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BlackWolf's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. you too Saha Eidek
  2. Address: 4 Government Housing Estate Account name: rzz0 Last seen: 13th april 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Gzzz Everyone
  4. @Matias I still didint know yet why I bought it. Hahaha!
  5. hmm
  6. i can give you the Infernus mod and Light mod if you want it.
  7. This is from front : https://imgur.com/a/Ia6bbid @Ramby @Combine @Twenta
  8. Rate my photo 0/10 ?
  9. HBD dude
  10. After thinking about that I will back down on Application To Delete
  11. Application Format: Personal information Nickname: Zakaria Ingame Username: Volcano Age: 18 English proficiency: i can understand when i talk with someone or in main chat and i can understand any word so i'll rate my english is 8.7/10 Nationality: Algerian , DZ Spoken Languages: French and English , Arabic Roleplay skills: Since i entred the server i was very bad in Rping and after 1 week i learned how to Rping and now my RP is 7/10 Previous Organizations you joined and the reason why you left/kicked : ICE + FBI + SAFP : ICE= i left because they accept anyone who applied so thats not a good for me + FBI= i left because they are inactive + SAFP i left bcuz It is not the reason that it is bad or has failed players but it is an active day or another day inactive and i want to Leave the cop life Questionnaire Write a paragraph explaining our Role: They have a main role that includes hunting and killing suspects in order to reach a certain goal and have a high experience to implement the mission without any fear and also there are secondary roles characterized by such operations as ambush and robbing of both store and banks ... Also trade arms and drugs with a good quality away from tradition Previous punishments/bans and reason: N/A Why you want to join Wild Angels?: Well, i was Playing as a cop and now i left the cop Side and i Like to play for a Criminal life For ever and when i was Cop and i saw them they are a power full with Respect and RP and Playing and they have a skills thats why i want to be member of them. What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : Because i have Skills for everything and im good to shooting And Flying and Driving and im Active/Respectfull/active on forum /ingame too does DeathMatch means: Deathmatch is killing someone without reason If someone randomly DMed you, what will you do?: i will talk with his/hir HQ if he got a gang , if he didint i will talk with him 2 and warning him So you were going for a JB then you find a cop (AFK or not chasing you), what will you do?: i'll leave him What does avoid arrest means: Avoid Arrest is means when cop was running behind you and you Did /reconnect or killing ur Self by Nade or jumping from a high Roof State 3 turf rules: 1 : not allowed to shoot/kill in unclimbable roof 2 : do not spawn as medic to assist Ur gangmates 3 : not allowed to spawn in your House. State 3 BR rules: 1 : u have the right to rob bank 2 per day 2 : u cant help ur friend by killing him after br to avoid arrest 3 : you have right to kill whatever u want in ur gang BR. State 3 GR rules: 1 : DE/CLO Assist not allowed 2 : No Grenades 3 : Not allowed to spawn in ur house, onlly gang spawn or hospital. Additional Information Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : Yes i know Arone and Karim and staifi , Staifi Is tolled me to Join What are your strengths: Well , i can say im Good in driving and i can make a hard stunts and i have a good skills for shooting What are your weaknesses: Land with para Something else to add?:
  12. ~[Any one Say to me Happy birthday ! ^_^]~(violet,blue)
  13. i like Your idea and i can help to Desinger a skins or cars.
  14. HBD
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