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PsyGhost last won the day on May 24

PsyGhost had the most liked content!


About PsyGhost

  • Birthday October 1

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  1. @Tut I changed the wrap, could we proceed with a new one please?
  2. CC Activity Number: #47 Participants: @PsyGhost Duration: 52min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9pHeMbj
  3. CC Activity Number: #46 Participants: @PsyGhost Duration: 1hr and ~30 mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/oRfybg7
  4. Vehicle ID: 598 Wrap access: thepsyghost, milicajac, nice3549, elufner Type of wrap: Custom Thread for reward change: Wrap image: Translations: N/A
  5. CC Activity Number: #45 Participants: @PsyGhost Duration: 33min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/39oDTzq
  6. Dear Applicant, as you have passed the in-game testing stage, we would like to congratulate you for obtaining the PC Diploma! Regards, SAPD Staff
  7. Hello, @snoopys After thorough evaluation, we have decided to go forward with your application and accept it. You may find a PC tester in-game for further instructions. Make sure you are part of the SAPD Discord server. You may tag @PC tester at #request-a-tester channel to arrange your PC test. Looking forward to see you at the test stage. Regards, SAPD Staff.
  8. Dear @Gravity, unfortunately we do not see your activity in the test stage. You have 72 hours to pass the test, otherwise your application will be rejected. Regards, SAPD Staff.
  9. Dear @JUDGE, unfortunately we do not see your activity in the test stage. You have 72 hours to pass the test, otherwise your application will be rejected. Regards, SAPD Staff.
  10. This is an automated post for: PsyGhost Donation: GBP 15.00 GBP Link to your donation tracker topic: Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your donation tracking topic link and requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: 598 Police LV (Dodge) Vehicle Colour: White Specify any upgrades: V8, AWD, Nitro, Sirens Usernames to lock: thepsyghost, milicajac, nice3549, elufner Where you want it placed: S.W.A.T. base/HQ
  11. El donation bonus rewards this is what we also waiting for *hue hue hue hue*
  12. CC Activity Number: #44 Participants: @PsyGhost Duration: 36 min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/BPz4QvQ
  13. CC Activity Number: #43 Participants: @PsyGhost Duration: 37 min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WwSO2Tw
  14. Hello, @JUDGE After thorough evaluation, we have decided to go forward with your application and accept it. You may find a PC tester in-game for further instructions. Make sure you are part of the SAPD Discord server and you may also tag PC tester at #request-a-tester channel to arrange your PC test. Looking forward to see you at the test stage. Regards, SAPD Staff.
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