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  1. great then 2.2m
  2. Have spawn car?
  3. You can not start an auction with two million when the house is worth $ 250,000
  4. @Vincy If you put more pictures of the outside of the house better
  5. @amine-sfaxi I will be in the game, send me a private message and we make the transaction
  6. Starting Bid: 200,000 $ Address: 25 North Street Store ( San Fierro ) Daily Icome 1,600 $ https://i.postimg.cc/bNZHkhtJ/negocio-1-frontal.png https://i.postimg.cc/5tKwk4TD/negocio-2-beneficios.png https://i.postimg.cc/Y9cSSTWh/negocio-3-ubicacion.png
  7. @amine-sfaxi As it is called in the game, I was working and I could not answer, I saw that the message was 3 hours ago, it could indicate more or less the time to which it was connected, I am from Spain.
  8. @WenDo It's true, I did not get that amount, but I found another house and I can not buy more properties, I have 8, I withdraw the offer
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