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Everything posted by Oleg

  1. Ingame username: oleg333 Ingame nickname: Oleg Previous nicknames: None Age: 20 Date started playing on SAES: 11/11/15 00:00 Current memberships: None Previous memberships: Hells Angels, hopped to BS and RDMC, ended up in HA till it died and then joined ThC in 2017. Previous punishments/bans: None My strengths: Communication and mainly loyalty - having spent 6 years in ThC. Also game wise, cracking. My weaknesses: Activity, I plan on coming approximately 3-4 times a week, with the exception of BR/turf calls if im available. Additional information: N/A I agree to the rules of this organisation: Yes I agree to the rules of the community/server: Yes
  2. headshot is the best thing that happened to saes in a while, brings a lot of fun, takes skill instead of firing 3 CS shots at a person within close range with drugs on which takes 0.3 seconds
  3. #370 @chafloque said in Los INKAS Media Archive: #43 Roleplay with: @Los-Inkas @The-Company Participants: @chafloque @Sparky @TS12Gaming @Oleg @Poodlyz Date: 13/04/2020 Story + Screenshot(s): One call was more than enough, the rumors did not wait, one of the most profitable organizations in the entire city, a good deal with them will be very beneficial to us and we had the opportunity to establish communication for the first time. We went to their offices in the most decent way possible, if the police followed us it could be disastrous so we checked our surroundings before arriving. At the place Mr. Oleg met us at the door and asked us to follow him to the office to start our meeting, on the way we saw with amazement every corner of the building, guarded until the last room, already in the office we sat down and Mr.Oleg took out a cigarette and asked us to tell him that we needed, seeing us in an economically disadvantageous situation, we asked him with a push, a way to do a job related to the distribution of high-quality drugs in the slums, before this Mr. Oleg looked distant, he did not trust our effectiveness in this type of work and giving us an excessive amount of product could lead to a monetary loss, without hesitation we explained our experience when distributing a wide variety of drugs throughout from the city, putting ourselves at risk but making a great profit, Mr. Oleg was convinced and with mutual trust we set out to reach a more detailed agreement, Cocaina would be the product to distribute, exactly 100 kilos (initially 70 but due to the need for a whole number increased to 100) the price would be set by us following Oleg's regulations. Then we went to the bar to celebrate this new deal, we served the drinks we had available and finally we raised our glasses to toast this new business, after a while I went to the warehouse to pick up the package and then load it in a van, Mr.Oleg and Mr. Poodlz said goodbye to us. ::: :::
  4. Your ingame username: oleg333 Your ingame alias: Oleg Your year of birth: 2003 Your gender: Male Nationality: Serbian Country of residence: Serbia How long you have been playing SAES: 5 years Qualities you can offer: I am a cold head, I think straight and I dont get in conflicts. My emotions dont get in the way of thinking, I always tend to do whats right. I think Im pretty mature for someone who will be 17 years old soon. I am always chill and I dont get in fights easily because sometimes in the heat of passion, little head tells the big had what to do and the big head should think twice. I am good in working under pressure, pressure barely affects me. I am very loyal irl to people who I trust and that's something I've also brought here, being in The Company since almost the time it was created and not planning to leave until it dies. Last and maybe most important, I like to help people any way I can, in-game I had many times that I taught someone how stuff goes, Serbian people, good English speakers or for people who dont speak I used translate numerous times. I also like responsibility and that's one of the reasons for applying for SAHA. Last but not least, people around me say I am one of the most patient people they know and I do agree with it. I am patient af and I really dont know what boundaries a person must go over to make me lose it. Your weaknesses: I am really not a narcissistic person, moreover I am pretty objective, especially about myself, although I really dont find myself some weaknesses. In real life I have pride problem f.e. and because of it there is many people whom I am not talking to anymore, simply because I wont take the apology or because I've never approached anyone first. Although this is a game so I dont really care about that stuff here. Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): SAHA Do you have Discord Installed: Yes Reason for application: I've been helping people when I can but I think SAHA job would give me a responsibility to do that even more. Also, I dont think I am fit for CS yet and I prefer to try taking smaller steps. Server Memberships: The Company HQ and raceTECH racer Additional information: I live in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. I am currently in highschool and I plan on going to university of law when I finish it. I am also training kickboxing 5-6 times a week at a local club for more than a year now. I attend the parties and make my own whenever my parents travel somewhere, and all those things that high school brings. That would be all I can think of right now Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I've never been adminjailed, barely any mutes. Previous (legitimate) bans: None Do you eat pork: I can but it's not my main choice
  5. @Oleg said in Oleg's LWS events: event type: TDM fallout LWS member: Epic prize: 2,000,000$ winner: Gogo & koko screenshots: ::: :::
  6. event type: TDM fallout LWS member: Epic prize: 2,000,000$ winner: Gogo & koko screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Hello, my name is Oleg and I will be posting events in this topic. I've thought about making this topic numerous times but I didnt feel like I could fulfill people's expectations as I used to play for months and then disappear for a high amount of time, although now when it's corona time and I plan on not going inactive again, its perfect time to put all the effort this seeks for. I'm currently a member of The Company and have been for almost since it's creation and only group I am a part of is raceTECH. I will try to host as much unique and quality events as I can think of. This will be the events format: event type: LWS member: prize: winner: screenshots:
  8. Turfing Los Santos and Red County before after @The-Outfit bank robbery assistance 2nd bank robbery assistance
  9. Helping C in a bank robbery Turfing Las Venturas before after
  10. Las Venturas bank robbery
  11. Turfing BC and TR before after
  12. San Fierro and Las Venturas 8/8 Assisting LE in a bank robbery
  13. Las Venturas bank robbery 8/8 Helping The Outfit in their bank robbery
  14. Late night BC and TR turf before after
