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  1. PART 1 Nickname: Neymar Age: 16 Gender: male Current Groups: GL - IC Rate your English (1-10 scale): 8 Have you ever been banned (state why): no PART 2 What job are you interested in? (Reporter/Photographer/Security): photographer Why are you interested in joining this division: well from a year ago after i completed gta sa missions i was having nothing to do so i said that i really love to use the camera so why i don't take SS around SA state so i took my camera and started taking Screenshots in everywhere and the first strange thing that i took with my camera was the ghost cars and shady creeks as i think in FC which was moving with itself and the second thing was PIGGSY's face around MC and bigfoot footsteps and the 4th thing was the strange animals faces at bayside's streets and also the planes that was crashing at the big ear I like to have a field job that requires me to always be active and run around everywhere , also I like being a paparazzi Why do you want to be part of KTN: because it's a very unique group that is built around the reporter , a class almost no one uses because i love to use camera and i love to use the camera at something useful like news rather then taking SS for everything for no reason State why should we choose you over other candidates: I am an active members who obeys rule and I respect everyone from admins and HQs I'm active person, also i can keep it active and respectful.
  2. PART 1 Nickname: Neymar Age: 16 Gender: male Current Groups: GL - IC Rate your English (1-10 scale): 8 Have you ever been banned (state why): no PART 2 What job are you interested in? (Reporter/Photographer/Security): photographer Why are you interested in joining this division: well from a year ago after i completed gta sa missions i was having nothing to do so i said that i really love to use the camera so why i don't take SS around SA state so i took my camera and started taking Screenshots in everywhere and the first strange thing that i took with my camera was the ghost cars and shady creeks as i think in FC which was moving with itself and the second thing was PIGGSY's face around MC and bigfoot footsteps and the 4th thing was the strange animals faces at bayside's streets and also the planes that was crashing at the big ear I like to have a field job that requires me to always be active and run around everywhere , also I like being a paparazzi Why do you want to be part of KTN: because it's a very unique group that is built around the reporter , a class almost no one uses because i love to use camera and i love to use the camera at something useful like news rather then taking SS for everything for no reason State why should we choose you over other candidates: I am an active members who obeys rule and I respect everyone from admins and HQs I'm active person, also i can keep it active and respectful.
  3. Nickname:jaskson Username:nemar Age:14 Nationality:england Languages you can speak:english \ arabic \ turkish Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES? :3 years Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) :i joined gang OC \ MK \ NL \ BBMC . and i joined squad SAPA \ ICE \ FBI \ DEA \ MI6 \ CDC . If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : ALL I JOINED I leaved bec i want chang gang and chang squad Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) :no What groups are you currently part of? :group IC Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? :well i'm so active player can help my team in any time .i'm skilled ,experienced and respectable and i want up lvl this gang . Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets:Black~Bullets, are proffesionals in their work and Missions. They provide of Loans Mercenary Services. They got another role and it's about Assasinating everyone that can make for them troubles. They are proffesionally trained for this. nobody tries to scam them because they are so scared to do this. They kill all who mess with them of Civilians Cops Criminals . Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? :B~B is a strong and pro GANG and it was great in the old days and it's still great until now and i was have past exprince in GANG and as a CRIMINAL too and i think that i know most of places in SAES AND :Black~Bullets members are skilled and experienced only the pro players can join that's what i'see so i'want to be a part in that family Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? :i have alot of my fraind in B~B but noone told me make apply in b ~b i make apply bec i love this gang and all this gang Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] :
