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Gastly's Achievements
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RolePlay Story #4: Today, I've been cruising around SA in order to find someone in need for a Mechanic. After a while I've got a text massage in my phone says that the BIG company Cuban Cars are looking for Mechanics to show up their work and see how they do! I surely couldn't refuse that and drove to their garage right away! once I arrived Cuban Cars garage I was amazed by how big and how fancy it was inside and how much they got of the latests and best parts. Then I met Sir.Leonard who introduced himself to me, I talked with him for a while and then we have gotten a costumer that wanted to have a test for his car before he had his long drive. I have checked out his engine parts, his lights, and his tires and there I've found out that his tires are outdated and has to be replaced immediately so he won't be having a flat tire while driving. Once I finished working on the car I've notified the costumer and we had our payments and I waved him for goodbye. An hour later another costumer came by to the garage, and he had no idea what was the problem with his car, so I had to diagnose his vehicle in order to find out what's wrong with it. I opened up the hood and started looking around the parts, there I found out that the Air filter has heat signs and has to be replaced, but before I started I took another look just to make sure there's nothing else that has to be fixed, luckly I found out that the distributor was filthy and has to be cleaned up right away. I went to take the screw driver and the air preasure so I can clean up the distributor and change the air filter to a new one. after couple of minutes I have finally finished up my work and waved for goodbye to the happy costumer. Vehicle Costumes: First Vehicle: It had a outdated tires. Second Vehicle: Air filter had heat signs, and the distributor was filthy. Participants: @Leonard (CC Mechanic) , @Kree Screens: https://imgur.com/a/YpC62lP
Activity type: Patrolling #9 Date: 09/09/2020 Cuban Cars Member: @Rainy Duration: 40 Minutes. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Hmwqfce
Activity type: Patrolling #8 Date: 09/09/2020 Cuban Cars Member: @Lightning Duration: 20 Minutes. Screenshots: ::: :::
RolePlay Story #3: Today I've been having a weak day of work and suddenly I had a massage from Cunning Stunts saying they're searching for a mechanic to work on their car, it was a big uppertunity for my carrier as a mechanic so I obviously rushed to accept the job. Later on that day I arrived to Cunning Stunts base and I meet Mr.MonakaS, there he showed me his vehicle (Audi RS 7) and I got a little nervous as it wasn't a cheap car to work on especially when it's for Cunning Stunts! but I had to do my best in order to let my carrier grow up, so I've talked with MonkaS and he told me he wanted to put on that Audi a new V8 Engine + AWD wheels, and new rims, and I accepted the job as it wasn't suppose to be hard at all. Right when I was about to grab my own parts, he told me they hold those parts in their garage and I can use them, I got so happy as it saved me a lot of money and I could use my parts for another time. After a while I have finally finished the job and I have let MonkaS do a test drive to the car in order to check if everything is right and suits he requests. MonkaS has finished with all the tests and got excited about my work, he then payed me extra money then what I was asking. I told him I'm willing to have partnership with Cunning Stunts and be their personal Mechanic for low prices, and he agreed to the offer! I was hyped so much!! Later on we've finished to talk and everyone went to their own businesses. Vehicle Costumes: Added V8 Engine + AWD + New rims. Participants: @MonkaS Screens: https://imgur.com/a/BmrtxGm
Activity type: Patrolling #7 Date: 06/09/2020 Cuban Cars Member: @Bas Duration: 30 Minutes. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fU6D1xz
Activity type: Patrolling #6 Date: 06/09/2020 Cuban Cars Member: @Elegant @Benny Duration: 1 Hour. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/puj5fPZ
Activity type: Patrolling #5 Date: 06/09/2020 Cuban Cars Member: @Benny Duration: 30 Minutes. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/i6jcthn
Activity type: Patrolling #4 Date: 05/09/2020 Cuban Cars Member: @MarksMan Duration: 20 Minutes. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/f5FU5e2
Activity type: Patrolling #3 Date: 04/09/2020 Cuban Cars Member: @kockata (Mechanic) Duration: 1 Hour. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/LVL6LvP
RolePlay Story #2: Today is the second day of my job, I opened up my garage and been cleaning a bit till I got a call from Mr.Lorch. I opened up my phone and saw a massage from Lorch saying he got stuck on the side of the road cause his tire got ruined. I rushed to the tow truck and drove right to Lorch, once I arrived I've check his vehicle and I saw a flat tire. I towed his car back to the garage, their I checked his vehicle and I noticed something, the tires of the vehicle was outdated and they had to be replaced right away or else his all tires gets ruined. After a while I managed to replace his tires to new ones and the best ones in a low price. He then payed me and I gave him my card for future problems. Vehicle problems: Flat tire, and outdated tires (old tires) Participants: @Lorch Screens: ::: https://imgur.com/a/DowbGXj :::
Activity type: Patrolling #2 Date: 03/09/2020 Cuban Cars Member: @Lightning (Impounder) @Benny (Mechanic). Duration: Around 30 minutes. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JqxWjHq
Activity type: Patrolling #1 Date: 02/09/2020 Cuban Cars Member: @Benny Duration: 40 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZRlYlD0
RolePlay Story #1: Today is the day I finally opened up my Garage, the day I make my dream come true! it's the day I finally get to work as a Mechanic in my own Garage. Few hours after I opened up the Garage a costumer has arrived to me with a serious broken car, I was afraid that I would not be able to finish the job as it was my first costumer ever! So I had to call a friend with lot more experience then I have, I called Beckham to come and take a look on the broken car and guide me while we work so I can earn more experience with my first work. After some hours working on the car we've pulled it off and managed to fix the car to be stable and driveable once again. Vehicle problems: The vehicle had a problem with the Temperature gauge, missing water in the Engine, and a broken door. Participants: @Beckham (CC Member) Screens: ::: :::
Here I'll be posting all my activities regarding CC with Cuban Cars Members, as well as the Roleplay's. ::: Activity #(number of activity) Cuban Cars members patrolled with: Duration of the patrol: ScreenShots: ::: Total of RP's: 4 Total of Patrols: 7 Total of Activity's: 11 Luis Cortez History: Luis Cortez has born in 06/09/1987 in Los Santos lived there till the age of 17, at the age of 17 Luis has moved to San Fierro so he can start he dream work as a Mechanic. Luis has been studying for over 4 years about Automobile Anatomy to know every single part of the vehicles so he can be the best Mechanic in San Andreas. Time has passed and Luis has managed to finally rent a small Garage to make his dream work on-going, and the rest will be updated. ID Card:
@batya8890 Denied, re-apply in a week.