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Everything posted by felicia

  1. Participants: @felicia @Tapi Duration: 24 mins Activity: Roleplay (Snitch Interrogation)) Date: 06.02.2025 A Man’s Gotta Do What a Man’s Gotta Do Ain’t nothin’ worse than the feds knockin’ on your door. Few days back, some FBI suit put me in cuffs, sayin’ I’d been ratted out. That don’t sit right with me. So I started diggin’. Didn’t take long ‘fore all roads led to Tapi—ALT’s golden boy. Last time I saw him, he was rollin’ back into town after a haul. That meant he was sittin’ pretty at ALT’s depot. Figured I’d pay him a visit. Pulled my rig up, stepped out like I owned the place, and found him leanin’ against a stack of crates, lookin’ smug. "Tapi, my man. We gotta talk." Told him about the feds sniffin’ around, but he started dancin’ around the question, talkin’ nonsense about my company, actin’ like ALT’s the second comin’ of Christ. That’s when I knew. I played it cool. "Hold up, lemme grab a smoke." Walked back to my truck, opened the torpedo box, and grabbed my Deagle instead. Came back, steel in hand. "Cut the crap. Who snitched?" He hesitated. "Not one of ours." Wrong answer. I put one in his leg. He hit the dirt, yellin’. "Try again," I barked. Still wouldn’t talk. I sighed, slid my piece back in my belt and reached down to pull him up— Boom. He had a shotgun. Pointed it square at my chest. "Walk away" he growled. Now, I ain’t one to argue with a loaded shotgun. I grinned, hands up. "Alright, Tapi. You got me this time. But don’t think for one damn second this is over." I climbed back in my truck, fired up the engine, and rolled out. This ain’t over. Not by a long shot. Screenshots:
  2. Address:Eternal 5 Solarin Road Account name: yassine09 Last seen: 15th January 2025 Screenshots:
  3. Roleplay type: small businessfire Description of roleplay: Fire Incident Report – On Scene Actions During my shift, I responded to a fire alarm in the northwest of Las Venturas, near the LWS Base. Upon arrival, I observed a small café fully involved with visible flames. A primary search confirmed that the structure was unoccupied. After notifying dispatch and ensuring proper scene control, I donned my SCBA and made entry. I initiated suppression efforts, targeting the fire around the bar counter to prevent further spread. Once interior conditions were stabilized, I proceeded to the roof to assess for extension. Following primary extinguishment, I conducted overhaul operations and utilized the engine’s deck gun for exterior cooling to prevent reignition. After confirming no remaining hazards and ensuring the structure was secure, I cleared the scene and returned to service. Location: Northwest LV Participants:@felicia Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ylXXuDH
  4. account name: ogfelicia icon name:2 seedy Side Apartments
  5. I want to share a part of a base design I made in the map editor that I really liked. I know that the panel and the map editor work differently — I just wanted to share my aesthetic vision. ^^ In the coming days, I will continue sharing the buildings I create using the panel within the server. https://imgur.com/a/qEr7UY9
  6. Title: Motorcycle Showroom and Support Date: 09.02.2025 Description: An office in Las Venturas where you can check out the newly released special Harleys and amazing custom motorcycles, place pre-orders, and apply for service.It also features a relaxation area for employees and a space on the side where bike meetings can be held! NOTE: I had some issues in worker areas (trees spawned middle of my builds for few times) so I asked my chief at SAFD if I could use the panel in the firefighter spawn to build something for my ZIP application, and he gave me permission. This allowed me to work in more suitable areas to create more aesthetic structures. When I share RP, I will do it at the worker spawn. I hope you don’t mind. Screenshot(s) https://imgur.com/a/OFrNLnQ
  7. Participants: @felicia @Bas District: LV Shift period: 11 mins Number of vehicles extinguished: 10 vehicle Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/bDJobOG
  8. Participants: @felicia District: RC Shift period: 15 mins Number of vehicles extinguished: 5 vehicle Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/1JJhA4a
  9. Participants: @felicia Duration: 29 mins Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 08.02.2025 Screenshots:
  10. Adress: Nanoboobs Motel Room 8 Owner: kartalcocuk Last seen: 15th november 2024 Screenshots:
  11. Address: Cuban Cigars Business Account name: kartalcocuk Last seen: 15th november 2024 Screenshots:
  12. Participants: @felicia @AlanWalker Duration: 24 mins Activity: Roleplay ( Booze Transportation ) Date: 06.02.2025 Moving Supplies for Rebels MC Got a call from Hammer earlier in the evening. Said he needed a hand moving some stock from Ten Green Bottles to Red County. Didn’t ask too many questions—figured it was booze. Rode down to TGB and found him waiting outside. After we saluted i offered him a cigarette and we talked while smoking. We kept it short. A few crates of liquor needed to be moved to Demon Wheels. No hassle, just work. We got to it, hauling the crates out of storage and loading them onto the truck. Took a bit of effort, but nothing we couldn’t handle. Once everything was secured, Hammer swung onto his bike and took the lead, running escort as we rolled out of Los Santos. The road was quiet, just the hum of the engine and the occasional gust of wind. Somewhere along the way, Hammer flicked his half-smoked cigarette over his shoulder. Somehow, I reached out and caught it mid-air. No idea how. Instinct, dumb luck, whatever. Leaned out the window just enough to shout, “Appreciate it.” Hammer just threw a hand up in response, didn’t even look back. We pulled into Demon Wheels without issue, got straight to unloading. We unloaded the crates while talkin and jokin. Once the job was done, i took my little fee and said goodbye. I got back in my truck, still wondering how the hell I managed to catch that cigarette.
