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^[alt text]
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^[Welcome to my LWS Events Topic]
^[I will post all the events I organized here.]

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^[About me]
^[My goal is to provide unique and fun events to everyone in the server. I mainly focus on racing but I will also come up with different ideas on various types of events.]
^[I hope you enjoy participating in my events!]
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Type of Event# of events
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Name# of events won
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^[Event Posting Format]

![alt text](http://i.imgur.com/b7vQb.png)
^[**Event Number:** ]
^[**LWS member(s):** ]
^[**Type of event:** ]
^[**Prize:** ]
^[**Winner(s):** ]
^[**Screenshot(s):** ]
![alt text](http://i.imgur.com/b7vQb.png)

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