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Everything posted by SashaEx

  1. Nickname:SashaEx Loginname:SashaEx Age:14 Gender:MALE Nationality:Russian Languages Spoken:English AND Russian Please rate your english skills (1/10):6 Tell us about yourself in a lin: i am Sasha and i like shot and i age 14 years and i life in Russian Federation and i have one brother II - GAME INFORMATION How long have you been playing MTA:1year How long have you been playing SAES: 1 week How much do you in-game hours:40 hours How much hours can you play per day:10 Please list your previous Gangs/Squads/Companies:I JOINED SAPA Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before(with the reason):NO III - RULES AND MISC What is Roleplay:Roleplay means acting someone role in-game it's be like real life, players act their role in their characters and do their jobs and follow their rules if player violate his rp role then he will be out of his character. What is Marker arrest: What is DeathMatching:killing someone without any reason deathmatch and i dont make dm Did you read SAES:RPG Server Rules:YES Did you read QRF Squad Rules:YES Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 6:Try to do Roleplay before arrest them, if they refuse your binds, then you can arrest him! Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 3: Do not attempt to arrest players if they got under 5 stars. Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 4:Use your binds while chasing a criminal. But NEVER SPAM! Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 7Stay Professional! You're gonna improve yourself here by ProCops.
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