TaJ Posted July 22, 2019 Author Posted July 22, 2019 ^[]^[~[''IT'S FINE, PAY OFF YOUR DUES QUICK.'']~(#988870,black,#988870)]^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:]^[20th.]^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:]^[SFC - @TaJ.]^[SAI - @Exile ; @Ardron.]^[Rebel - @SWT.]^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:]^[23/07/19 - Las Venturas: Evening patrol commenced with SFC's A-125 teaming up with San Andreas Interceptor's Unit #92 inclusive of Commander Ardron and Trooper Exile who were both present at the SAI HQs when SFC Agent came to get the men for a routine evening patrol as part of being their old friends during the San Andreas Police Academy times. Just talking about how much all of the men from the academy have grown through the years was amazing, the agent spotted a Biker going on the LS-LV Highway without helmet. The interceptors then got attentive and with the radio speaker asked him to pull to the side of the road. The biker did exactly asked and thus Agent 125 and Trooper Exile questioned him about the exact. He replied that he actually just got fined for the same at last roadlock at central Los Santos highway area. The ticket of which he then showed and also promised the officers to never repeat this utterly careless mistake which eventually occured thanks to an urgent biker association meet's invitation following the event. The officers then acknowledged his honesty and agreed to let him leave with the current ticket.]^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s):]^[Click here!]^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
TaJ Posted July 23, 2019 Author Posted July 23, 2019 ^[]^[~[''CAN YOU KINDLY CHECK IT OUT SIR.'']~(#988870,black,#988870)]^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:]^[21th.]^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:]^[SFC - @TaJ.]^[TMH - @Reacher.]^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:]^[23/07/19 - Las Venturas: Shinny sun at an utter tiring evening was witnessing SFC's Agent 125 struggling with his police dodge right after having chased down a biker who used the tiny roads of the counties to try escaping which eventually ended up in the cell. Anyhow, that chase did leave the vehicle, specifically it's ground, with a lot of damage. A-125 was now in Bone County looking for some "The Motor Heads" base which were supposedly legends at such repairs just when just at the street luckily he found a TMH Technician called "Reacher" who was just done making some calls at the side of the road and was going back to the headquarter. A-125 pulled just behind him and called him near. Both men talked and found out that the floor of vehicle might just have some dents which were fixable with Reacher's currently available tools as well. A-125 then requested him to look after it and try and fix the damages as quickly as possible due to an upcoming police department meet approaching. Reacher agreed to this and started working on the vehicle. After accessing the intensity of the damages, he used his available tools to fix the vehicle and A-125 thanked him with a heavy tip apart from the desired payment.]^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s):]^[Click here!]^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
TaJ Posted July 24, 2019 Author Posted July 24, 2019 ^[]^[~[''HELP ME GET RID OF THESE.'']~(#988870,black,#988870)]^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:]^[22th.]^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:]^[SFC - @TaJ.]^[TT - @Helena.]^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:]^[24/07/19 - Los Santos: Early morning patrol of the 24th of July 2019, SFC's A-125 was out on streets of Los Santos Central for a routine patrol making sure nothing illegal was going on before the sun just makes an entry. This patrol happened to make the agent encounter with a stressed woman standing right next to her Super GT parked on a No Parking zone at a footpath just in front of some markets. When she saw the agent approachind to the street, she signed him to park on the side and asked for "help". Upon asking by the agent, it was known that the help was actually about helping her get rid of the wheel locks which some impounders unit had already imposed while she was busy inside markets. No idea what she was doing at such market with bad reputation but nonetheless she requested the SFC Agent to help her remove the clamps as he was able to do so with his existing tools upon her paying the wrong parking fine for which she also apologised. The agent then did the expected and in return was paid with the fine of no parking zone. The two parties then shook hands and got on their respective ways.]