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  1. I'm playing on xbox, if anyones up for few games, let me know
  2. 6000(?) languages in the world and you chose to speak facts :hype:
  3. ^[] ^[BANK ROBBERY IN LV 6/8] ^[]
  4. ^[] ^[TURF WAR BEFORE] ^[] ^[TURF WAR AFTER] ^[]
  5. ^[] ^[BANK ROBBERY IN SF 8/8] ^[]
  6. ^[] ^[TURF WAR BEFORE] ^[] ^[TURF WAR AFTER] ^[]
  7. Jailbreak #1576 50 minutes Outbreak Members: @hRL , @Law , @Marso , @Groove, @Brondy & @Judyes Outbreak Helpers: @Poodlyz, @Ceviche , @Manny , @Maksim & @Ali Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/vMxJAiB
  8. We started the day off by assisting Black Bullets with a successful bankrob. Shortly after that The Company decided to do some Store Robberies around SA. We visited the prison to help our friends to escape the jail! The Company finished the day off by helping Z in a bankrob. https://imgur.com/a/JPoxNzi
  9. TURF Before: ::: ::: After: ::: :::
  10. Assisting in TT bankrob
  11. Assisting in C bankrob
  12. Assisting in TT bankrob
  13. Assisting in The Outfit's bankrob.
  14. Assisting in @AdemBygt's pro solo-bankrob, mashallah
  15. Assisting in SoA bankrob
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