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Everything posted by Asexyno

  1. Date: 12/01/2025 Activity: Stopping Casino Robbery Participants: @Asexyno @Luffy @Zarc Screenshots:
  2. Gracias, lov u allllllll mis latinos!! <3 Pronto volver a verlos nuevamente, pollones
  3. Jailbreak #1524 (~[1h 15 minutes]~(red)) Outbreak Members: @Marso @Law @voli @Versace @Blue @hRL Outbreak Helpers: @SpeeD1Tn @Ovalles @Lorch @pup Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5SSvdMm
  4. Jailbreak # 1515 Outbreak Members: @Blue @rykila @Law @DocPizza Outbreak Helpers: @SpeeD1Tn Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/cTGsL0u
  5. Happy Birthdayyyy. good vibes bro
  6. Roleplay#: 394 Gangs participating: @black bullets Participants: @Fasito @kree @Beckham @Trap Roleplay Story: Drug Traffic I was doing my daily chores when I received a call from a close friend in charged of BB business, he uses to make connections, let us know they necessities etc.. He was looking for a good substance,i told him i could get it, he told me the purpose of it was their own use, not for selling. Next day was arriving a commodity form exterior which arrival was at midday today. We packed the substance and contacted the camels. Once we arranged the appointment, we met at Black Bullets building they were there waiting with a tasty bag of green leaves. I managed to deliver the substance to them, fresh and a good purity. My partner Fasito and Kree helped me to warrantee the better service. At the end we closed the deal and went back to our home. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/E3bkaGW
  7. Store Robberies and VIP Storyline: Some member of The Company, under a disguise ( as we uses to be ) attended to a variety of illegal activities which took place in San Andreas. ThC homies ended up in the headquarter , beers and foods didn't missed Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/6wHbw3a
  8. happy birthday my amor
  9. Asexyno


    @Keo said in Hey: THC BEST GENK FUCK UE you still have chance, please contact @Teddy for further information Regards, The Couscous headquarter.
  10. Asexyno


