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MaGma last won the day on October 28 2024

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  1. Participants: @MaGma Duration: 21 minutes Activity: Mechanical tasks Date: 12.11.2024 Screenshots:
  2. Participants: @MaGma Duration: 11 minutes Activity: Mechanical tasks Date: 07.11.2024 Screenshots:
  3. Participants: @MaGma Duration: 10 minutes Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 01.11.2024 Screenshots:
  4. Participants: @MaGma Duration: 16 minutes Activity: Mechanical tasks Date: 01.11.2024 Screenshots:
  5. Participants: @MaGma Duration: 10 minutes Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 31.10.2024 Screenshots:
  6. Participants: @MaGma Duration: 10 minutes Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 31.10.2024 Screenshots:
  7. Participants: @MaGma Duration: 12 minutes Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 31.10.2024 Screenshots:
  8. Participants: @MaGma Duration: 10 minutes Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 31.10.2024 Screenshots:
  9. Participants: @MaGma Duration: 10 minutes Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 31.10.2024 Screenshots:
  10. Participants: @MaGma Duration: 18 minutes Activity: Mechanical tasks Date: 31.10.2024 Screenshots:
  11. Participants: @MaGma Duration: 11 minutes Activity: Refueling Gas Stations Date: 28.10.2024 Screenshots:
  12. Participants: @MaGma Duration: 11 minutes Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 28.10.2024 Screenshots:
  13. Participants: @MaGma @Snoupa Duration: 60 min Activity: RolePlay ( Mechanical Tasks ) Date: 28.10.2024 Jake was known with many citizens of the town as a skilled mechanic that he was and was also honest. One early autumn day, he received a call from a citizen by the name of Mrs Hargrove. He was informed about an automobile that had been left on the outskirts of a bare town for the past months and weeds had already invaded its tires. Puzzled about this information, Jake grabbed a few tools and drove to assess the situation. It was an old, dusty sedan that had seen better days. The paintwork was dull, while the glass surfaces were filthy. But to Jake, this was not the end of the line. With just a bit of work, he could cash in on this rusting relic. After securing the owner’s consent, Jake transported the car to his garage. Action was taken and work spread over the days as he scrubbed and fixed various parts along with tuning. He changed the battery, the spark plugs were washed, and he did a complete clean-up of the interior as well. With time, anyways, the car gradually changed from being rusty to sparkly clean once again. After restoring the vehicle, Jake thought about putting a ‘for sale’ sign. Being recently refurbished and classic qualities, he placed it online for sale. Just in one week, the car was in demand and he was receiving a lot of phone calls. A lady visited it on Saturday. she was charmed by its vintage design and wondered how it could still be in this good a shape. With a brief haggling, she settled on a price that was significantly above what Jake expected. Once Jake gave the keys, he felt a great sense of accomplishment. He had not only restored an abandoned vehicle but also made some good money. He couldn’t resist smiling through the rear view mirror once the lady zoomed off from the point realising that he turned a useless hunk of iron into a new life along with some extra funds for his own ambitions
  14. Participants: @MaGma Duration: 14 minutes Activity: Mechanical tasks Date: 27.10.2024 Screenshots:
  15. Participants: @MaGma Duration: 10 minutes Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 27.10.2024 Screenshots:
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