  4. Name:jakson In-game name:jakson Age:14 Sex:male English proficiency:9 from 10 Native language:english Other language(s):english \ arabic \ turkish Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?:no When did you start playing SAES/MTA?:3years Total gameplay (hours):150 Aprox.gameplay daily (hours):6-7 Average FPS:100 Average ping:230 Previous organizations:ice and STF and SAPA and NSA and DEA and FBI and i joined alot of gang Are you active user of Discord?:yes SECTION 2 A. Define our role (FOX):Protect the state of SA from national and international threats Protect the state of SA from foreign operations and espionage Combat organized crime on land and over sea Investigations and evidence research Support federal, state or local partners Enforcement of laws and regulations Upgrading technology to successfully perform our work B. Define marker arrest: marker arrest is arresting someone while he is getting in/out an interior C. Minimum arresting level:10 D.Point out and define 4 major server rules:NO dm and dont aresst in rp and dont aresste in lvx and listin to admin and dont aresst any one less 10 stars E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest I have to try to play the roles before the cause of the arrest cause that helps the players and players respect for the cops and not to do any other crime SECTION 3 I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: my name is jackson and i have 14 years old i live in turkia and i'm so good at school and my english skills too and i love sunrise and sunset II: Write your strengths and weaknesses:my strengths : i'm good at RP and good at using snipers and driving cars and using M4 and driving bikes and helicopters and planes \ my weaknesses :: i bad in drive bike III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?FOX is a strong and pro squad and it was great in the old days and it's still great until now and i was have past exprince in squads and as a cop too and i think that i know most of places in SAES so if you told me to respond to a turf war maybe let's say at the big ear then i will know the place , etc.... IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team:I love Fox, I protect any city from CRIMINALS, I protect anyone from danger, I make this band in the best position, I am very obedient V. Do you have any additional information you want to add?:YES SUR I WANT JOIN THIS GANG BEC I LOVE ALL IN FOX AND I HOPE JOIN FOX
  5. Name:jakson Nickname:jakson Age:14 Gender:male Nationality:turkish Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): :I AM JAKSON AND I AGE 14 YEARS and i like drive car and i like this squade andi live inTURKIA and i do to school and i like school and i like aressted criminal and i like food and i have one brother and where I'll become mechanic in the future. And If it goes everything planned, then one day I'll have my own mechanical workshop. and i love STF good at school and my english skills too and i love sunrise and sunset How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?2 YEARS Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why?no Please list your previous squad/gang/company history:i joined squad ice \ SAPA\FBI \ DEA \ . AND I JOINED GANG OC \ MK \ 215 . Please list your current group memberships on the server:I JOINED GROUP IC What are your strengths? i'm good at driving planes and helicopters and i'm active and i'm good at shooting and sniping and i'm so good at RP and goood at driving boat and I'm guy who knows what's loyalty, respect, maturity. What are your weaknesses?i bad in drive bike Do you have discord & TS3?YES I DID AND I ACTIVE Whats your average ping? I really don't remember but once that I logging in i'll check it out and type it Do you have access to the PC spawns?NO How many hours do you have in-game?110 How often do you visit the forums?EVERY day in day 10 Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10):9 Arresting (out of 10):9 English (out of 10):8 Driving (out of 10):10 Combat (out of 10):8 Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF? STF is a strong and pro squad and it was great in the old days and it's still great until now and i was have past exprince in squads and as a cop too and i think that i know most of places in SAES so if you told me to respond to a turf war maybe let's say at the big ear then i will know the place , etc.. Well I want to join STF cause I heard a lot of positive things like STF Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who?MystiC AND TURBO Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws?Yes I do cause I have 3 years experience In your own words, define roleplay:Role play is acting like real life in-game for example deal with the most dangerous situations, such as bank robs, bomb threats, terrorism and hostage situations In your own words, define DM: Deathmatch is Killing / damaging A player or group for no reason or for revenge that's forbidden In your own words, define teamwork:Teamwork means working with team mates and help each others
