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@Wassim said in Undisputed Command | Roleplay Archives:

Roleplay #: 60
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Participants @Reus @Franklin @Zodiac @Venom @Douglas @ZiZou777
Roleplay Story:
When I was sitting in our headquarters, I was thinking of finding some good weapons, so I remembered that I had a friend who sold good weapons and called him and asked him if they were still with him, so he said yes, I said to him, I will send you the place in the jailhouse. Bring the weapons and come. So before I set out when he approached our headquarters, he cut his way two policemen and wanted to investigate and search him When the two policemen began the search, he called me and said that the police caught me and I need your help so I went out to my family on our way by car and we rushed to the merchant and found that he was besieged and the speed increased to the maximum and I went and the police cars were damaged And for After doubts about us and we took the trader to our headquarters I spoke with him a little later we transferred weapons to the warehouse I and my brothers, then you give the merchant his money went all one way


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@Franklin said in Gypsy Jokers MC - Media Archive:

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Roleplay (16) added!
Title of the roleplay: Risky deal
Date: 08-02-2020
Participants: GJMC|Franklin|AVP & [FBI]Reus ( @Reus )
Roleplay Story: After the deal with my old friend Wassim from Undisputed Command I quickly grabbed my things and wanted to head out of town for a while for a business trip.. but before I could do that I saw a police car drive infront of our base, he stepped out of the vehicle, it was an FBI agent. He told me that he saw everything I was doing earlier with the guy from Undisputed Command.. he knew that I sold weapons to him and he told me that he will arrest me, I tried to negotiate with him and he decided to overlook the mistake I made but he wanted me to sell him some weapons for quite a low prize in order to not snitch. I opened the trunk of the vehicle that was parked in our base and showed him what weaponary I had left, he was very satisfied with every weaponary in the truck so he decided to take all of them for little cash, I tried to be fast because I couldn't be late for the business trip so I quickly put all the boxes in the trunk of his car, received my payment and headed out.

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@Wassim said in [Undisputed Command | Roleplay Archives]

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Roleplay #: 66
Participants @Razak @Reus @rexo223 @zKill98
Roleplay Story:
The weather was great, and I was in Red Country, walking with my friend Razak until he told me that this city is empty, my friend, so what do you think we steal atm, so I said why not, I accepted and we started doing this he is guarding and I am trying to open it
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Suddenly, I saw my friend Razzaq running away and I got confused, so when I turned behind, I found nothing, and I said to myself that he went to examine the city. One or 30 seconds passed, then two police officers pointed their weapons at me to my head and took me to the police station forcibly.
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I grabbed terror and fear, and I could not move. I said that this is the end of the road until it was not the end. The policeman took me. They threw me in prison after a period of time that lasted an hour or half an hour.
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I did not know what to do after a short time. My friend Razzaq entered with my brother Zkill. They killed the policemen. They took me out of the prison. I was very happy after we went and ran. I asked Razzaq how this happened. I thought you ran away.
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He said they were two policemen and I couldn't do anything so I went home and brought my weapon and called my friend and we wanted to save you after that I gave each of Zark and zkill 40% of the money that I stole as thanks to her then each one went his way
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