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Sinc3's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Sinc3


    @Brophy ban the forum acc if u want as well
  2. Type Of Activity: RP (Getting pulled over) Information/Story: I was driving, got pulled over, continue driving. Screenshots: Album available at: https://imgur.com/a/AhVl6RJ
  3. Type Of Activity: RP (Getting Robbed by a Cuban) Information/Story: I was doing the usual truck delivery, when i got robbed helping some cuban guy. Screenshots: Album available at: https://imgur.com/a/w9ZEvJS
  4. Type Of Activity: Refueling stations around San Andreas Information/Story: It is important for all fuel stations to be functional accross SA and as one of the main suppliers, it is ALTs responsibility to ensure it. Screenshots: Album available at: https://imgur.com/a/azGoz7T Type Of Activity: Trucking Information/Story: It is important for the refinery to be full, thus ensuring that our fleet of trucks has the necessary fuel to do the job it has been doing for so long (refueling) Screenshots: Album available at: https://imgur.com/a/UOU720H Type Of Activity: Mechanic Information/Story: As there are many accidents around SA, I did my best to respond on call to all the drivers in need. Screenshots: Album available at: https://imgur.com/a/ExwJ4jK
  5. Type Of Activity: Refueling stations around San Andreas Information/Story: It is important for all fuel stations to be functional accross SA and as one of the main suppliers, it is ALTs responsibility to ensure it. Screenshots: Album available at: https://imgur.com/a/azGoz7T Type Of Activity: Trucking Information/Story: It is important for the refinery to be full, thus ensuring that our fleet of trucks has the necessary fuel to do the job it has been doing for so long (refueling) Screenshots: Album available at: https://imgur.com/a/UOU720H Type Of Activity: Mechanic Information/Story: As there are many accidents around SA, I did my best to respond on call to all the drivers in need. Screenshots: Album available at: https://imgur.com/a/ExwJ4jK
  6. Thanks guys :)
  7. Type Of Activity: Refueling stations around San Andreas Information/Story: It is important for all fuel stations to be functional accross SA and as one of the main suppliers, it is ALTs responsibility to ensure it. Screenshots: Album available at: https://imgur.com/a/azGoz7T Type Of Activity: Trucking Information/Story: It is important for the refinery to be full, thus ensuring that our fleet of trucks has the necessary fuel to do the job it has been doing for so long (refueling) Screenshots: Album available at: https://imgur.com/a/UOU720H Type Of Activity: Mechanic Information/Story: As there are many accidents around SA, I did my best to respond on call to all the drivers in need. Screenshots: Album available at: https://imgur.com/a/ExwJ4jK
  8. Happy Birthday mate, have a nice one !!
  9. Type Of Activity: Refueling stations around San Andreas Information/Story: It is important for all fuel stations to be functional accross SA and as one of the main suppliers, it is ALTs responsibility to ensure it. Screenshots: Album available at: https://imgur.com/a/azGoz7T Type Of Activity: Trucking Information/Story: It is important for the refinery to be full, thus ensuring that our fleet of trucks has the necessary fuel to do the job it has been doing for so long (refueling) Screenshots: Album available at: https://imgur.com/a/UOU720H Type Of Activity: Mechanic Information/Story: As there are many accidents around SA, I did my best to respond on call to all the drivers in need. Screenshots: Album available at: https://imgur.com/a/ExwJ4jK
  10. Wait... you are not Stephen ?
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