2025-03-13Roleplay #1Hands deep in the engine room, making sure our Kustoms van is running smoothly - With business booming and expanding, I need to make sure our vehicles are in top condition. But thankfully we've been treating our vehicles with care for a long time, so there wasn't much to do. A little oil change was all it needed. Jus as I finished, I felt a ding on my phone - We're short on parts for our expansion. Right. I knew just where to stock up. Just a small town over, there's an uncaring group of individuals who likes to leave all their merchandise laying around, for everyone to see. - And advantage of that I took. I got into my flatbed and made my way to the Sons place, grabbed a bunch of boxes and loaded them onto my truck. Went on my way and offloaded them back at home. While it isn't the highest quality of parts, we can quickly turn them into something better. Who knew they'd be so useful as neighbors. After unloading the boxes back home, I remembered I forgot to leave a thanks in return for the boxes, so I made my way back there and decided one of their banners could do with some more.. FlavorView Album 📷📊 Total Activities: 1Roleplay: 1