Roleplay Number: #161 Title: Contract with Organization Zero Participants: @Draven Story: This was a typical day for CDS, we got an call from an Organization Zero about new weapons and asked us if we are interesting. i had a little talk and decided that i'm interesting and make an call to same number and i said that i will be in your base in 30 minutes. After 45 minutes i go to him . We started to talking about weapons. We were interesting in M4 beacuse we heard about quality and price is very high on other country's blackmarket, but there was a problem. he forget it in their warehouse and then we started to think what we can buy then. he offered us alot of weapons, but we don't need that.We decided about box of M4-A1. It will cost us 30.000$ I'm not sure about make that big decision without my head's and i decided to test them before buying. @Draven accepted that and we were heading to the private garage to experience the weapons in their base beacuse there is a place without police and federals. When he get me weapons and i tested it. After that we had a little talk about weapons and he were really excited and said that handling is good and everything else. After talking we decided to finish a job. i trust Organization Zero very much because we already done few business contracts with them and he said that pay in advance before handing me the gun , i paid the amount we had agreed upon and we filled the arms in the trunk of my car. We talked a little bit about future deals, maybe he needs me in some services , we were happy to make the deal and then we shook hands some of us , the deal was done.