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Al - Munazama

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  1. ^[] ^[ANNOUNCEMENT] Hey everybody! On behalf of the HQ team I'd like to announce that we are BACK!, If you are interested you can apply now and don't forget to join our discord server https://discord.gg/AbxA8rX and check our new promo! https://youtu.be/ZFn7BOKNtgI . Rayies of Al - Munazama - Mosaab Mahdi
  2. The roster has been updated Founder: @Brondy @ViRuSLN @Blu Leader: @ViRuSLN Vice Leader: @Blu HQ Team: @Lincoln @Markus We're back again. If you would like to join us please do not hesitate to apply Discord; https://discord.gg/uKrRst4 Media Archive: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/1436/al-munazama-media-center Application; ::: Please fill out the application format below in order to join us (Try to be creative) Part 1 - Player Info Ingame nick: Real Name: Account name: Nationality: Rate your English Skills (0/10): Current Organization: Current Group List: Player 2 - Role-Play Info Rate your RP skills (0/10): Talk about your RP experience: Write a short RP story related to rebels: Add a photo of a rebel please: ::: ~[**Riot, Blood, Money, Fire - **]~(maroon)
  3. Our discord channel is erased.We're working on new one. We will announce our new discord channel from our topic. coming soon :full_moon:
  4. @PunchLine @coffler
  5. @Shakespeare Thanks for showing your interest of becoming a part of our organization, we haven't seen your effort in joining us yet, hang with our members and join our activities and Good Luck! Nayeb of Al - Munazama's Rayies - Mosaad Mahdi
  6. @KiCKeR @Andre We decided to change your answers to ACCEPTED, Contact any of the HQ team to test you ingame.. Nayeb of Al Munazama's Rayies - Mosaad Mahdi
  7. @Andre Thanks for showing interest in joining, our family and our lovely organization, first we'd like to apologize for being late in answering your application we are really sorry, after discussion with Al - Munazama High Councils we decided to give you PENDING because we still need to see some effort from you to join us, join our activities and hang with us, if you don't see any activities ongoing you can contact any HQ team to host one.. Mosaad Mahdi - Nayeb of Al Munazama's Rayies
  8. @bernasx @ElPadrino Welcome aboard, find any HQ to test both of you, do not forget to join our discord; https://discord.gg/PdMtpH
  9. @PulaR Keep joining our activities Other pending applicants sorry for not hosting many activities but we were busy with the group stuff, and expect many activities from us soon Mosaad Mahdi
  10. We will be glad if you watch our first promo, leave a like if you liked the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkF77N8Ro4s&feature=youtu.be
  11. @UrBan @Bernasx Didn't see you in any of our activities, start hanging with us to show us your skills.. @ziad @Harb Contact any of our HQ team ingame in order to test you @ElPadrino You will receive your answer after editing your application Mosaad Mahdi
  12. @Harb @ElPadrino Wrong formats, you have 24 hours to fix your application or either you will be denied.. Others will receive their answers soon
  13. @hope @BlaZZey Tested and Invited, Welcome.
  14. @Kiroa6Ko Dear Apllicant, thanks for application after having discussion with our HQs, we decided to change your answer.. Mosaad Mahdi
  15. @kiroa6ko said in Al - Munazama | : Part 1 - Player Info Ingame nick:KiroSa Thanks for application, after discussing with HQ team we decided to;
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