  13. Activity #1 06/02/2025 Participants: @felicia Duration: 1 hour 15 mins
  14. Participants: @felicia @Tapi District: all Shift period: 1 hour Number of vehicles extinguished: countless, Tapi has the most^^ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/3mNlLet
  15. Participants: @felicia District: LS Shift period: 17 mins Number of vehicles extinguished: 10 vehicle Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QMApryI
  16. Participants: @felicia District: LS and SF Shift period: 17 mins Number of vehicles extinguished: 3 vehicle Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/mQ3mYyY
  17. Event Event Type: LastManStanding Lws: @ButcheR Prize: 1m Winner: @schwaring
  18. 2025-02-02 Smoking break in LWX after a long ride
  19. Participants: @felicia Duration: 47 mins Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 02.02.2025 Screenshots:
  20. Participants: @felicia @Wickness Duration: 20 mins Activity: Roleplay ( Police Inspection ) Date: 02.02.2025 "First Day, First Trouble" My first day at GXT. Simple job—pick up motorcycles from San Fierro, drop them off at the Creek Warehousing in Las Venturas. It was going to be simple. Or so I thought. Just as I hit the Las Venturas freeway, flashing red and blue lights appeared in my mirror. A black police car. My pulse quickened. I pulled over, gripping the wheel as the officer approached. "FBI. Stay in the vehicle," he ordered. His badge read Wickness. I nodded, He said he needs to make an inspection and asked for my documents. I keep my hands visible as he took my documents and walked back to his car for inspection. I sat there, staring at the side mirror, watching him. My leg bounced slightly. Something about this whole situation didn’t sit right. Citizens reported me? For what? This felt personal. After a few minutes, I had enough of waiting. I stepped out, lit a cigarette, and took a deep drag, trying to ease the tension. Big mistake. "Did I tell you to leave the vehicle?" Wickness snapped, walking back towards me. I exhaled slowly. "Come on, I deserve at least a smoke break. You’re checking my papers, I’m just standing here. No weapon, see?" I raised my hands slightly, cigarette between my fingers. He stared at me for a second, then sighed. "Ahh okay fine." he said. He handed me my papers, but instead of letting me go, he leaned in slightly. "Your paperwork is fine," he said. "But I still need you to come with me to LVPD." I frowned. "For what?" "Your cargo needs further inspection. Some complaints were made about this shipment. Your truck will be towed. If everything clears, you'll get it back in two hours." I scoffed. "Complaints? By who?" He didn't answer. I clenched my jaw. "At least let me call my boss." "Not right now." That was it. No room for argument. No options. Just a long ride to LVPD in the back of his car, staring out the window, trying to figure out who the hell had it out for me. At the station, they sat me down in a room, told me to wait. When I asked why an FBI agent was involved in a simple cargo job, Wickness just said, "We needed to check your load," before walking off. I called my lawyer. He wasn’t available. "The state will provide one," an officer told me, like I was some kind of criminal. Hours passed. Nobody explained anything. No charges, no further questioning—just a whole lot of waiting. Eventually, a couple of officers came in. No apologies, no explanations. They handed me my keys. "Your truck was towed here. You can pick it up at this address." That was it. No word on why I was stopped. No reason for wasting my entire day. Just a bad taste in my mouth and a feeling that someone—someone—wanted me off the road.
  21. Roleplay #1 29/01/2025 12 mins Participants: @felicia @Randy While selling at LVX, I crossed paths with Officer Randy from SPC. I offered him a slice of Helvete’s finest. He took a bite and almost immediately his face twisted in discomfort. Nausea hit him like a wave. Bet his stomach was too sensitive for anything other than plants-meh. I assured him that Helvete’s pizza is the best in the city. He suspiciously asked what kind of meat we are using. With a knowing smile I told him that was a trade secret, something I simply couldn’t disclose. And i added that I personally I handed him a bottle of cola while i'm chuckling. He took a few sips and steadied himself, . After that he demanded to see the kitchen. I refused —politely, of course— explaining that if I did, my superiors would hang black and white a photo of me to the wall. But he insisted. Pressed his authority. Even pulled his gun. And said bad things about us. I raised my hands, told him to calm down. He didn’t listen. So I took matters into my own hands (literally). My fists flew before he could react, and we tumbled into a violent struggle. He broke free, stumbling toward the shop, intent on forcing his way in. He ordered me to open the door. He was relentless. I told him that this is not going to happen in any circumstances. Then, with a smirk I thanked him for eating from Helvete. After all, customer satisfaction is important to me. And I ended his meal. Permanently. Screenshots
  22. Address: 11 Government Housing Estate Account name: daneva98 Last seen: 11th August 2024 Screenshots:
  23. Address: 9 Government Housing Estate Account name: pifinko Last seen: 10th June 2024 Screenshots:
  24. 14/01/2025 Event Type: Airbox Prize: 1M LWS: @Zodiac Winner: @Beast_
  25. Address: 9 East Beach Account name: ardatoy1 Last seen: 24th November 2024 Screenshots:
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