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Dear Citizens of San Andreas,

Today is an announcement that some of you, possibly, were waiting for.

Our great nation will be holding Elections for the Office of President of the United States, Vice President of the United States and 13 Senatorial Positions, starting on April 1st.

What you need to know

  • Each citizen will have 1 vote PER Senatorial Region. This will result in you have 13 votes in total to elect Senators.

  • Each citizen will have 1 vote for the Presidential Election. The Presidential Election ballot box will be located outside of the White House. This is the vote which will decide who will be the next President and Vice President of the United States.

  • Any user banned from the server at the time of the election, may not have their name put forward for the election.

  • Criminal enterprises may not run as a political party. Keep your political and criminal lives seperate.

  • Anyone can put their name forward to be a Senator. In order to be put on the Presidential Ballot you must have the backing (nomination) of a political party that is running in every senatorial region.

  • If you wish to run for a Senatorial Region as an independant, you must put your name forward here.

  • Similarily, if you wish to run your party in all Senatorial Regions and run for President/Vice President register here.

  • The election will run in game, for a period of one week, from April 1st to April 7th.

  • You will not be able to vote if you have not passed a low-barrier playtime threshold. You will have one vote per region and you will need to physically attend each ballot box in order to vote.

  • The election is run on a First Past the Post system. Most votes per region, wins.

This topic may be updated at some point in the future, please keep up to date. As always the Non-RP Governmental Leadership reserves the right to deny entry to a political party or candidate.

For any other queries or if you feel you need further information - please check this topic.

Bonne chance,



I know SA is based on MURICA, but why do we have to use MURICA election system? Its a damn mess on its own. It might not be the exact thing but still is based on it.





Youth Party will be fighting this elections, we will go around san andreas and ask people their problems and raise their voices in the senate.
All current and old YP members are informed to hold public meetings and recruit new faces in party for election campaigning.
We will win this elections with majority.

Start a chat with me on forums to join with me this elections, LETS WIN TOGETHER


@Billionaire said in SAES Elections 2019 - April!:

Youth Party will be fighting this elections, we will go around san andreas and ask people their problems and raise their voices in the senate.
All current and old YP members are informed to hold public meetings and recruit new faces in party for election campaigning.
We will win this elections with majority.

Start a chat with me on forums to join with me this elections, LETS WIN TOGETHER

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Hey guys,

We'd like all Candidates who intend to run and parties to have registered by Friday night.

Currently, there's only one party who has put forward a candidate for presidency. There's definitely a gap here.

Gov is a good way to get involved in bringing up suggestions for the server in an RP setting. We will carry any of the suggestions that come out of the gov as far as we can and either get them implemented or get a good answer as to why they can't be implemented.

Get involved!

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