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Main characters: @wizax @Marwane @VoXeR

Story: I was patrolling with a trainee teaching him somethings when we saw a drunk man in the road with a weapon on his hands, i removed the seat belts around me, Opened he door, Took out my shutgun then run into him, i asked him to give me his weapons License but he refuses, when i asked him what is your name he started running away so i shoot his right leg, he falled down i told Officer Marwane to cuffs his hands and keep his eyes one him while im picking the car, After we put him in the car we went to SAFP base, there we took his fingerprits then i checked his ID, he wasn't a wanted criminal or anything he is just a citizen, but only 1 thing was wrong, he left his wife and his childrens since 3 weeks, they dont know where is he, i putted him in the Integration room and keep waiting till the drunk effect finish, after 4 hours he was ready to answer my question, I asked him about his name and Date of birthday then i asked him "Why do you left you family?" he said "They are cu*ts, Always trying to remove the drink from me" i said "Do you know that your wife reported you because you punched her ?" He Answers "Yes i do" i asked him "You dont miss your family ?" He saids "Just sometimes my childrens but when i drink i forget everyyyyyyyyything" I said "In my job i work everyday. so i can't see my familly only 1 time every year, I really miss them" he said "yes that's true. i was in the jail for 3 years, in these years i really missed them in that time , my family, Do you have family ?" i answered "Yes i do 1 wife, 1 boy and 1 girl" he said what about your parents? "i said they died since a long time, Do you have a job ?" he said " Yes im trucker but i spend all my money in drink " i said " and you are pround of that ? im not telling you to no drink but watch your family they are the best think in this life don't lose them, take that as friend advice " and after a long talk i Told him " We will go to your wife, you will apologyz and back to your family like nothing happineds " he agrees, i dropped him in his house door then went to mountain to watch seeing them happy and seeing him kissing his children when they are sleeping made me remember my family, i took out my phone then called them


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-=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion

-San Andreas Federal Police=-

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Type: Chicken Shooter

LWS/G6/Staff: @Hesha


Winner: @Harb

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@virusln said in InvestArms Corporation Media Archive:

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Roleplay With -=(0d50b8)SAFP=-

Practicants: @Wizax

Story: I was at the corporation's HQ at LS and I got a call from an agent from SAFP squad, they wanted 3 crates of M4 with 7 crates of ammo, I collected what Mr. Wizax requested and I went to their HQ at LV, Mr.Wizax welcomed me and we had a little conversation then he started unloading the crates without even testing the weapons, after he finished he paid me and then I left him going back to our HQ.

Screens: https://imgur.com/a/As3Lo1O


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Type: Chicken Arrest
Prize: 1$000$000

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To protect with courage, to serve with compassion.

-San Andreas Federal Police-


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Type: Hell in the cell (Boxing in a cell)
Prize: 1$000$000



-=(blue)To protect with courage, to serve with compassion.

-San Andreas Federal Police-=-


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@cornelius said in OverdoseCrime - Media Archive:

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RP #10 - Selling Protein To SAFP Part 1/2
(@Tefa @ziad @IceCold )

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Today we packed yesterday's shipping, that took long enough to find us new clients, in shipping was protein, fresh protein. After picking it up we drove to place where...
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Where we got a call from our client Tefa that he will be a bit late and that we should see black car coming near us, alone, without any other citizens in it, we told that we are 3 near our gang vechicle burrito. After half an hour Tefa finally arrived...
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*Tefa was busy, so he wanted to do everything quick, he didn't even care about price, because goverment will pay him, so he doesn't worry about price, but he wanted to test protein quality, because we were new to him. So we showed him our protein and gave Teffa to test it out and tell us how is it, is it good or not. He was alright with it, he said put it in my car's back, so after my boys Ziad and IceCold put it in we shook hands, said bye to each other and dealt that we have to teach SAFP troopers new moves, because he liked protein, maybe we train well too. *
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@mrwan said in OverdoseCrime - Media Archive:

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RP#11 - Wrong choice cop

It was a normal day for OverdoseCrime members, having fun together In the base, But this time they weren't only talking about the gang business but they were talking about a cop who was gathering informations about them for a long time, Chris heard that this cop collected some papers about OverdoseCrime and that he's preparing a team to come to OverdoseCrime base and arrest all the members, That's why Chris was spying on that cop untill he knew that he'll go fix his car soon from CripZ, So Chris picked up his phone and called them.
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When he called them, One of the high ranked members answered him, His name was "Harb", Chris told him about everything and about the cop, and told Harb that OverdoseCrime will come to CripZ base and have an important conversation, When they arrived they found Harb waiting for them, so Chris just explained to him what's happening and he made a deal with him that Harb will send them a message when that cop arrives, His name was "Tefa", Harb accepted to do this for some cash but Chris didn't care, He just wanted the cop.
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After the deal, Chris told Harb that they'll stay near the base and have a look when he arrives, Then OverdoseCrime members went out the base and stayed close and kept spying, after few hours the cop finally arrived to the base, Harb opened to him and he knew that It was him since he saw his badge and saw his name "Tefa", So he let him In and sent the message to Chris.
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After that, OverdoseCrime members went Inside the base Immediately and started to aim on the cop, He got scared because he found alot of guns on him, He freaked out and started to shout, then Chris moved to him and told him that they're OverdoseCrime gang so he got scared more, Chris told him that he knows everything about this cop and he knows that he was collecting papers and preparing his team to come OverdoseCrime base and try to arrest them, and he told him that he'll pay for this.
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After that they took him to one of the hidden places owned by OverdoseCrime, Somewhere away from everything, When they arrived they forced him to get out of the car and started to move Inside, The other two members from OverdoseCrime stayed outside to guard the place from any danger while Harb and Chris went Inside with the Cop, When he went Inside he raised his hands up and he knew that It was the end, Chris didn't wait and just killed him Immediately.
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After that he turned to Harb and asked him about the price, Harb only wanted 2.000$ and Chris didn't mind so he took out his wallet from his pocket and gave him the cash, after that they shook hands and took off.
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