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Inferno's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. About yourself. In-game nickname: inferno In-game username: gome Your real name: Yassin Age: 14 Nationality: Tunisia Do you already have any friends in The Outfit?: no Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?: no What unique qualities can you offer to The Outfit? i can offer to the outfit my skills , loyality and maturity Additional information about yourself: Hello My real name is Yassin I'm from tunisia i have 1 brother he is playing saes to nicky , i'm playing in this server for 2months now and i learned everything . Past experience in SAES:RPG. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absenses & forum time too): I have been playing saes for 2 months , also i made my forums acc the same day i joined What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible): ALT , TST , CMC Why have you left the above?: ALT : i left alt because i wanted to try something new TST : i left tst to help my friend bazuka with his gang , CMC : we were fine but suddenly the gang closed What server groups are you currently a part of?: n/a Previous server bans and reasons (include links): n/a
  2. ~[The Chosen Few MC Daily Activity 21/08/2018]~(gray)
  3. @seth said in OverdoseCrime - Media Archive: RP#82 - Exchange deal (CMC) Participants : OC|>Seth, [CMC] @Inferno and [CMC] @Gurdman Story: Overdose Crime members were going to hunter few deers in the beautiful forest in Flint Country but they were looking for few country rifles to hunt, that was the movement when Seth took few packets of Drugs in his car trunk and went to the The Chosen Few Motor Cycle Club base. After a short drive Seth finally reached their base where Gurdman and Inferno were waiting for Seth, ::: ::: Seth described them the deal, that he have few kind of drugs in trunk you may looking for and exchange the drugs money to Country Rifle. Fortunately The Chosen Few Motor Cycle Club members were looking for Cocaine which Seth newly manufactured and Seth brought 40 Packages so the deal got accepted on 40 Packets of Cocaine with 40 Country Rifles, Gurdman requested Seth to let him check the drugs while Seth also brought sample which Gurdman took and wasn't able to handle it as the drugs were purely strong. Gurdman liked the drugs so he took Seth to the shooting area where Seth was free to test Country Rifle. ::: ::: After reaching at the shooting area Seth liked the gun too, So they took him to the secret place where they exchanged the deal. Seth loaded all the drugs in Inferno's van while Inferno and Gurdman loaded the Country Rifles in Seth's car. After that Seth said them good bye and went back to Overdose Crime Base. ::: :::
  4. ~[The Chosen Few MC Roleplay]~(gray) ~[Participants]~(gray) : The Chosen Few MC , Wild Angels ~[Story]~(gray) : It was a week ago now since our last scam, I was talking, teaching our new prospect how to scam etc, suddenly we got a call from [WA]Arone his freeway engine stopped after the call, i just dropped the phone from my hand and looking to our prospect eyes and told him its time to go work we got a new bike. 30 minutes passed we are next to arone he was showing us his bike and the problems i just checked it 1 time and I told him we need to take this bike to our garage, so we could fix it that guy don't know that we are going to scam him and take his bike I took his phone number and I told him I will call u when it is ready, the first thing I did is changing the bike color etc, after that we dropped it at our secret base, and its time to have a drink with our prospect ~[Screenshots]~(gray) : https://imgur.com/a/tz6YSDg
  5. ~[The Chosen Few MC Daily Activity]~(gray)
  6. @peace who told u that bbmc our allies na na ur wrong we aint allies . i hope ur good now
  7. ~[The Chosen Few MC Roleplay]~(gray) ~[Participants :]~(gray) The Chosen Few MC , Overdose Crime ~[Story]~(gray) : Since We are new around SA, I got a great idea today buy some gym stuffs, protein for ours prospect its good for their body, there is someone told me that Overdose Crim Have What we are looking for so I called them, they accept our offer and called us to their base we started talking about quality, price etc after that since they are our brothers they take us to their secret base at flint county, there we found everything we need such has gym stuffs, protein etc, i decided with my partner to buy 8 boxes Protein also since it's our first deal they gave us 2 boxes for free so last price was 3000$, we found this good, so we had to accept their price since its good quality, cheap, we took our burrito and drive our protein to our base. ~[Screenshots]~(gray) : https://imgur.com/a/7fq43Ij
  8. ~[The Chosen Few MC Night Activity]~(gray)
  9. ~[The Chosen Few MC Morning Activity]~(gray)
  10. @lifeless said in Comando da Capital Media Center: Participants: ~[Comando DA Capital]~(maroon,black,black,maroon) @Lifeless - ~[Organization Zero]~(#81f200) @Cazzone - ~[San Andreas Federal Police]~(navy) @Barry-Allen - ~[The Chosen Few MC]~(#757175) @Inferno Story:When i was at the base i got Called by Inferno he told me in phone he Steal a car and he want to modify it with new parts so i accepted his car, when i modifying the Car did not take my weapons, so i called my Friend Cazzone to meet us in LS and LV hightway, so we Surrended and we get in his car to take us in jail when he Drive in LS LV hightway my Friend Cazzone Shooted his Car so me and Inferno left his Car and aim and shooted him, So we Victoir. ~[Money Cannot Buy Freedom !! CDC FTW !]~ ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/FxKa5aM
  11. best wannabe
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