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Everything posted by Haas

  1. CC Activity number: 3 Participants: Haas Duration: About 2 hours Screenshots:
  2. CC Activity number: 2 Participants: Haas Duration: 1:18 hours Screenshots:
  3. CC Activity number: 1 Participants: Haas Duration: 19 minutes Screenshots:
  4. Welcome to the server! I'd say the server is pretty straight forward so I would suggest finding a gang or squad that would seem fun to you and try to join them. That way you have a group of people to play with.
  5. This is an automated post for: Haas Donation: GBP 80.00 GBP Requested Awards: Cash: 20m Vehicle 1: Vehicle Type: Damaged Glendale Vehicle Colour: I'll change myself Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: Near my zoomville#4 property Vehicle 2: Vehicle Type: Damaged Glendale Vehicle Colour: I'll change myself Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: Near my I am the loca pervert shh!! property Vehicle 3: Vehicle Type: Bullet Vehicle Colour: I'll change myself Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: Near my zoomville#4 property Vehicle 4: Vehicle Type: Bullet Vehicle Colour: I'll change myself Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: Near my I am the loca pervert shh!! property Vehicle 5: Vehicle Type: Infernus Vehicle Colour: I'll change myself Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: Near my zoomville#4 property Vehicle 6: Vehicle Type: Infernus Vehicle Colour: I'll change myself Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: Near my I am the loca pervert shh!! property Vehicle 7: Vehicle Type: Buffalo Vehicle Colour: I'll change myself Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: Near my zoomville#4 property Vehicle 8: Vehicle Type: Buffalo Vehicle Colour: I'll change myself Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: Near my I am the loca pervert shh!! property Vehicle 9: Vehicle Type: RC Cam Vehicle Colour: I'll change myself Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: Near my zoomville#4 property Vehicle 10: Vehicle Type: RC Cam Vehicle Colour: I'll change myself Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: Near my I am the loca pervert shh!! property Vehicle 11: Vehicle Type: Skimmer Vehicle Colour: I'll change myself Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: Somewhere in the water near my zoomville#4 property Vehicle 12: Vehicle Type: Skimmer Vehicle Colour: I'll change myself Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: Somewhere in the water near my I am the loca pervert shh!! property Vehicle 13: Vehicle Type: Vortex Vehicle Colour: I'll change myself Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: Near my zoomville#4 property Vehicle 14: Vehicle Type: Vortex Vehicle Colour: I'll change myself Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: Near my I am the loca pervert shh!! property Vehicle 15: Vehicle Type: Kart Vehicle Colour: I'll change myself Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: Near my zoomville#4 property Vehicle 16: Vehicle Type: Kart Vehicle Colour: I'll change myself Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: Near my I am the loca pervert shh!! property Interior: Special Mapped Interior 25 at zoomville#4 Special Mapped Interior 25 at I am the loca pervert shh!! I also have 5 more cars I can get from old donations. See link below: Vehicle 17: Vehicle Type: Maverick Vehicle Colour: I'll change myself Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: LS Airport Vehicle 18: Vehicle Type: Maverick Vehicle Colour: I'll change myself Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: LV Airport Vehicle 19: Vehicle Type: Maverick Vehicle Colour: I'll change myself Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: SF Airport Vehicle 20: Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: I'll change myself Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: LS Airport Vehicle 21: Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: I'll change myself Specify any upgrades: I'll add them myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: SF Airport
  6. Display Name: Haas Username: kaaskoekjes Link to ALL Donation Topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/40626-donation-haas-amount-1000/?tab=comments#comment-694951 https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/87859-donationhaas-amount-1000-gbp/?tab=comments#comment-1641998 Total number of Donation Points: 210
  7. Address: I have Crabs So Fu Account name: gothboi Last seen: 14th April 2023 Screenshots:
  8. Address: I Am The Local Pervert Shh!! Account name: gothboi Last seen: 14th april 2023 Screenshots:
  9. This is an automated post TXN ID: 0XK62771TR931062H Donation Amount: 30.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below I also have donated 20 on the old forum, so currently on a total of 50 pounds. https://archive.saesrpg.uk/profile/11996-haas/ Vehicle 1 Vehicle Type: Freeway Vehicle Colour: Black Specify any upgrades: I'll do it ingame myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: At my house next to SoA base Vehicle 2 Vehicle Type: Kart Vehicle Colour: Black Specify any upgrades: I'll do it ingame myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: Somewhere around SoA base Vehicle 3 Vehicle Type: Flatbed Vehicle Colour: Black Specify any upgrades: I'll do it ingame myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: Somewhere around SoA base Vehicle 4 Vehicle Type: Forklift Vehicle Colour: Black Specify any upgrades: I'll do it ingame myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: Somewhere around SoA base Vehicle 5 Vehicle Type: Mower Vehicle Colour: Black Specify any upgrades: I'll do it ingame myself Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes Where you want it placed: At my house next to SoA base I'd also like large interior 19 in my house right next to SoA base. 3m :)
  10. I've send u a friend request on discord. yyjelle#3216 feel free to ask whatever you want and I'll try to answer as best as I can.
  11. @Tombaa said in Show us yourself V3: YOU KNOW TRADITIONALLY THE ONE WHO HAS STARTED THE TOPIC POSTS A PICTURE YOU DIPSHIT better late than never
  12. Address: Montgomery Caravan 4 Account name: murat321 Last seen: 13 feb 2020 Screenshots:
  13. Address: Montgomery Caravan 1 Account name: Murat321 Last seen: 13 feb 2020 Screenshots:
  14. Feeling cute. Might play some saes later, idk.
  15. @NanoBob used to be somewhat of a friend of mine in mta. Great guy if you get to know him a bit.
  16. @protonyt f'(x)
  17. Joined a civilian group to stand out from the generic SAES player
  18. simple yet very useful +1
  19. Definitely @Fyrr @Hesha
  20. Address: Apartment 55 LV Complex South Account name: jewque Last seen: 10th december 2018 Screenshots:
  21. Happy birthday my favourite turk
  22. Ingame name: Haas Ingame username: kaaskoekjes Previous organizations and leaving causes: Helvete Rebels (not the current one) SoA SWAT TST (1st gen) Helvete, Rebels and SoA were closed. TST I left to join one of the first two. Dont recall which one in particular. SWAT I left to apply for TT, which I got denied for. Reason being I only wanted to join because my friends were there. They told me to reapply in a month which frankly is too long if you ask me. Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is an organised crime syndicate. They have their hands in a lot of pockets going from Weapon Trafficking to contract killing. Pretty much any sort of criminal activities to fill their pockets is too much for them. What binds you with Underground Empire: UE are skilled players and seem to enjoy playing the game. I most certainly am not the most skilled person on the server and far from the worst, but I feel like I am fun to play with which is in my honest opinion way more important than skill. What do you know about organized crime: Organised crime are criminal activities carried out on a large scale, generally being controlled by large and powerful groups.
  23. u still using internet explorer bro?
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