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Nord's LWS Events


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^[This is where I will be listing ALL of my LWS events, from the first event that I've ever done up to the present time. If you have any concerns, feedback or suggestions, Feel free to contact me via my Discord account (@Nord#8468 Thanks for viewing!]
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^[![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/YULHMq7.gif)]
**Event Number:**
**Event Name:**
**Event Type:**
**Event Organizer:**
**Prize Money:**
**Date of Event:**
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Money Spent: $10,450,000

  • Event Fees Paid: $450,000

  • Money Spent on Prizes: $10,000,000

Events Done: 7
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Event Number: #1
Event Name: San Andreas Studios Event
Event Type: Kart Race from LV to LS Airport
Event Organizer: @Duff
Prize Money: $1,000,000 (15% Fee)
Winner(s): @LandShark
Date of Event: 05/24/2019


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Event Number: #2
Event Name: San Andreas Studios Event
Event Type: Fallout
Event Organizer: @Duff
Prize Money: $1,000,000 (15% Fee)
Winner(s): @Lightning
Date of Event: 05/24/2019


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Event Number: #3
Event Name: San Andreas Studios Event
Event Type: Last Man Standing @ Jefferson Motel
Event Organizer: @Duff
Prize Money: $1,000,000 (15% Fee)
Winner(s): @Malaleche
Date of Event: 05/24/2019


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Event Number: #4
Event Name: Knighthounds Contractors Event
Event Type: Last Man Standing @ Grove Street
Event Organizer: @Sam_
Prize Money: $2,000,000 (No Fees)
Winner(s): @XpookS
Date of Event: 05/29/2019


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Event Number: #5
Event Name: Central Intelligence Agency Event
Event Type: Last Man Standing @ de_dust2
Event Organizer: @Ardron
Prize Money: $6,000,000 ($3,000,000 per round, No Fees)
Winner(s): First - Burro, Second - @RadiO
Date of Event: 06/01/2019


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  • 2 weeks later...

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Event Number: #6
Event Name: Vandalos de El Corona Event
Event Type: Chicken Shooter @ Bone County
Event Organizer: @Mrwan
Prize Money: $1,000,000 (No Fees)
Winner(s): @Siper_
Date of Event: 06/24/2019


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Event Number: #7
Event Name: Vandalos de El Corona Event
Event Type: Chicken Shooter @ South LV
Event Organizer: @alex0107
Prize Money: $1,000,000 (No Fees)
Winner(s): 176|JouGou
Date of Event: 06/26/2019
Screenshots (Screenshot courtesy of @Henry)


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