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Everything posted by whitebeard

  1. Ingame name: 215|WhiteBeard Ingame username: whitebeard25 Previous organizations and leaving causes: I don't have previous organizations this is my first experience in Saes rpg. Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire was founded in June 23 in 1866 by 3 men called John Dixon, Edward McFarlane, and Judah Davis They have have a very corrupt police and politicians, the roles of this mafia are weapons and drugs trafficking, money laundering, and contract killing. What binds you with Underground Empire: Underground Empire is one of the most respected,popular and one of the strongest active gangs in the server, Im new in this server and i want to start my career in a gang like that and finish it here in underground empire. Add to that, i met many UE members , they become my friends ,they are nice and respectful and this motivate me more to join this big family. What do you know about organized crime: organized crime refers to criminal activities that are carried out by organizations. These organizations make illegal activities : (drug trafficking, smuggling, money laundering and etc...) The members in gangs must be well taught and should have high discipline. Members respect to each other.
  2. I- Personal Information 1. Ingame Name: BlueZ>Whitebeard 2. Username: whitebeard25 3. Age:22 4. Country of Residence and Nationality: Sfax ,Tunisian 5. Rate Your English (1-10):9 6. Tell us a little bit about yourself:Im new in the server and i love rpg games and i want to be a special time in the server and know many friends but about me im studying in university 7. Do you have discord?:whitebeard0718 II- Ingame Knowledge 1. How long have you been playing on SAES?:Im new i started playing today 2. Previous Gang(s)/Squad(s) including why you left or got kicked: No gangs this is my first experience 3. Have you ever been banned from SAES? (provide an explanation):No 4. Using your own terms, clarify the meaning of DM: Death Matching kill with no reason 5. Using your own terms, clarify the meaning of RolePlay:Do a scene like real life experience 6. Using your own terms, clarify the meaning of Avoid Arrest:Killing ur self or leaving the game when a cop want to arrest u III- Additional Information 1. Why do you want to join CripZ?:I love gangs and crim side and i hear that cripz is one of the strongest gangs that's why i want to join 3. What are your strengths?:Maybe my communication with English and Fighting people because i have a good aim from games like csgo and valorant 4. What are your weaknesses?:Idk because im new maybe idk all rules but i know many of them 5. Have you been encouraged by one of our members to apply? if yes, who?:Yes he is Rikki 6. Provide screenshots of you hanging with CripZ members (use spoiler):
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