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  1. Date: 16/08/2021 Event: Sanchez Race Total Prize: 1.000.000 $ LWS: @Colo Winner: @ZackLee ScreenShots :
  2. ~ SR Morning - 09/08/2021 ~ SR Afternoon - 09/08/2021
  3. I think all these things are a little too much. I don't really mind the raiding because we have stars. Thats what cops do here, chasing wanted people. The biggest problem for me here is when we all have 0 stars, a cop can just camp there with stingers untill the race starts which pops the tires because we get stars from the race. This is just going a little too far. I think this could be solved by removing the wanted stars you get at the start OR give them after the race so these stingers become useless. I like the idea of giving rTech HQ the ability to restart the raceflag script incase it bugs. Sometimes it has been bugged for a full day because there is no admin around who can (wants to) restart the script. But make it like a 60 mins cooldown to prevent abuse instead of 10-15. It doesn't bug that often. The rest of your suggestions are not really necessary to me.
  4. ~ AA Jailbreak - 27/07/2021
  5. @sherap2-0 said in [FEATURE] Adding marker that leads to roof (in big buildings only): Cops dont need a building to parachute. We have helis and shamals. Creating these markers would only facilitate the criminals' escape, as they would run to these markers when they were running away from the cops and when they teleported to the roof of the building they would parachute.. being almost impossible to arrest the crimminal. You can easily follow him to the roof and parachute with him? Or just follow him from the ground? He comes down eventually. And not every cop in the server has acces to a shamal/heli. If the new crimminal wants to enjoy parachuting he must spawn as pilot who has a lot of airplanes availables. Yea right, just like when I wanna parachute IRL huh? I should just become a pilot. Lots of airplanes I can jump out from. Crimminals have a lot of spots to regroup for BR : airports, gang bases,etc.. Etc? Airports and bases, that's it. I don't really see these roofs being used for regroups but hey, why not try it sometime.
  6. ~ SR - 25/07/2021 @Cristian @cobra
  7. Date: 20/07/2021 Event Type: Chicken Shooter LWS: @Judyes Price: $1.000.000 Winner: Eross ScreenShots:
  8. Date: 20/07/2021 Event Type: Run Marathon LWS: @Judyes Price: $1.000.000 Winner: @Capital ScreenShots:
  9. ~ SR - 18-07-2021 @cobra @Cristian ~ VIP RC - 18-07-2021 @cobra @Cristian
  10. ~ VIP SF - 17-07-2021 @cobra @kikas
  11. ~ Raceflag - 17-07-2021 @kikas @cobra @Horizonts @Darius
  12. ~ SR - 17/07/2021 @Darius @cobra
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