  6. Part 1 / Personal information. Ingame Name: jackson Real Name: jackson Age: 14 Country: turkia Languages turkish , english and arabic Gender: male Nationality: turkish Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server ? / if yes why? no Have you ever been kicked from a Gang/squad ? / if yes why? ICE : left to join TST - DEA : left because it died - FBI : because i was want to join a new squad Part 2 / Your playtime in MTA/SAES. How long have you been playing MTA? 4 years How long have you been playing on SAES? 2 year How many hours do you play in a day? 8 How many times do you visit the forums in a day? 10 Previous gangs/squads?: ICE - DEA - FBI - OC - MK - SAPA Are you in any groups?: IC Do you have PC (Procop membership)?: no Part 3 / Questions about your qualifications. Strengths: i'm good at RP and good at using snipers and driving cars and using M4 and driving bikes and helicopters and planes Weaknesses: i bad in drive bike Describe Deathmatch: DM is killing someone for no reason Describe RolePlay: RP is acting like real life Describe TeamWork: team work is working together to achive something Add a picture of your "stats" by using www.imgur.com (press /stats ingame)(use spoilers: [ Spoiler][ /spoiler] Part 4 / What to do if. What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest? i will take SS to him and report him What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe? i will RP with him then i will bribe him Someone DMs you: i will report him An admin asks you something: i will do it Someone from our squad with a higher rank calls you? i will come to him Part 5 / Additional Questions. Did any TST member suggest you to apply? Who? no Did you have the chance to hang around with any TST before applying? If so who? yes olaf Where is our private forums?: idk Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?: john is the L and arma is the VL Why do you want to join TST?: TST is a strong and pro squad and it was great in the old days and it's still great until now and i was have past exprince in squads and as a cop too and i think that i know most of places in SAES so if you told me to respond to a turf war maybe let's say at the big ear then i will know the place , etc.... Give us atleast one good reason to accept you?: i'm pro and loyal and mature i'm good at RP very much and i hope to be a member of a great squad like TST and i have exprince with pull over since i was in SAPA so i know how to use the binds and when should i use it Tell us something about yourself( more than 30 words): my name is jackson and i have 14 years old i live in turkia and i'm so good at school and my english skills too and i love sunrise and sunset Additional information: i left ICE
  7. First Part: Nickname: Jackson Account Name: Jackson55 Gender: Male Age: 13 Nationality: Egypt Primary Language: Arabic Secondry Language(s): English How long have you been playing SAES: 1 year but i forgot my old account name then i make a new one How many hours do you have (Use TAB): 40 Previous G/S/C : MK / ICE / SAPA / DEA Second Part: What is roleplay means? : acting your role like if your role is a cop then act like a cop and if your role is criminal then act like a criminal , etc... What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) : deathmatch is killing someone for no reason like you are driving your car around LS then you found a cop or a criminal doing nothing to you then you killed him What is the difference about PBR and BR ?: PBR (Public Bank Robbery) is the bank robbery where criminals from non-offical gangs or even who don't have a gang can do it but only 1 time in a day and the BR (Bank Robbery) is the bank robbery which only the offical gangs can do it twice in the day Tell us 2 BR rules : don't marker kill and don't avoid cops by jumping from the roof Tell us 2 Turf war rules: you can't spawn as a cop or a medic to assist your gang only if you are not a member of this gang and you can't camp at the unclimbable roofs only climbable roofs is allowed What is avoid arrest ?: avoid arresting is killing yourself while there is a cop running behind you and he want to arrest you like reconnecting or killing yourself with a nade , etc.... Third Part: Why do you want to join us?: because i love BBMC and i love freeway bike and my dream was being a member of a MC gang Why should we accept you?: i'm pro and loyal and mature and you might say that i'm noob because i played 40 hours only but i was have an old account but i forgot the username and password and i'm respected and i'm active Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes mention who): none (Post your favorite bike in a spoiler) https://www.google.com.eg/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcs1.gtaall.com%2Fscreenshots%2F4dc09%2F2015-08%2Foriginal%2Fa36a4b19d1936e108f930c919258abc08d144712%2F288979-gta-sa-2015-08-24-11-01-05-431.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gtaall.com%2Fgta-san-andreas%2Fbikes%2F66832-freeway-angel.html&docid=6H1JBYGRQZlgcM&tbnid=Pupe-o6bLCvDoM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjIrIbAh4HcAhVGJFAKHR8CCHQQMwg9KAkwCQ..i&w=1920&h=1080&bih=662&biw=1024&q=freeway%20bike&ved=0ahUKEwjIrIbAh4HcAhVGJFAKHR8CCHQQMwg9KAkwCQ&iact=mrc&uact=8