  15. #878 type of the event: Land with vortex lws/g6: @KARIM prize: 1,000,000 winner: @sila screenshots: in the spoiler below ::: :::
  16. Helping Z in a bank robbery after ours (13.2)
  17. Roleplay #353 - A deal went wrong and the compensation for it Participants: @nutellaguy @Ram @Cornelius @Sanyok @Pump @Jesse421 In cooperation with: Organization Zero and Clandestine Mob Earlier today, there was a scheduled deal for Organization Zero and Clandestine Mob to happen. The meeting place was at remote part of Tierra Robada, so no cops can be there. Both parties came, started the conversation and it all went as usual. Just another day for some criminal organization members. Supposedly there were some drugs and even prostitutes involved in the deal. Everything went smooth until it didnt. There was a dispute between them, someone got the gun out, they ran to cover and the shootout started. So many bullets were fired and eventually a friend from the Clandestine Mob was hit. That should have never happened. Thats not how deals go in our town. He was not shot fatally but wounds were kinda serious. They rushed to their private doctor and thats where everything began. Immediately after that I got a call from the boss of the Clandestine mob. We set up an urgent meeting and he came very quick. He explained the situation and asked if we can do our thing - locate and asassinate them. As usual, it was not a problem for us and I gave him my word that they will be tracked down and killed before the sun goes down. He thanked me and left. It was a priority so I formed a group of trusted people. 2 of the intelligence unit and 2 of my most trusted assasination professionals. I explained what happened and they started their thing. Soon they were tracked down by the intelligence unit. They made a stop in Bayside. The intelligence unit sent the picture of confirmation and quickly, the assasination team got on their way to Bayside. Not long had passed until they made their way there. They drove around, observing for potential key witnesses and a tall building the shots can be made from. They confirmed that nobody was around, found the perfect place and went there. They got in position and waited for the order. The perpertrators of the wounding of our friend were talking and hanging by the sea like nothing happened. We do not tolerate such deals in our town, especially when it is with friends of ours. The assasins got their order and shot, killing them in an instant. This way we spread our message, saying that we have our friends' backs, as well as we dont like those kinds of deals.
  18. #872 event name: tdm (2 per team) LWS: @KARIM winners: @Corrupt and @Chrome prize: 1,000,000 #873 event name: attackers vs defenders (10v10) LWS: @KARIM winners: team IKEA (@hRL, @alex0107, @Rivals and many others) prize: 2,000,000 (200k per team member) sadly i cant find mta screenshots folder so i cant post any screenshots EDIT: found screenshots https://imgur.com/a/gSPMvLP
  19. Address: Bayside Bay Account name: choosen7 Last seen: 2nd sept 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/FL5YGLq
  20. roleplay number #351 @Cornelius said in Mongols MC - Media Archive: Role-Play #61 ^[The Same Drugs (6/11)] Since Mongols MC bought drugs from new gang named Undisputed Command it was cheap, so in order to make more money club members had to sell the drugs for others, motorcycle club* asked if any gang is interested by meetings and connections club had and by the luck *The Company were lacking heroin in their marketing, so both of the gang members dealt the date and when it came, Mongols MC told to meet on bridge so they would see if anyone is following them. After both sides met, Oleg, Nikita, Ballas to be exact, the bridge and the road was clear, they went to The Company hide out to continue on things they were dealing. Later Corn was travelling to the base with drugs, so all the attention were on the other side while Cornelius was delivering. After Corn came both gang members started speaking about what they had. Firstly Oleg wanted to buy the drugs for very cheap, but Corn changed his mind by showing quality and the fact that The Company needed the drugs. Oleg had no problems about the drugs, so he paid everything and asked Corn to leave the van in the base, which will be delivered later. Corn jumped on fellow members Harley and drove away from the base. Screens lined correctly as a whole story: https://imgur.com/a/SjJuodA
  21. Misused prostitute - with Mongols MC (roleplay number #350) Today, we got a message from an unknown number, although it was easily recognizable as of our previous businesses with them. The message said that we should meet at an abandoned house in Tierra Robada, so we jumped in our car and went there to see what Mongols may need. We got to the place of meeting and saw a few Mongols on their bikes. We got out of our car, greeted the Mongols and as always, went straight to business. I asked one of them why were we lucky enough to get a call from them, after which he explained that there was some asshole who beat up a prostitute of theirs, so they wanted to teach him a lesson, as well as keeping a low profile. I agreed, asked them for his name, we said our goodbyes and we left. I passed the information to our intelligence unit, so we can have his picture, address and much more. It took them less than a day to find out, so the next day we took the car and started our part of the job - finding that motherfucker and getting him where he belongs to. His address was in Red County so we went there, we went over the whole neighbourhood until we saw someone who looked like him. He was at a little house-workshop, working on some tires. To make a rational approach, we popped our tire and parked next to him, seeking for help. He was ready to help, although he wanted some cash for it. Money is never a problem for men like us. We agreed and just when he started looking at the tire, trying to see how to fix it, we pulled our guns out and pointed them at him. He was obviously shook, didnt know what is happening and got scared like a baby. He got his hands up, probably thinking we wanted to rob him or something. We opened the car door, telling him to get in and not say a word. He did just what we told him. We got into the car and drove away. Around that time, we got another message from an unknown number. It was the place where we should drop the guy off. The guy was crying in the back seat, asking why are we doing this and whether we can let him live. At first, we were ignoring him but he was too annoying. One of my members hit him with the gun and he shut up. We got to the drop-off point. Mongols were already waiting for us. We parked next to them, got out of the car and opened back door. We dragged the guy outside and told him to be quiet. The Mongols took him and he took a little beating there. We didnt want to interfere in their business so we just took the briefcase with money from one of them, said our goodbyes and left.
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