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Everything posted by Luffy

  1. PART I: Introduction Nickname: Luffy. Account name: Jordy05. Age: 24. In 2-3 lines, tell us about yourself: Hello my name is Jordy and i'm just a gamer who likes uploading videos in YouTube for fun. PART II: Background check Do you have RP binds?: Yes, SWAT binds. Current Squad: SWAT. Approximate date of joining: 1 month ago. Link to your application for the squad that you are currently a member of: I did it via discord. Are you an ex-PC member? If yes, why were you removed?: No. Have you ever been banned? If yes, why and when?: Yes, for using the name of another server as nickname and spamming to join this server in chat 19/12/23. PART III : Rules check Have you read the entirety of the "Pro Cops Guide" topic?: Yes. What are the rules for the Dog spawn?: Briefly explain the following rules in your own words: Rule number 4: Always offer a chance to surrender with a bind if possible so that the intention is clearer. Rule number 5: Give time to react to suspects without spamming chat. Rule number 7: Use pro cop probation tag and name. Rule number 9: Sign in at the PC Forum once you have been invited. PART IV: Roleplay commands Explain how and when the /me command is used. Include an example: /me can be used to roleplay that you are doing something, whether it be yawning, for example: /me "yawns" Explain how and when the /do command is used. Include an example: /do is used to roleplay that something is happening, you can use /do "fixing" for fixing a car Final Confirmation: I Luffy, swear that all the information provided in this application is only the truth and nothing but the truth. With this application I promise to act in accordance with the rules and regulations at all times, to perform my duties professionally and to never misuse the equipment or means provided to me by the San Andreas Police Department I swear to protect the innocent and uphold the law of the state of San Andreas and the constitution of the United States of America. Solemnly, Luffy
  2. I whould only agree with this as long as you also remove the water tank (a big nerf whould also works like: vehicle resistance damage and water cannon) seems fair to me
  3. if there's a crim 1hp and you try to taze him this just kill the criminal so please remove the dmg for tazer
  4. the thing is that the bmx has no way to counter its hard to... the only thing would be to crash it with a car as I said before but its hard asf the player can easy way out by jumping... a nerf for the jump seems fair for me and the hitbox so cops cant abuse of it either
  5. @Lily a hydra can take off another hydra... DE/CLO cant attack normal players like Arms Dealer etc but you cant knock off a bmx with another bmx see the diff? and the hitbox is shit so it has not counter basically maybe if you can crash ur vehicle into it but like i said with the jumps is almost impossible doing it, also if they jump walls or if they get on roof... and about the caravan it has counter even samuel knows it with his 2IQ cells brain, getting inside it and using ur spray to take down the criminal from the caravan's roof then arrest you can also try to climb it because it is climbable but with a bike you get on roof and you basically are avoiding arrest but its allowed so makes no sense for me...
  6. bmx makes no sense ig since it makes jumps that another vehicle cannot do for example when you are chasing a criminal you cannot knock him off his bmx because of the jumps or if this get on a roof and yeah i know that i can use bmx as cop too but how am i supposed to knock off a bmx with a bmx?
  7. An ID would be very useful, almost all servers have it, this would help with reports since many people change their nickname in the game but with an ID it wouldn't matter, for example when sending money, locating etc.
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  8. Type Of Activity: Roleplay Date: 15/02/2023 Participants: - @Ovallees Screenshots: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1x14k5DXgU5zn9AaOYX-CtKkJ6UcXFrBZ?usp=sharing
  9. the water tanks are so op to me since these, apart from taking a lot of dmg, do not give you a chance if you are on foot I think it needs to be nerfed
      • 2
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      • Confused
  10. covid lockdown was in 2020, I'm talking about two years ago and these servers still have the same amount of players, also adding that it is possible that they do not listen to their community either and that is why this is also happening to them.
  11. @Linkanthere are servers that have broken the record in the last two years never seen before in mta so...
  12. @KazziboI don't think that is the main reason since most of the players in saes have a decent pc and many have a very good pc for example me, putting aside that the players in mta are the same amount as a few years ago. The simple fact that a game is old does not make it bad. A clear example would be LoL only takes 5 years to GTA SA and it is still the most played game to date and why? simply because they always listen to their community and make them feel comfortable even though the game is quite toxic.
  13. I feel very bad for SAES a server with the potential to be the best of MTA but unfortunately it is not because they are led by self-centered people who only believe they are right and do not listen to their community ever. sadly the server is dying for this reason the simple fact that the opinion of a person is above all.
  14. add new cmd for saes players to request their songs with /request this whould be very helpful for dj's since sometimes its hard to read chat and you can skip it without wanting. ik there's a notepad already in game but it wont work at all beacause sometimes you need to go afk and when u come back the chat is just spammed also i tried to take requests on discord because that but some players cant tab saes cuz its bugged asf or they have potato pc. it could be (song's name + artist [here] player who request [here] for example) like M > ADVERTISEMENTS but for RadioSA DJ's also enable copy paste.
  15. and not to mention spawning next to the HR as a cop or at ur house/business without a couldown kekw
  16. There are things even more unfair than a kamikaze since for this you need some skill with the plane. For example, the water tanks you cant even damage it with grenades, they are op, you have no chance agains't a water tank if you are on foot they so tanky.
  17. @PinkyyyTinkyyyIf you stay under a plane, the most likely thing is that your hp goes down, in case the cop arrest you, it would be parking arrest so you can report
  18. they would also have to remove running over players with vehicles to kill or arrest so
  19. @WenDoIt would be the same as the rule for gang members not being able to go to bank robberies as cops or ob for example they cant def jailbreak as cops
  20. @WenDoyeah i whould but cop side is not fun when its 1cop vs 50crims also not fun for criminals either
  21. I think that a balance of 20% of the players need to be cops and the rest of 80% criminals it whould be fair
  22. @WenDothe server is cops vs criminals the thing that every player ig is a criminal gives that sense of why the server feels so dead
  23. saes should add a limit to squad/gangs for example if there aren't 10 cops online then you cant spawn as criminal if you are a squad member or viseverse. i think this is good idea because the server feels really dead since no one wants to play as officer.
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