^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s):]^[Click here!]^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
TaJ Posted July 24, 2019 Author Posted July 24, 2019 ^[]^[~[''WE GOOD HERE, AGENT?'']~(#988870,black,#988870)]^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:]^[23rd.]^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:]^[SFC - @TaJ.]^[O - @Arkantos.]^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:]^[24/07/19 - Las Venturas: Evening patrol, the last one of the day in fact was quite interesting one for SFC's A-125. He was passing by the Las Venturas Pay n Spray onto the Hospital road when he noticed a suspicious all blacked out cheetah parked on the right side of the road with the person talking to someone with his hand on the window. This did seem little weird and thus to make sure everything was alright, A-125 decided to approach the person and have a talk since the vehicle's windows were tinted which was against the law, this could help. A-125 then parked his vehicle right next to his, looking at this the person got attentive and hung up the phone and started looking activity of the Agent in the rear view mirror. A-125 then walked up to the person and through the window talked to him what was his motive of staying there and the reason of tinted windows along with question of accessing a permit for the same or not. The person told that he was waiting for a friend to finish a meeting which was going on in a house next street and due to lack of parking in the street, he decided to wait here. Further on, about the windows, he replied that yes he indeed had permit since he works for a "reputed firm" thus it was allowed. A-125, to stay on the safer side, demanded to check the boot of the Ferrari and the check didn't prove anything special either. At this point A-125 was satisfied with the person's activity and so as not to harrase him anymore, thanked him for cooperation and after a little shakehand, went to his car in order to continue and ultimately end the patrol.]^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s):]^[Click here!]^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
KARIM Posted July 24, 2019 Posted July 24, 2019 ~[Event number :]~(#988870) 2~[Event type]~(#988870): Chicken arrest~[LWS/G6]~(#988870): KARIM~[Prize]~(#988870)(s): 1.000.000$~[Winners]~(#988870)(s): OC|Raiden~[Screenshots]~(#988870)(s): https://imgur.com/a/TmX3q3l
KARIM Posted July 24, 2019 Posted July 24, 2019 ~[Event number :]~(#988870) 3~[Event type]~(#988870): Marathon~[LWS/G6]~(#988870): KARIM~[Prize]~(#988870)(s): 1.000.000$~[Winners]~(#988870)(s): C.L.O|Douvles~[Screenshots]~(#988870)(s): https://imgur.com/a/3s4Ewfd
KARIM Posted July 24, 2019 Posted July 24, 2019 ~[Event number :]~(#988870) 4~[Event type]~(#988870): Land on my bus~[LWS/G6]~(#988870): KARIM~[Prize]~(#988870)(s): 1.000.000$~[Winners]~(#988870)(s): Freezoom, Kok~[Screenshots]~(#988870)(s): https://imgur.com/a/NhatANx
KARIM Posted July 24, 2019 Posted July 24, 2019 ~[Event number :]~(#988870) 5~[Event type]~(#988870): KamiKaz my bus~[LWS/G6]~(#988870): KARIM~[Prize]~(#988870)(s): 1.000.000$~[Winners]~(#988870)(s): Ment~[Screenshots]~(#988870)(s): https://imgur.com/a/IJIyfmJ
KARIM Posted July 24, 2019 Posted July 24, 2019 ~[Event number :]~(#988870) 6~[Event type]~(#988870): Chicken arrest~[LWS/G6]~(#988870): KARIM~[Prize]~(#988870)(s): 1.000.000$~[Winners]~(#988870)(s): Cripz>Diesel~[Screenshots]~(#988870)(s): https://imgur.com/a/Q95e8up
