National Narcotics Bureau Roleplay - July 31, 2018 Player involved: Riley Screenshots: Situation: In 2017, the illicit drug market in San Andreas increased by 3,14% compared to 2010 and, according to statistics provided by SAM, the cases of overdose by hallucinogens increased by an alarming 23%. So much so that when the hospitals became saturated, it was decided to transfer patients to other cities, some dying along the way and others with incorrigible sequels. In April 2018, NNB began to investigate the epidemiology of sufferers and addicts to psychotropic drugs, resulting in the highest concentration of cases occurring in the vicinity of Ganton, in Los Santos. After gathering several testimonies, questioning suspects, in July the agent Quique was assigned to capture the dealer who, according to an anonymous witness, was around Ganton at sunset in a fuchsia Feltzer. The agent made effective the capture, raising the suspect to the vehicle and calling a tow truck to take the car to be investigated. Once they arrive at the base, Agent Quique proceeds with the interrogation, but the suspect refuses to speak and tries to bail the agent. Then, he is called to the interrogation room "SuggarDaddy" to intimidate the suspect, making him speak out of fear.