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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #25]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) 1v1 Sniper Tournament]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winners:]~(maroon) @Josesito]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/g0Z87Kk]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #26]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Pyramid LMS]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winners:]~(maroon) @Pump]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/EMKGGRd]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #27]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Kamikaze my car]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winners:]~(maroon) @hope]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/Gbw8Uyr]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #28]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Car Shooter]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winners:]~(maroon) @SWT]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/Mlv5T7n]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #29]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Fallout Deagle LMS]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @TaffyC]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/nf99GmF]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #30]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Car show]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1st:1.000.000$ 2nd:750.000$ 3rd:250.000$]
^[~[Winners:]~(maroon) @koko, @Honer112, @Chop]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/MxdXwZC]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #31]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) All vs all Rhino]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @Sparrow ]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Judyes]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/RIsXlNd]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #32]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Hydra Shooter]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @Sparrow ]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Pazoo]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/gT64lsV]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #33]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Chicken Kicker]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @Filex ]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @flora06]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/luVtaJA]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #34]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Kings of the tower]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @alex0107 ]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 5.000.000$(2.5m each)]
^[~[Winners:]~(maroon) @Pazoo, @Kybali0n]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/Vnc10lS]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #35]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) 1v1 Sawed-off Tournament]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 2.000.000$]
^[~[Winners:]~(maroon) @flora06]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/2iP5B5G]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #36]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Flat Tires NRG Race]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winners:]~(maroon) @ReMa]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/UdfU414]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #37]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Predator DD]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winners:]~(maroon) @NubBob]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/DwSVMwd]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #38]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Battle Royale]
^[(basically people spawn without arms, and they will find spawned m4 with 10 bullets only and they will have to search for more bullets and fight)]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 2.000.000$]
^[~[Winners:]~(maroon) @Josesito]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/mOD4w4O]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #39]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Faggio Fallout ]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winners:]~(maroon) @ReMa]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/VdpU32f]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #40]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Last Team Standing(Team of 4) ]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 4.000.000$]
^[~[Winners:]~(maroon) Team ITALIA: @Sucre, @PoP, @zKill98, @EvozZ]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/QaAf29c]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #41]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) NRG Tube Race]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM ]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @NubBob]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/kL2KVkq]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #42]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Find Rhino & Kill]
^[(There are 2 spawned and hidden rihnos, participants will have to find them and kill each others, with steal allowed)]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @NubBob]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/AdhIFiy ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #43]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Heli Kill]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @NikitA321]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/FqYKLvH ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #44]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Death Race]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 2.000.000$]
^[~[Winners:]~(maroon) @Garcia1999 , @Kubreit ]
https://imgur.com/a/eop11E1 ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #45]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Land With Vortex]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @NubBob]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/TDGYmGa ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #46]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Under Sea Monster Race]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 2.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Bartman]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/6YQUPhX ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #47]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Grenade LMS]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @Brooks]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Pump]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/6BgOgfV ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #48]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Kart Backward Drag Race]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @Brooks]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @zKill98]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/pGKsl6q ]

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^[~[Event Number:]~(maroon) #49]
^[~[Even Type:]~(maroon) Risky Marathon (SF Bridge)]
^[~[LWS/Helper(s):]~(maroon) @KARIM]
^[~[Prize:]~(maroon) 1.000.000$]
^[~[Winner:]~(maroon) @Kybali0n]
^[~[Secreenshots:]~(maroon) https://imgur.com/a/lFK7tHh ]

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