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[LWS-Staff] Draven's LWS Events


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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #75]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Find Draven's car]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @Cornelius ]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @MoleyTheMolester ]
https://imgur.com/a/TAKtPsJ ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #76]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Deliver the car]
^[We gather people at a far point from cities and disks, we give them a name of a car and a color and they have to go to buy/get that car and spray it with the color we choosed and deliver it to us. ]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @Cornelius ]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @SKRIMSON ]
https://imgur.com/a/IxKATg1 ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #83]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Chicken Shooter]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @Brooks ]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Douglass ]
https://imgur.com/a/9ocB8Hr ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #84]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Running 2v2]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @CrazyBoy , @Freezoom ]
https://imgur.com/a/grj0KBQ ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #86]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Return The Car with Towtruck]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Tema ]
https://imgur.com/a/I6FTqqG ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #88]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) NRG Fallout]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Defender ]
https://imgur.com/a/CbBK4Dq ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #89]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Rhino Shooter]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Judyes ]
https://imgur.com/a/j8WcdUd ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #90]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Land With Vortex 1v1]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ]
1st 1.000.000$ 2nd 500.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @RadiO @marko ]
https://imgur.com/a/0pkntMx ]

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^[~[Hello everyone, from now on I will be posting events as LWS Staff, event numbers has been reseted to 0 and you will find the new format below.]~(maroon,maroon)]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon)]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon)]

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