  11. Assisting BB in BR After the first bank robbery we sent some heavy assistance to our pal @Black-Bullets ::: :::
  12. Shortline: This time The Company High Council and Coordinator planned a bank robbery which was accomplished successfully. We managed to gather as many criminals as possible, gangs members and burglaries attended to help us BR LV
  13. @Jokerulty said in Very important Question/Poll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: @Kain @Daryl shave them. yes shave it @Daryl @Crash @Tut-Greco its grateful;p If u dont believe me ask @Terry he has good arguments
  14. I shave it mainly coz i feel uncomfortable keeping it hairy, its normal shaving x part of ur body atleast in my country Dirty @Kain i heard u dont Ok the next level is, do you shave ur ass off???
  15. it's nice having new blood inthe sv, i wish the best of luck
  16. hbd silencioso
  17. happy birthdayyy bro
  18. @ALIJR007 said in All Load Trucking - Media Archive: Type Of Activity: Roleplay Story: I had received a tip that OB wanted some military goods delivered to their base in Los Santos. I got in contact with Mr. Asexyno, who is one of the OB Logistical Managers. We set a date and I picked up the tank from San Fierro Docks and met Mr. Asexyno at Las Venturas, where I followed them to their base. I then unloaded the tank into their secure vehicle storage and left the compound. Date: 29/06/2020 Participants: @Asexyno @Outbreak-Organization Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/soVm04h
  19. Jailbreak #1449 (~[30 mins]~(red)) Outbreak Members: @DocPizza @Beckham @Gonza @Poxiran Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/khpKhnr
  20. Assisting AA in BR Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/oCrscCd
  21. Roleplay#: 394 @Ovalles said in Undisputed Command | Roleplay Archives: Roleplay : # 101 Date : 26/6/2020 Backstory / Background : Today, June 26, I was sitting in our meeting room with my playmate, Cristian and Juanchito, reporting on the kidnapping of the President. Donald Trump, I finally had to do some specific calculations to clear things up. When at that time I received a call from a member of The Company. And it seems to me that I needed some high-quality cocaine and good weed. Well, we ship (command unquestionable) because we are the best quality drug sellers in all of San Andreas. We talk about various things around us. Terrestrial microwaves, communication systems and equipment that must not be decreed by officials. We talked about the amount of cocaine and marijuana and where we are because we cannot do business at our base because the police departments monitor our base. and those who come in after our conversation hang up. And we went to our bunker to see our cocaine and marijuana, since we are here, we decided to take some weapons like AK-47 and M4 in case something happened. When we were done in the bunker, I grabbed my comrades and placed the packets of cocaine. and grass in the trunk and AK-47 and M4 on the dash. . It was late at night and the city of the stolen land was emptier of humans. Good time to do business, I told my comrades and started driving. When we arrived, Asexyno was already there waiting for us, then we entered and greeted each other, it was very late at night, so we didn't want to waste time. I showed Asexyno the high-quality packages from Cocaine & Weed as he said and told him to try it, and he was surprised by the good quality and wanted to talk about the price right away. Well, we go to their offices and immediately talk about the price. After negotiating the price for a few minutes, Asexyno allowed me the cash and kept it in my trunk so I could count it. Everything was fine, so we left the base to enter his bunker from behind and started loading the packages of cocaine and weed into his bunker and then we had a short conversation, Asexy was very happy with our business and would call back. to keep buying from us when you need more medicine. We shook hands and left the area. Participants Gang's : @Undisputed-Command @The-Company Screenshots : ::: :::
  22. I'm believer that saes might be a better server. SAES administration ( and excuse me if I'm wrong but) you ought to be more flexible. I'm saying this because actually saes is completely an ingrained server where only a minority of ideas/suggestion are picked out . if you'd bring things that player have upvoted for it, players positively would be more involved to innovate within the community. In another aspect, players turning inactive or retired of the server, the main reason why people quit and turn inactive is because they don't find anything interesting to do more than connect to make some activities for their gang/squad/companies/groups and not much else. My point is, MAKE IT FOR THE COMMUNITY NOT FOR THE ADMINISTRATION. Some ideas that i came up: add more activities for polices and criminals. For copside implement a system of level which they could take advantage of privileges (more money for arresting depending on their level, refrain kill arrest in jail to cops under x level etc)add copside more fun by adding trainings life-style like. Also let cops take part in the turf wars so they can lower the process by killing and not arresting criminals. For criminal side, a good idea is, big heists organized among members from different particular gangs (not necessary a bank). Bring back gangrobs. Bring back hr. Considerer the idea of bringing more Store Robberies! Last but not least, we know things are constantly changing to adapt the human brain, nothing in this world would stay forever... when something expires the productivity of it decreases , maybe due this reason the people get bored of the server of doing nothing. Let's see this aspect from a new player, someone just joined the server, what's his/her purpose or goal? have fun and join a decent squad/gang , right? (almost certainly)either then after joining gang/squad this is the greatest achievement for a new player, nowadays its devalued by the factor of the new updates in Gang/Squad Managements that make it easier to them to be invited 2 days after they applied.
  23. Jailbreak #1442 ~[(35mins)]~(red) "We fight our freedom" Briefstory: In coordination with soldiers and prospectives, Outbreakers planned to break into jail, the 1442th time, In order to release high reputationed criminals and business associate. We roughly fought against a squad of HLS and SWAT. Outbreak Members: @Douglass @Kybali0n @Beckham @Marso @Law @FXY @rykila ::: ::: Outbreak Helpers: @Pog @Krasava @Versace @nCov Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/POdjgp0
  24. +1 because a minority get advantage of avoiding HS sometimes and most of the cases you cannot report it unless you have recorded him/her. In additional, from my perspective the follow suggestion is also a great idea https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19802/make-everyone-in-turf-headshotable
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