the family who could escape decided to travel to -=(873138)San Andreas, America=- to continue their business, after they arrived.. they wanted to start the business again but they didn't want to fall in the same situation as the rest of the family, one of the old brothers of the family suggested a great idea to keep the eye of the police and the media away of their business, they decided to do a lot of rebel activities around the city under the name of -=(873138)Al - Munazama=- which means the organization in English.. -=(873138)2013 - Al - Munazama=- They started to recruit other Syrian Refugees in San Andreas and training them well, they could buy a fair amount of basic weapons to spread the riot and the mess in San Andreas streets, they started growing and growing, and the business of the family started to grow without the interference of the police, and till now, -=(873138)2018=-, they are recruiting more guys ^[] -=(873138)2018 - The American Police=- Al-Munazama was passing by it's worst time, since most of its members were jailed during a failed attempt to attack Los Santos jail and do a jailbreak, some of those members were under a big pressure by the police so they betrayed Al-Munazama and gave the police some informations about us which made it easier for them to arrest more of us. One day, the American police has known where were Al-Munazama's members hiding, they raided their hideout at Bone County where some members were hiding including Al -Rayies, Mahmoud Mahdi, that was the worst day ever in the Al-Munazama's history.. The police started opening fire and Al-Munazama were defending, some members were hurt and some were killed, but we never expected what happened.. Al-Rayies was killed! Once Mahmoud Mahdi has been shot his brother, Mosaad, ordered everybody to retreat and escape, and they found another place to hide at. -=(873138)2019 - Back In Action=- Mosaad has taken over his brother's place, he was thinking about taking revenge for his brother and achieve Al-Munazama's main target, he started recruiting more Syrian refugees in San Andreas and training them well so what happened don't happen again.. Now, Al-Munazama is stronger, bigger, more dangerous! and they will keep working for their target... ^[] ^[-=(873138)Group Name:=- Al - Munazama] ^[-=(873138)Group Tags:=- Rank.Name|M] ^[-=(873138)Founders:=- Brondy, ViRuSLN and Blue] ^[-=(873138)**Motto=- Riot, Blood, Money, Fire - **] ^[-=(873138)Color Code:=- #873138] ^[-=(873138)Discord:=- https://discord.gg/AbxA8rX] ^[] ^[] ^[-=(873138)From Syria, To America..=-] ^[ ] In bief Mahdi's family's only target is money, whatever what is the way, we look forward to grow -=(873138)Mahdi's business=- by helping with keeping all the eyes away from their business, we can do everything, burning, murdering, kidnapping, slaughtering, jailbreaking.. etc, our target is to increase number of the rebels in -=(873138)Al - Munazama=-, Dispersing the police is the best way to free up a space for the family for their business, and terrorism is the only thing that can disperse the -=(873138)American's government=-, and to spread the fear in the whole San Andreas! ^[] ^[Note: If you still think that we are related with terrorism or Jihad, then you have to go back and read our backstory and our target.] -=(873138)Criminal Activity:=- As stated in the Our Target section, we do anything for keeping all the eyes away from Mahdi's Family business, we can kidnap, kill, burn, jailbreak.. And more! -=(873138)Fuel Smuggling (Side role):=- At a visit to Mahdi's family house.. Mosaad, Al-Munazama Leader, was informed that the family won't be fully supporting the organization from now on, so Al-Munazama had to find another way for having a good income so they can afford their equipment and requirements. After some discussion, Al-Munazama leaders agreed on starting the business of fuel smuggling which will help a lot in getting enough money for the equipment. ^[] ^[Click here to navigate to our media center!] ^[] ^[-=(873138)MANAGEMENT TEAM=-] ^[] ^[Rayies] ^["Ryis.Name|M"] ^[@ViRuSLN / Ryis.Mosaab|M] ^[] ^[Nayeb of Al - Rayies] ^["Nayeb.Name|M"] ^[@Blu / Nayeb.Abdullah|M] ^[] ^[Chief Of Operations] ^["Chief.Name|M"] ^[@Reggi / Chief.Bashir|M] ^[] ^[Manager Of Planning] ^["Mngr.Name|M"] ^[@Adistar / Mngr.Abdelmalik|M] ^[] ^[High Council] ^["Cncl.Name|M"] ^[@Harb / Mngr.Omar|M] ^[-=(873138)REBELS=-] ^[] ^[Shawish] ^["Shwsh.Name|M"] ^[@zaza / Shwsh.Madeha|M] ^[] ^[Mohtaref] ^["Mhtrf.Name|M"] ^[] ^[Askary] ^["Askry.Name|M"] ^[@Xavier / Askry.Ali|M] ^[@Mickey / Askry.Sharmouta|M] ^[@JohnnyEnglish /] ^[@Nord / Mstjd.Sayyaf|M] ^[] ^[Mostajid] ^["Mstjd.Name|M"] ^[@Nishki / Mstjd.Mokhtar|M] ^[@Faysal / Mstjd.Sadaam|M] ^[@Kim / Mstjd.Sawsen|M] ^[] Before trying to apply for us, you must be sure that you meet these requirements: Must be active ingame and on discord. Must know that we are not a terrorist or a Jihad group. If you wanna join this kind of groups then we aren't what you are looking for. Must have good English skills. Must have good roleplaying skills If you were lucky and have been accepted you must follow the rules and obey the management team and join all the activities hosted by them unless you are really busy. If you are sure that you meet the requirements above, then you must put these things in consider while you are writing your application: Try to be creative in formatting your applications and keep the formatting simple at the same time. When you search for a photo for a rebel on google please type in the search bar "Rebel" and not "Terrorist", we don't wanna see ISIS photos in your application please. Your story must include that you are a Syrian refugee, and your name must be the same name you will use in our roleplays (RP Name) and we prefer using Arabic names, if you don't know one you can ask any Arab guys you know or you can contact @ViRuSLN and ask him to suggest a name for you. The last and the most important thing PLEASE read our topic. After reading this if you feel that you are ready for writing the application you can use the form in the spoiler, Good luck! ::: Part 1 - Player Info Ingame nick: Real Name: Account name: Nationality: Rate your English Skills (0/10): Current Organization: Current Group List: Part 2 - Role-Play Info Rate your RP skills (0/10): Talk about your RP experience: Write a short RP story related to rebels: Add a photo of a rebel please: Part 3 - Additional Questions What is our main target? Describe our role in few words: ::: ^[]
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