KARIM Posted July 24, 2019 Posted July 24, 2019 ~[Event number :]~(#988870) 7~[Event type]~(#988870): Knock me Off my nrg-500~[LWS/G6]~(#988870): KARIM~[Prize]~(#988870)(s): 1.000.000$~[Winners]~(#988870)(s): Jpslimen & Disaster~[Screenshots]~(#988870)(s): https://imgur.com/a/X3AF019
KARIM Posted July 24, 2019 Posted July 24, 2019 ~[Event number :]~(#988870) 8~[Event type]~(#988870): Find Me~[LWS/G6]~(#988870): KARIM~[Prize]~(#988870)(s): 2.000.000$~[Winners]~(#988870)(s): [SWAT]Netruder~[Screenshots]~(#988870)(s): https://imgur.com/a/jYXKaBk
KARIM Posted July 24, 2019 Posted July 24, 2019 ~[Event number :]~(#988870) 9~[Event type]~(#988870): Kill the lws~[LWS/G6]~(#988870): KARIM~[Prize]~(#988870)(s): 1.000.000$~[Winners]~(#988870)(s): Arone~[Screenshots]~(#988870)(s): https://imgur.com/a/PZ6pnSB
KARIM Posted July 24, 2019 Posted July 24, 2019 ~[Event number :]~(#988870) 10~[Event type]~(#988870): Land on my FLATBED~[LWS/G6]~(#988870): KARIM~[Prize]~(#988870)(s): 1.000.000$~[Winners]~(#988870)(s): UE|Cocko , [ThC]Killer~[Screenshots]~(#988870)(s): https://imgur.com/a/SpkTzt1
KARIM Posted July 24, 2019 Posted July 24, 2019 ~[Event number :]~(#988870) 11~[Event type]~(#988870): Last trainee standing~[LWS/G6]~(#988870): KARIM~[Prize]~(#988870)(s): 1.000.000$~[Winners]~(#988870)(s): Unknown~[Screenshots]~(#988870)(s): https://imgur.com/a/5JE9AIa
KARIM Posted July 24, 2019 Posted July 24, 2019 ~[Event number :]~(#988870) 12~[Event type]~(#988870): Last man standing~[LWS/G6]~(#988870): KARIM~[Prize]~(#988870)(s): 1.000.000$~[Winners]~(#988870)(s): [AA]Bartman~[Screenshots]~(#988870)(s): https://imgur.com/a/hNMFLWC
KARIM Posted July 24, 2019 Posted July 24, 2019 ~[Event number :]~(#988870) 13~[Event type]~(#988870): Simon says~[LWS/G6]~(#988870): KARIM~[Prize]~(#988870)(s): 1.000.000$~[Winners]~(#988870)(s): CIA|Hope~[Screenshots]~(#988870)(s): https://imgur.com/a/Ftu2vPr
Brooks Posted July 24, 2019 Posted July 24, 2019 ~[Event number :]~(#988870) 14~[Event type]~(#988870): Chicken Arrest~[LWS/G6]~(#988870): Brooks~[Prize]~(#988870)(s): 1.000.000$~[Winners]~(#988870)(s): Rebel..~[Screenshots]~(#988870)(s): https://imgur.com/CkqocFV
TaJ Posted July 25, 2019 Author Posted July 25, 2019 ^[]^[~[''PLEASE COOPERATE AND HAND OVER THE DOCUMENTS.'']~(#988870,black,#988870)]^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:]^[24th.]^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:]^[SFC - @TaJ.]^[OC - @focus.]^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:]^[25/07/19 - Las Venturas: Early morning, 6 o' clock patrol for SFC's A-125 wasn't really an interesting one usually. No one is often on inner city streets and thus it goes quite easy. Today however, this very patrol routine catered to make A-125 meet a person of suspicious nature. A guy right next to old The Motor Heads as well as InvestArms Corporation Headquarters was sitting inside a parked vehicle with windows lowered and music playing quite loudly. A-125 decided to approach the person and confirm if everything was alright and he was not doing something to worry about. A-125 parked his Dodge right behind the person's shiny Super GT and walked towards him. Noticing approaching Agent, the person rolled down the window fully and there began a talk. The agent questioned what he was doing there such early, to which he replied "Just chillin' officer, just waiting for few minutes to begin journey to my shift. Got ready little earlier today, w'sup?". This reply was not good enough actually and thus the agent told him that though it was just a casual routine check, but he would love to check the person's Licensing documents along with the vehicle's. The person provided those at the same moment and after a quick read it was found out that indeed he was totally legit. Thus, the agent returned the document. But so as to make sure everything as indeed fine, agent asked permissions to inspect the vehicle quickly. The person agreed to this term and thus a little check of the front boot was made, where everything seemed fine and thus A-125 thanked the person for his time and cooperation, hence went back to his vehicle and continued the patrol.]^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s):]^[Click here!]^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
