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[LWS-Staff] Draven's LWS Events


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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #50]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) One Shot CS LMS]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @Felix]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @TripleX]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/OSYoseW ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #51]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Sumo Car Wrestling]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Barry]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/Af7Wsj6 ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #52]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Lucky Race]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @NubBob]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/qRU98Yl ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #53]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Marathon & Skydive]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Lily]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/5pTeSiW ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #54]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) 1v1 forklift football]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Duketo]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/DNiexra ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #55]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Kart Race]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Satanas]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/TXADbNr ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #56]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Knock me off my nrg]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @thebutcher]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/PAQREiK ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #57]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Survive from the dumper]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Durby]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/rlDEjLr ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #58]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Kill the LWS]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$(2 rounds)]
^[~[Winners:]~(maroon) @Disaster , @teff]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/SGGikh6 ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #59]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Eliminate Draven]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Casper ]
https://imgur.com/a/AWsiEFK ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #60]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Wrecking Ball survivor]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @thebutcher ]
https://imgur.com/a/isguAIg ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #61]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Kart DD]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Stay ]
https://imgur.com/a/ORJKVZl ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #62]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Blind LMS]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 2.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Tema ]
https://imgur.com/a/cpYseSo ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #63]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) 5v5 Sniper Tournament]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 5.000.000$]
^[~[Winners:]~(maroon) TEAM SP : @Evans , @Teddy , @MoleyTheMolester , @Ntruder , @Rivals ]
https://imgur.com/a/OpBAGIL ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #64]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Flat Tyres Alpha Race]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @Jim ]
^[~[Winners:]~(maroon) @Ty3uk123 ]
https://imgur.com/a/Z2VqV1j ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #65]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Faggio Fallout]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @Filex ]
^[~[Winners:]~(maroon) @hope ]
https://imgur.com/a/s5hpTZf ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #66]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Parkour]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ]
^[~[Winners:]~(maroon) @JelyFish ]
https://imgur.com/a/rtckkyb ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #67]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Sniper LMS]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ]
^[~[Winners:]~(maroon) @Teddy ]
https://imgur.com/a/gHMFpvd ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #70]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Turismo Drag Race]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @quattroporte ]
https://imgur.com/a/MtxqcmB ]

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