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Posts posted by cHuck

  1. About yourself.
    In-game nickname: cHuck
    In-game username: cHuck
    Your real name: Adam
    Age: 22
    Nationality: Australian
    Do you already have any friends in The Outfit?: Sicario
    Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?: Sicario and suggested by Serpentis.
    What unique qualities can you offer to The Outfit? Vehicular skills as well as the ability to do well in firearm practice, I think quick on my feet and have the competence to complete reassigned tasks and conclude whatever duty that needs to be done with outstanding proficiency, whatever the job may be, picking me is a no-brainer. I've the god-given talent for working in a group and artistry to do missions alone if required of me.
    Additional information about yourself: I work full-time and I'm 22 years old, I have a passion for gaming and for sa-mp in general however I've taken a recent turn into mta and can confidently say I've been enjoying it so far. I've been playing sa-mp since it came out and have joined many clans which are widely known in many dm servers.

    Past experience in SAES:RPG.
    How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absenses & forum time too): 5-6 months on and off.
    What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible): None.
    Why have you left the above?: Haven't been in any.
    What server groups are you currently a part of?: None.
    Previous server bans and reasons (include links): None.

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