  8. @rajan said in Mafia Killers: 1- your In game name:zDevilGameRz 2- your real name:Rajan 3- how old are you:15 4- what is DM:DeathMatch: thats when you kill someone who didnt do anything to you 5- tell us 2 BR rules:no marker killing/arrest, no anim abuse 6- tell us 2 SR rules:cops cant kill u outside the SR if no stars, dont abuse anim 7- gender:male 8- where you live:Estonia 9- languages spoken:Estonian, Russian, English 10- your strengths:killing, escaping cops 11- your weakness:catching others 12- why you want to join us:because MK is cool and i want to hang out with a gang/many others not just myself 13- why we should accept you:Because i got killing skills 14- what is RP:Roleplay is real life ingame 15- who told you to join MK - note don't say that the ad told you :Jackson 16- previous G/S/C : - 17- previous bans/punishments :Nothing 18- when you started your SAES carrer : 1 and a half years ago good good apply you ACCEPTED
  9. @brnjo said in Mafia Killers: about 19 hours ago 1-your In game name:Brnjo 2- your real name:Karlo 3- how old are you:15 4- what is DM: DeathMatching is when you kill someone who did nothing to you 5- tell us 2 BR rules: No animations abuse and marker killing/arresting 6- tell us 2 SR rules: No animations abuse and cops cant kill anyone outside the SR if he has no stars 7- gender:male 8- where you live: Croatia 9- languages spoken:English,Croatian,German 10- your strengths: Escaping from police and killing them 11- your weakness:Being a cop 12- why you want to join us:Because i love playing with others people,its more fun and i wanna make MK official squad 13- why we should accept you:Because im a very skillful player 14- what is RP: Roleplay is real life ingame 15- who told you to join MK : Jackson 16- previous G/S/C : ICE,RKMC and WA 17- previous bans/punishments :Nothing 18- when you started your SAES carrer : A year ago you ACCEPTED
  10. thank you
  11. @catalin002 said in Mafia Killers: 1-your In game name:Catalin 2- your real name:Catalin 3- how old are you:18 4- what is DM: deathmath is killing others for no reason 5- tell us 2 BR rules: no nades marker arrest or kill and animation abuse. 6- tell us 2 SR rules: no marker kill and dont abuse animations 7- gender:male 8- where you live: Romania 9- languages spoken:English,Romanian, French 10- your strengths: driving ,shooting 11- your weakness:swimming 12- why you want to join us:i want to be killer 13- why we should accept you:i have skills in killing people 14- what is RP: roleplay is playing real life in the game in life situations. 15- who told you to join MK : Jackson. 16- previous G/S/C : - 17- previous bans/punishments : no bans 18- when you started your SAES carrer : 2 years wow you ACCEPTED
  12. @kenny said in can't post images at imgur: @jackson said in can't post images at imgur: error "Imgur is temporarily over capacity. Please try again later." success false status 500 well then just read this i read it and what should i do now?
  13. @nesteruks said in Mafia Killers: 1-your In game name:Kalyps 2- your real name:Alens 3- how old are you:22 4- what is DM: deathmath is killing others for no reason 5- tell us 2 BR rules: no nades marker arrest or kill and animation abuse. 6- tell us 2 SR rules: no marker kill and dont abuse animations 7- gender:male 8- where you live: Latvia 9- languages spoken:Russian, Latvian , English, Norwish ,swedish. 10- your strengths: driving very good, shooting very good becauce played cs go for 5 years 11- your weakness: If i dont have fun i get bored and leave game for some hours but that only have when in dont play with friends 12- why you want to join us: because i have played for moths and finaly decided to join a gang to be more fun with other people 13- why we should accept you: because i can help with mafia and driving to get away from cops and other dudes 14- what is RP: roleplay is playing real life in the game in life situations. 15- who told you to join MK : advert by some guy. 16- previous G/S/C : ICE police bluez 17- previous bans/punishments : no bans 18- when you started your SAES carrer : like 3 months ago. wow this good apply you accepted
  14. @laza said in can't post images at imgur: This might help you out. If you're using google chrome, go to the settings > history > clear browsing data and you will see somewhere "Time range" or however is it on yours language, set it "All time". So it will permanently delete all yours history/cache and you should be able to login/register on imgur. That is only one solution you can do for now. If you have problem with the browser (google chrome), try to switch on Mozilla or so on. I hope this helped, because back then I had same issue, and when I deleted all history from my browser, it really worked. not working when i log out or change my name or anything this appear data error "Imgur is temporarily over capacity. Please try again later." success false status 500
  15. -=(red)ACTIVITY=- activity date : active members : activity number : SS : -=(red)ROLEPLAYS=- story : members : date : RP number : SS : -=(red)EVENTS=- event type : event number : prize : LWS/G6 : winner : SS :
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