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Everything posted by Marso

  1. Jailbreak #1128 ~[(20 min)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Marso Outbreak Helpers: @Law & help from pirates Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/KOZsBu1
  2. Happy birthday :fire: !!!
  3. Jailbreak #1124 ~[(40 min)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Marso @Griffin Outbreak Helpers: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/HPyAyvw (16.30 - 17.11)
  4. Jailbreak #1123 ~[(20 min)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Marso @Kybali0n Outbreak Helpers: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/yTi36Cq (00.48 - 01.11)
  5. Jailbreak #1122 ~[(30 min)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Marso Outbreak Helpers: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MVuyV41 (20.19 - 20.49)
  6. Jailbreak #1106 ~[(after BR)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Marso Outbreak Helpers: @Law @WitherDce Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4bvRTzM (20.47 - 21.13)
  7. Jailbreak #1105 ~[(after BB BR)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Marso Outbreak Helpers: @Law Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/EVrQBem (20.20 - 20.31)
  8. Part1: How much have you donated for the server?: 70.00 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 2 months ago Why do you need this change? I can only access this veichles when spawned as TT, since they are in our garage.. thats why I would like to change the location of few cars. Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13635/donation-marso-amount-50-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/16666/donation-marso-amount-20-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/15509/marso-s-reward-change ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Infernus Location: TT garage Vehicle 2: Bullet Location: TT garage Vehicle 3: Stratum Location: TT garage ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Damaged Glendale (without wrap) Location: ::: ::: Username: marso Vehicle 2: Admiral (without wrap) Location: (got Style's permission to place it there) ::: ::: Username: marso Vehicle 3: Sultan (without wrap) Location: ::: ::: Username: marso
  9. Jailbreak #1097 ~[(80 mins)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Marso @Griffin Outbreak Helpers: @WitherDce @LaZaR @Law @Silent @Djappa Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/yHLrGhA (17.31 - 18.51)
  10. Happy birthday !!
  11. Jailbreak #1089 ~[(40 mins)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Marso @Poxiran Outbreak Helpers: @Ovalles @WitherDce Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/krQylus (22.57 - 23.41)
  12. Jailbreak #1088 ~[(55 mins)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Marso @Kybali0n @xfox18 @Beckham Outbreak Helpers: @LaZaR @WitherDce @Ovalles @Silent @Law Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Lqbq6Wf (21.14 - 22.06)
  13. 19.04.2020 Assisting [Undisputed Command] in BR at SF ::: ::: 19.04.2020 Assisting [Tuga Thugs] in BR at LS ::: ::: 19.04.2020 Assisting [Tuga Thugs] in BR at SF ::: ::: 19.04.2020 Assisting [Tuga Thugs] in BR at LV ::: ::: 19.04.2020 Activity ::: :::
  14. Jailbreak #1084 ~[(90 mins)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Marso @ANARCHY Outbreak Helpers: @WitherDce @Law @SWT @Remp05 @KanoX @Ovalles Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OYJEFeS (18.11 - 19.39)
  15. Jailbreak #1083 ~[(132 minutes !!!)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Marso @Gonza @Kowalski @Avengr @Snowyyy @Ovora @Pontias @voli @Groove @Beckham @PerrooLocoo @Pump Outbreak Helpers: https://imgur.com/a/lo1GbTE (15.32 - 17.44) Screenshots: @WitherDce @LaZaR @Silent @Law @JMK @Remp05
  16. 16.04.2020 Assisting [The Outfit] in BR at SF ::: ::: 16.04.2020 Assisting [CripZ] in BR at LV ::: ::: 16.04.2020 Assisting [Underground Empire] in BR at BC ::: ::: 16.04.2020 Assisting [Black~Bullets] in BR at BC ::: ::: 16.04.2020 Assisting PBR at SF ::: ::: 16.04.2020 Activity ::: :::
  17. 15.04.2020 Assisting [Undisputed Command] in BR at LV ::: ::: 15.04.2020 Assisting [Undisputed Command] in BR at SF ::: ::: 15.04.2020 Assisting [CripZ] in BR at LS ::: ::: 16.04.2020 Assisting [The Outfit] in BR at BC ::: ::: 16.04.2020 Early Morning Activity ::: :::
  18. Jailbreak #1074 ~[(80 mins)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Marso @Groove @Kybali0n @Bartman @ANARCHY @Poxiran @Beckham Outbreak Helpers: @Law @Killer208 & @Luffy (medic) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/doMYzpk
  19. Happy birthday !!
  20. Jailbreak #1068 ~[(55 min)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Marso @Skunnk @Disaster @Skomorje @Bartman Outbreak Helpers: @WitherDce @LaZaR @Law Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/rwt2f8a
  21. Jailbreak #1067 ~[(30 min)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Marso @Kowalski Outbreak Helpers: @WitherDce Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/rBMj5Ne
  22. Jailbreak #1065 ~[(30 min)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Marso @PerrooLocoo Outbreak Helpers: @LaZaR Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Kxz2wxX
  23. Jailbreak #1064 ~[(10 min)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Marso @Avengr Outbreak Helpers: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/6B2SXRz
  24. Jailbreak # 1062 ~[(20 min)]~(red) Outbreak Members: @Marso Outbreak helpers: @Law Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/B9hQtUC
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