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biaancac last won the day on November 19

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About biaancac

  • Birthday August 18

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  1. Address: Dusty Motel Room 10 Username: zizoubhk Last seen: 23rd October 2024 Screenshots:
  2. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 27/11/2024 Participants: @biaancac Duration: 1 hour Screenshots:
  3. Type Of Activity: Roleplay with Cuban Cars Date: 24/11/2024 Participants: @I-Gun Story: As a usual delivery day I was loading the cargo into the truck, but today's delivery was on the burrito, since it wasn’t many boxes. So, I headed to the warehouse and brought down the boxes of some car parts to take to Cuban Cars Mechanic in San Fierro. When I arrived, I had to unload the things from the burrito and organize them in the parts shelf, so the Cuban Car worker, Juan (I-Gun), could check the status of the parts and make sure that none was damaged. After that, he signed the received bill and we hanged out for a bit in the mechanic, then, I headed back to the ALT Headquarters to keep working on my loads. Screenshots:
  4. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 24/11/2024 Participants: @biaancac Duration: +35min Screenshots:
  5. Address: Apartment 61 Lv Complexsouth Account name: t30xd Last seen: 8th september Screenshots:
  6. Title: A Sweet Coffe Place Date: 21/11/2024 Description: Just for a brunch Screenshot(s)
  7. Title: Street Detour with workers area Date: 21/11/2024 Description: We got to replace these pipes, a job for weeks! Screenshot(s)
  8. Title: Building in Progress Date: 20/11/2024 Description: Worker's area of a 2-floor building in progress Screenshot(s)
  9. Type Of Activity: Event || Race from ALT Base - Top MC Date: 18/11/2024 Winner: AnusDestroyer LWS: @Stark Screenshots:
  10. Address: 2 river street Account name: firasflv Last seen: 11th October 2024 Screenshots:
  11. Title: Dog Park Date: 19/11/2024 Description: Bring your dog to play, he won't escape! Screenshot(s)
  12. Title: Renegados Sport Bar || Received help from ZIP @Douglass Date: 19/11/2024 Description: Hangout, drink beer and play pool! Screenshot(s)
  13. Title: Junkyard Date: 18/11/2024 Description: Don't need your car anymore? Don't worry, we got you covered! Screenshot(s)
  14. Title: Getting to know. Date: 18/11/2024 Participant(s): @biaancac @I-Gun @JiirakDaniel Backstory: I received a text from Marcos that said “Thank you so much for helping me, you should go to this building hangout… It’s not a job, or a conference. It is located in Las Venturas, take a time to go, so you demonstrate your abilities to others” I went to this building hangout, and I met 2 other persons that worked for ZIP Constructions Company. After some hours, they were watching how my building was made… It seems that I have a future in here! —I thought— Jiirak was checking the measurements and the quality of the termination of the build in the storage area, also the garbage area and the other one, I-Gun, was making some questions to me… He said: “Where’s your inspiration coming from?” And immediately I said to him: “Creativity is something I was born with”. Screenshot(s):
  15. Title: Artificial Wooden Forest Date: 18/11/2024 Description: Where lumberjacks cut the trees and refine the wood! Also, a specific area where all the trash is stored. Screenshot(s)
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