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As @Steve isn't able to donate for himself, I'm helping him out. Even if I am techincally a owner I'm giving him a full rights about this certain vehicle he's gonna request, and whenever he decides to change anything. @Steve request your reward here please.


Modded glendale like this https://i.imgur.com/dlzw7Rp.png same colors and keep original wheels + nitro
Location: B~B Base https://i.imgur.com/7Eg7Yr4.jpg
Locked to kazmet clashofsaes jesser01 decrypter1
Also my 1m reward!


Thanks for the donation!

Unfortunately we don't support donating on behalf of individuals so as a result this donation belongs solely to to @ChasinTLSN .
As a result, "decrypter1" must remain the owner username on the vehicle and the money will also be sent to chasin.

Also we don't retroactively support donations for the donator spawn, so you'll be readded for an additional 30 days on decrypter1.
Money and donator spawn provided, please state new usernames with decrypter1 as the main username for the vehicle.

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