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  • Vehicle ID: 598

    You can get the ID from https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Vehicle_IDs

    Wrap access: blue35

    Leave blank if anyone can use the wrap, otherwise state the usernames

    Thread for reward change:

    Link your donation or reward change thread requesting this wrap. If left blank and a test is requested, the test may take a while to process, as you have no donation to request rewards for.

    Wrap image or give existing standard wrap name:


    If standard wrap: Give the wrap a name, e.g pinkies1

    If custom wrap: Upload to imgur and copy URL here. File extension must be .PNG using 512x512 or 256x256 dimensions.

    Translations: (if custom wrap)

    If the wrap contains language not readable in English, please add translations here, with reference to which part of the vehicle it's painted on. You must show the FOREIGN and ENGLISH versions in plain text.

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    Cant edit it but, 

    Wrap access: blue35, and any pars member



    On its way as blue35_5

    • Like 1

    This is now closed for further comments

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