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Type: chicken arrest

LWS/G6: Sam


Winner: Skerdi

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-=(navy)To protect with courage, to serve with compassion.

-San Andreas Federal Police-=-


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Activity check
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To protect with courage, to serve with compassion.

-San Andreas Federal Police-


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Type: chicken arrest

LWS/G6: Pular


Winner: 215|Under

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-=(cyan)To protect with courage, to serve with compassion.

-San Andreas Federal Police-=-


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activity check
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thank you @Niceez niceez you did a great job building our new base and
thanks to @Bone we are getting ready for business in our new base

To protect with gourage to serve with compassion.
-San Andreas Federal Police-


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Type: Fallout with police's Cars

LWS/G6: Arma

Prize: 1.000.000

Winner: ICE|Winston|HQ

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To protect with courage, to serve with compassion.

-San Andreas Federal Police-


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Today our levely SA Federal Police had 10 members online at the same time. We made different activities such as patrolling, raiding SRs that you can see at the Scooter's post above mine. Afterwards, we made a meeting at our base and discussed our current problems and future prospects. Here you can see the screens
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Rest is on imgur


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-=(#ff0000,#ff0000)* PART I=-

Main characters: @Wizax @tefa @Killer
Story: It was 22:08, I was patroling with Colonel Tefa, We went to donate shop to buy something to eat

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Type:Box All Vs All In Dark Cage
LWS/G6: M7mod
Prize: 1.000,000
Winner: @Djappa
Screenshots: ##spoiler=Spoiler

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-=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion.
-San Andreas Federal Police-=-


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Type of the activity: Training [ Parashut lending, Parashut race(We all jump in the same time and who reach the 35 first one win), TDM]
Members online: @supreme @wizax @tefa @deepk @DJO
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-=(red,red,red)* PART II=-
@hope said in Wild~Angels Media Archive:

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-=(purple)R=-oleplay Number: -=(purple)234=-

-=(purple)T=-itle: -=(purple)~A=-ssassin Job Went Wrong-=(purple)~=-

-=(purple)P=-articipants: Wild angle: Me \ SAFP: @Wizax -@Tefa \ Medic: @Access
-=(purple)S=-tory : it was classic day while i was drinking my coffee strange people came and took me with them in their van and then i found out myself in a street called grove street with bunch of gang members near me and there was a guy siting on a chair and waiting me after 2 hours they wanted me to kill an officer called Wizax they didnt say the reason or anything at the first i didnt accept but they offered me extra money then i accepted and in the middle of the talking i saw on the guy who were talking with me an ID on it a name and i figured out that this guy is the leader of those people who took me and his name was John_Clay after i went back to my base i started to prepare for the mission and what i came with is will be acting like a poor guy and i have a deagle with me and after i prepared myself i went to Officer Wizax and asked him if he can give me money he said no so i aim at his heart and shot him and in this time there was an officer near by and saw me so i started to run and he chased me and he got me and sent me to cell and he went back to his friend and called an medic after the medic arrived (access) and he tried to help officer wizax but unfortunately he manged to save officer Wizax life and after that officer Tefa came back and putted me inside a place have inside it table and two chair and he asked me some question after he fucked me i answer his questions and then he said that guy is a the most high wanted guy in SA and then he sent me to the cell again .

-=(purple)S=-creenShots :https://imgur.com/a/lDS4fNd

-=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion.

-San Andreas Federal Police-=-


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-=(red,blue)PART I=-
Main characters: @xtream @tefa @scooter @deepk @superme @esta @wizax @DJ0
Story: It was a normal morning, i was patrolling, nothing special till i saw a heavy big truck parcked randomly in the road, i left my car and went to check it, boxs was closed well. i used a knife to open one of them when i found drugs, i was chocked to see all that amount of drugs, as fast as posible i called back-up. after couple of munites SAFP members responds, we boxed the house but sadly one of us got shooted because he rush alone [DJ0] we called medical units and we told Officer [Esta] to stay with him, then we took the gun from the suspect [Xtream] and cuffs his hand, we took him to our base to Integration room and we start asking question and other members was recording and noting his answers, but he didnt answer any question even after forcing him he said "i wont say anything without a lawyer" we took him photo then put him in jail till his court of law date comes
Screenshots: ##spoiler=Spoiler

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-=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion

-San Andreas Federal Police=-


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Type: 1 Vs 1 Sniper
Prize: 1,000,000
Winner: V3
Screenshots: >> -=() https://imgur.com/a/yYchhLM =- <<

-=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion

-San Andreas Federal Police=-.


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Main characters: @scooter @DJ0 @DeepK @superme @Iskender @wizax @Nojihr
Story:It's morning i was about start patrolling, i went to Weapons room but our M4 storage is running out, so Private.DJO told me he has a friend can sell us weapon with high quality "Nojihr" We called him and asked him about price and when it will be ready to receive, We called our members because we will need their help then we start moving , When we reached Nojihr house we found him outside waitting, While members was protecting the area i was dealing with him, we bought 250k M4 ammo for 25,000$, after loading the delivery and back to base we dropped the ammo in our weapons warehouse then we loaded our weapons and we went to test it in shooting room
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-=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion

-San Andreas Federal Police=-

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