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  • Zarc

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    Vehicle ID:


    Wrap access:

    zarc, thepsyghost,

    Type of wrap:


    Thread for reward change:

    Link your donation or reward change thread requesting this wrap. If left blank and a test is requested, the test may take a while to process, as you have no donation to request rewards for.

    Wrap image:


    Translations: (if custom wrap)

    If the wrap contains language not readable in English, please add translations here, with reference to which part of the vehicle it's painted on. You must show the FOREIGN and ENGLISH versions in plain text.

    User Feedback

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    @Zarc discord has started expiring links to media uploads in the app, can you try attaching the image directly to your post

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    I would leave "ass" out of the wrap. for some reason it's not a word we see very often on government vehicles in real life :classic_mellow:

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