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Pulling over EU for parking in a suspicous spot, where there has been drug dealing around here.
Later his mate comes by, he gets pulled over aswell for circling around us.
We get ask if we needed help by the squad Royal. But help not needed so they drove of.

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Date: 15/05/2020
Story: After the mysterious dissapearance of 3 police officers, Commissioner Marston has issued the law enforcement agencies of San Andreas to conduct a thorough investigation to find back the police officers and discover the reason of these events.

Several officers and agents of FBI, FOX, SAFP, ICE and HLS gathered together for a short briefing in order to conduct a well organized investigation. The police officers had last been seen near a small bridge far out in the countryside of Red County. There was no sign of any assailants nor has any suspicious activity been seen before or after the police officers have been reported missing.


Once the briefing concluded, we set course towards Red County. Soon enough we found an abandoned vehicle that matched the description provided by our witness. Further terrain investigation uncovered several assault rifles of the M16 type, ammo crates containing bullets of the 5.56 caliber and bags of money hidden in the bushes nearby the wreckage.

red county investigation

red county investigation

red county investigation

A note found in the wreckage uncovered a cave in Tierra Robada being one of the next meeting points of whoever was behind these disappearances. Soon enough, we moved towards Tierra Robada and quickly discovered what cave was meant by the note. We secured the location before advancing into the cave, where we found even more weapon and ammo crates and bags of money.

tierra robada cave

tierra robada cave

An abandoned garbage truck owned by the Sanitary Andreas Corp found near this cave quickly led us to our next location, the garbage dump next to Mt Chiliad. At this location, we found weapon crates and a substantial amount of a white powder later identified as cocaine. Along with this, we found what seemed to be a notebook which described certain operations conducted by a criminal organization. This notebook described three bodies that had been disposed at a cabin near a lake in the woods of Flint County, just south-east of the garbage dump.

mt chiliad garbage dump

Concluding that these bodies were most likely those of our missing officers, we rushed towards the location described in the notebook. Soon enough, we stumbled upon a cabin in the dense woods of Flint County. After securing the cabin and the perimeter of the lake, we discovered the remains of three individuals that matched the description of the missing police officers. The forensic teams later identified the remains and confirmed our suspicions.

flint county cabin

flint county cabin

flint county cabin

FBI is currently further investigating radio traffic, logbooks and GPS tracked locations as to how these officers got involved with this illegal business. Meanwhile, the LSPD mourns the loss of officers J.P. Lincoln, I. Reign and P. Smith.

A special thanks to @FOX-Operations-X , @San-Andreas-Federal-Police , @ICE-Immigration-Customs-Enforcements , @HomelandSecurity and @Patrol for organizing and participating in this great roleplay.

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