TaJ Posted July 25, 2019 Author Posted July 25, 2019 ^[]^[~[''I DESERVE THAT QUALITY FOOD NOW, CLUCKIN'.'']~(#988870,black,#988870)]^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:]^[25th.]^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:]^[SFC - @TaJ.]^[Cluckin' Bell - @Beckham.]^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:]^[25/07/19 - Las Venturas: After a tiring day of pulling over suspects and attending a meet initiated by the Los Santos Police Department as part of its seminar scheme with a try to curb the rising narcotics use and dealership, A-125 of SFC returned to Las Venturas for a final patrol at the evening when hunger made him realise that the day was well spent, thus the evening should be too. That been thought, A-125 then started driving towards an old friend's "new restaurant" at LV West. The restaurant was called "Cluckin' Bell" and their chicken was like already everyone's famous. Thus A-125, upon reaching, couldn't wait to go inside and taste the food. A-125 walked inside the door and met "Mr.Beckham" on the counter who then presented the menu forwards which was quite confusing for the hungry Agent who then asked for the chef's choice and went with it. The "firey hot chicken with cola" was then presented in just matter of seconds and as delicious as it was, it was also quite cheap. The agent then thanked the waiter and also paid Beckham a little tip which was generous enough to make him smile. At this point, both men shook hands and satisfied Agent 125 came out of the restaurant ready to report at the Department HQ.]^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s):]^[Click here!]^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
TaJ Posted July 30, 2019 Author Posted July 30, 2019 ^[]^[~[''LET ME BE SURE HERE.'']~(#988870,black,#988870)]^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:]^[26th.]^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:]^[SFC - @TaJ.]^[TT - @Kim.]^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:]^[30/07/19 - Las Venturas: After a long tiring day of 30th July, 2019; SFC Agent 125 who recently returned from an overseas conference was back on the road for a casual evening patrol trying to make sure nothing wrong was going on at the streets of his beloved land. During this time, when agent was passing through East Las Venturas streets, he noticed an unsually all blacked vehicle driving pretty slow. This suspicious vehicle was enough for A-125 to pull it over and investigating what was actually wrong. The driver was a female, she was looking for an address of "my old colleague, she said something around here but I can not find the address". The agent then told her that driving so slow on a busy street was full of danger and yet not advised. Agent 125 then helped her know about the addess which was just around the street but so as to make sure that it was not just a smart excuse, he preffered to check the trunk of the vehicle. The suspect was good enough to do what was asked and the check didn't find something more suspicious than few toys which were supposedly for the colleague's "new born". A-125 then trying not to harras her more, asked her to congratulate the mother on his behalf and also wished loveful good wishes to the new guy and his family. The lady then thanked the agent for his cooperation and went to leave for the address the agent had now explained to her.]^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s):]^[Click here!]^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
