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Skinnydeads Reward Request

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Part I:

How much have you donated for the sever? 150 Pounds

When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 2016/2017

Why do you need this change? 4 out of my 15 vehicles added as all have been removed due to inactivity.

Links to your donation topics:


Links to your previous donation changes requests: N/A


Part II: What I Want to be Removed

Vehicle 1-15: Aren't placed
Interior: Isn't placed


Part III: What I Want to be Added

Color code for all vehicles #C34A2C

Vehicle 1/15: Shamal w/ spawn icon

Location: LS Airport

Username: legacy1

Vehicle 2/15: Shamal w/ spawn icon

Location: LV Airport

Username: legacy1

Vehicle 3/15: Shamal w/ spawn icon

Location: BC Airport

Username: legacy1

Vehicle 4/15: Shamal w/ spawn icon

Location: SF Airport

Username: legacy1

Besides that i'd like to get access to the donater group
After this 11 vehicles still have to be added upon request + interior

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Part III: What I Want to be Added

Color code for all vehicles #C34A2C

Vehicle 1/15: Shamal w/ spawn icon

Location: LS Airport

Username: legacy1

Vehicle 2/15: Shamal w/ spawn icon

Location: LV Airport

Username: legacy1

Vehicle 3/15: Shamal w/ spawn icon

Location: BC Airport

Username: legacy1

Vehicle 4/15: Shamal w/ spawn icon

Location: SF Airport

Username: legacy1

Icons & vehicles are sorted

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Vehicle 5/15: Huntley #3a2020 - 10x nitro + #3a2020 Lights

Location: LS https://imgur.com/a/kncf1Ig

Username: legacy1, therubik

Vehicle 6/15: Huntley #3a2020 - 10x nitro + #3a2020 Lights

Location: SF https://imgur.com/a/cxjOUZ7

Username: legacy1

Interior : 25 @ https://imgur.com/a/iO7eNEo

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Vehicle 7/15: Police car (This version and color if possible https://imgur.com/a/eAMQnJY)

Location: LV PD

Username: legacy1

Vehicle 8/15: Police car (This version and color if possible https://imgur.com/a/eAMQnJY)

Location: LS PD

Username: legacy1

Vehicle 9/15: Police car (This version and color if possible https://imgur.com/a/eAMQnJY)

Location: SF PD

Username: legacy1

Vehicle 10/15: Police car (This version and color if possible https://imgur.com/a/eAMQnJY)

Location: FC PD https://imgur.com/a/2WptzK4

Username: legacy1

Vehicle 11/15: Maverick W/ Icon + https://imgur.com/a/Go1Jc7H < This shader if possible

Location: LS Airport

Username: legacy1,therubik

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@Legacy said in Skinnydeads Reward Request:

Vehicle 7/15: Police car (This version and color if possible https://imgur.com/a/eAMQnJY)

Location: LV PD

Username: legacy1

Vehicle 8/15: Police car (This version and color if possible https://imgur.com/a/eAMQnJY)

Location: LS PD

Username: legacy1

Vehicle 9/15: Police car (This version and color if possible https://imgur.com/a/eAMQnJY)

Location: SF PD

Username: legacy1

Vehicle 10/15: Police car (This version and color if possible https://imgur.com/a/eAMQnJY)

Location: FC PD https://imgur.com/a/2WptzK4

Username: legacy1

Vehicle 11/15: Maverick W/ Icon + https://imgur.com/a/Go1Jc7H < This shader if possible

Location: LS Airport

Username: legacy1,therubik

@Legacy said in Skinnydeads Reward Request:

Vehicle 12/15: Yosemite #3a2020 - 10x nitro + #3a2020 Lights

Location: LS | Property > Flat block C https://imgur.com/a/yHGlyQA

Username: legacy1,therubik



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Vehicle 13/15: dodo #000000

Location: LS | FBI base https://imgur.com/a/T3jdGdn

Username: legacy1,johnturner

Vehicle 14/15: LVPD (modded one) w/ nitro #000000

Location: LS | FBI base

Username: legacy1

Vehicle 15/15: police maverick #000000

Location: LS | FBI base

Username: legacy1

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@Skinnydeads said in Skinnydeads Reward Request:

Vehicle 14/15: LVPD (modded one) w/ nitro #000000

Location: LS | FBI base

Username: legacy1

Vehicle 15/15: police maverick #000000

Location: LS | FBI base

Username: legacy1

These are sorted. For the dodo, please provide a screenshot of the exact location where it should be placed

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  • 1 month later...

@Tut-Greco re-placing lvpd's that you fucked :P

https://imgur.com/a/5gk9Y4X (these 2 were mine and still standing here first pic is in lvpd)
Additionally to this one in LSPD and one in SFPD

So a total of 4 lvpd's
all in this color
(this was the color on it no idea what the color code is anymore https://imgur.com/a/eAMQnJY)

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Skinnydeads said in Skinnydeads Reward Request:

@Tut-Greco re-placing lvpd's that you fucked :P

https://imgur.com/a/5gk9Y4X (these 2 were mine and still standing here first pic is in lvpd)
Additionally to this one in LSPD and one in SFPD

So a total of 4 lvpd's
all in this color
(this was the color on it no idea what the color code is anymore https://imgur.com/a/eAMQnJY)

Your 2 police dodges at BCPD are resaved to legacy1, 1 police dodge at LSPD saved to legacy1 and 1 police dodge at SFPD saved to legacy1. I am sorry for the inconveniences caused.

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All we ask from you is to specify upgrade ID's and codes so that we won't have to do double work by coming back and editing the color code (in case we mismatched it) or removing unwanted nitro.

You can read more on the reasoning for your reward placement by reading following thread.

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