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  1. [Ingame name:] 215|amos [Ingame username:] windz [Previous organizations and leaving causes: ] I haven't been in an organization before. [Define Underground Empire: ] Underground Empire is an organized crime syndicate, without ethnic limits. Powerful people aren't only associated with Underground Empire, they actually are part of the syndicate. Weapons, drugs, money laundering, corrupting people of the law and gun for hire activities are part of daily hustling La Cosa Nostra vibes. Owning few casinos helps to keep things going, and staying underground. [What binds you with Underground Empire:] I truly believe, UE being most skilled & feared gang among law enforcement not to mention other gangs. UE provides good community, skilled and active players and I would like to think that I got what it takes to be perfect fit for the gang. [What do you know about organized crime:] Organized crime are criminal activities that are planned, coordinated and conducted by groups or syndicates mostly for financial gain or power (drugs, weapons, you name it). Syndicates use sophisticated methods to evade law enforcement and exert influence through corruption and violence. Usually these syndicates or groups have hierarchical structure.
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