TaJ Posted July 30, 2019 Author Posted July 30, 2019 ^[]^[~[''CAN YOU PLEASE MAKE SURE WHATEVER'S WRONG, ISN'T ANYMORE ?'']~(#988870,black,#988870)]^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:]^[27th.]^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:]^[SFC - @TaJ.]^[TMH - @Kim.]^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:]^[30/07/19 - Bone County: After a peaceful evening patrol, A-125 of SFC noticed some unusual activity down at his vehicle's hood. Weird cranky noises and mild pickup delays were quite annoying now as the agent made his mind to again contact his old friend's agency, The Motor Heads who were situated at Bone county and somehow take the vehicle to them. The agent then did the desired and the group's leader "TaJ" told his friend 125 that an experienced technician was on duty at the moment with not much of a work burden and so it was perfect time for him to visit the location. A-125 then, wishing that nothing goes wrong, drove to the place and contacted the "Mr.Experience" who was actually already waiting for the agent after hearing about the news of his arrival. A-125 then explained the issue to him and he assured the agent that it was all normal mechanical failure with the belt as far as he could tell before checking, and his statement stood the same even after the check was made. A-125 then asked him to fix it as soon as possible since his off-duty time was approaching anytime now. Technician Kim then started working on the vehicle and fixed a new belt unit, also tightened the screws so as to make sure nothing of another kind begins to haunt the agent now. The vehicle was now all back to its proper shape and A-125 gladly paid the technician after thanking him a lot. At this moment the agent left the headquarters of Motor Heads for his own.]^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s):]^[Click here!]^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
TaJ Posted August 1, 2019 Author Posted August 1, 2019 ^[]^[~[''LET ME CHECK.'']~(#988870,black,#988870)]^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:]^[28th.]^[~[P]~(#988870)articipants in the RP:]^[SFC - @TaJ ; @Brooks.]^[ThC - @IndoGrasa (Biggie).]^[~[R]~(#988870)P Scenario:]^[01/08/19 - Las Venturas: A new month, a new oath. Oath to fight the crime around San Andreas with as much bravery as pumped into Agent 125's blood. A-125 was on a Las Venturas wide patrol along with his fellow Agent 018. It was a peaceful evening until an offender was spotted. Through the old strip interior roads, a person driving in an old yet historical vehicle had just skipped a traffic light. SFC Agents being just behind him spotted him and decided to pull him over immediately. The desired was then done and the suspect replied with "I have to reach hospital in a hurry to meet a friend". Though this excuse is quite regular coming from such irresponsible citizens, but it can not be ignored by the agents as it could be true. However, this time Agents decided to ask him to check the vehicle to make sure nothing was hidden from their vision since it could be dangerous. A-125 then decided to take the charge of checking the vehicle and came up with nothing suspicious. At this moment the person requested to not make him any more late and thus agreed to pay his dues for rulebreaking. Agent 125 then wrote him a ticket which he paid immediately and also thanked the agents for understanding, together with promising not to repeat this irresponsible attitude action. The agents at this moment got in their vehicle and the person got in his and both the parties left for their respective destinations with agents wishing him good luck for the friend's health.]^[~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s):]^[Click here!]^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#988870,black,#988870)]
Brooks Posted August 3, 2019 Posted August 3, 2019 ~[Event number :]~(#988870) 15~[Event type]~(#988870): Lucky nade~[LWS/G6]~(#988870): Brooks~[Prize]~(#988870)(s): 1.000.000$~[Winners]~(#988870)(s): Buck~[Screenshots]~(#988870)(s): https://imgur.com/YTcClWd
Brooks Posted August 3, 2019 Posted August 3, 2019 ~[Event number :]~(#988870) 16~[Event type]~(#988870): LMS~[LWS/G6]~(#988870): Brooks~[Prize]~(#988870)(s): 1.000.000$~[Winners]~(#988870)(s): Carbon~[Screenshots]~(#988870)(s): https://imgur.com/uGxj7ug
TaJ Posted August 11, 2019 Author Posted August 11, 2019 ^[]~[E]~(#988870)vent Number: 17.~[E]~(#988870)vent Type: Chicken Arrest.~[L]~(#988870)WS/G6: Filex.~[D]~(#988870)ate: 11/08/19.~[P]~(#988870)rize(s): $1,000,000.~[W]~(#988870)inner(s): [CDC]Smurf.~[S]~(#988870)creenShot(s): Click here!
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