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Everything posted by kj1110

  1. Ingame name: Kj Ingame username: 12883918 Previous organizations and leaving causes: none Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is a story that started in 1866. Soldiers from the past wanted to get powerful and rich, so they did things like smuggling and running casinos. They also knew important people, like politicians. What binds you with Underground Empire: Underground Empire is special because it's members stick together no matter what. I see them working as a team, and i want to be part of that. I want to use my loyalty, skills and passion to help the gang. What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is when people work together secretly to do things that break the rules. It's like in movies with gangs doing stuff like robbing banks. They have a plan and work together as a group. It's about power, and i find it really interesting.
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