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Role Play Number: 10

RP Scenario:
It has been another day in the Lucks'n Comapny. As usual we got to the shift at 8 AM. At about 8.30 we got the first order which was a crate of apple juive. A crate consists of 20 jars of juice. So, the manufacturer Mr.Monkas and I started to work on the order. I went to the warehouse where the empty botles are stocked, as I brought them to the workshop. Mr.Monkas took a crate of fresh-collected apples and proceeded to the juice squeezer. We poured all the apples in and added a kilo of sugar, just to sweeten the juice.
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After 15 minutes 20 litres of freshly squeezed juice was ready. I lebeled all the jars with "L&C" sign, as we go to package all the jars into a one big box and load it to our delivery truck. So, we drove down by the customer's place which is 5 Creek way, Red County.
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We got by the home and saw an officer was meeting us. That was the customer. As we got out of the truck we had a little conversation with officer. So, after we had a chat it became clear where should we unload the box. It was the home's garage.
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I brought the box out of the truck and carrier it right to the garage, where I dropped it on one of the warehouse shelfs.
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After it the officer pulled the gate of garage down and locked it.
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I consulted the officers on the proper storage condiitons (as required), as the juice is freshly-squeezed and it is 100 percent natural it can decay real quick if the proper terms of storaging are refused to adhere. Also, I said that it was summer and it would be cool if you place it in the fridge camera, so it would cool up. It is extremely incredible to drink some cool juice when it is hot outisde.
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So, after the consulting I said it is time for the payment. The cost of all services including delivry was 120 dollars. As one of the officers said that was too expensive, I said that the price for natural freshly-squeezed juice is extrmeely low. When we get more customers the prices will increase for sure.
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We shaked each others and hands, as Mr.Monkas and I got into the truck and disappeared. Apparently, we were going to serve more customers.....
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~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 11

~[P]~(#69514D)articipants in The RP:

  • From CIA : @TaJ

  • From AA : @chemist

~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario: A lovely evening... I was patroling around San Fierro for a long time hence with an aim of reaching Tierra Robada for an evening snack and quick inspection at the local pub, got en route to the northside county. On my way, just at the beginning of the long Highway, the car in front of me was not looking.. legit. It was a Hotpinkish Infernus, "owner must be some rich person who doesn't give a fuck of law hence it got tinted windows. Something's mysterious!" was what I thought when I asked the owner to Pull on the side of the road with my police vehicle's high profile siren. To my surprise, the owner was a lady.. She was a "resident of San Fierro, going for little weekend drive towards TR". This was not something bad and hence I did not want to cause any more trouble because she stopped the same second. But. The fact remained that the vehicle had tinted windows which was recently disallowed by the Law! Upon asking I got the reason in defence of the wise lady that it was becuase it was actually her boyfriend's vehicle who worked at some "famous and respected person". But this reason was not enough to impress me.. Hence she was told that "I would have to give you a ticket for this of $120 which you can pay at nearest Police Department within 7 days", She agreed with this as she did not want any further argumenting nor did I. Thus, I gave her the ticket together with goodbye greetings.

~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!

^[Thanks AA for participating!]

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^[~[OH, PLEASE HELP ME MECHY MATE.]~(#7d5752)]

~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 12

~[P]~(#69514D)articipants in The RP:

  • From CIA : @TaJ

  • From TMH : @chemist

~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario: The day was about to end and moon to rise when driving from the narrow roads of Tierra Robada on route back to CIA Headquarters after the above listed objectives had been completed successfully, my car got a "little" out of control and bumped into a barrier. The damage was not a lot but enough to get me warned by my seniors while I believe it wasn't really my fault. This been said, I had to find a mechanic as quick as possible but the thing was... who. At this very moment, I got reminded that the women I met earlier that worked at a "Drama Company" called 'Arms Assassins' had handed me a Visitor's Card. That card had their alliances listed, which included the "new best in world" 'The Motor Heads'. As I remember from a billboard advert seen few days back, their headquarter was in Bone county which wasn't quite far from where I was.

Hence, I navigated my route to their Headquarters on the Car's Smart Infotainment system and reached to the destination. Here I met "Chemist", one of the Executives of the organization. Without any further ado, I parked the vehicle safely upon the ramp and asked them to fix it. After little talk about the incident, the mechanic got on the work and within couple of moments was successful in accomplishing the task of fixing the vehicle to it's better-than-original position, just what they promise. This was indeed great on their part and I thanked Chemist for her hard work and dedication. Upon this, It was quite close to my reporting time at the CIA Headquarters hence I paid 'em all the dues with a yet another "thank you so much" when I drove the vehicle back to it's home, the headquarters in Los Santos.

~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!

^[Thanks TMH for participating!]

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^[~[DAMN YOU CRIMINAL.]~(#7d5752)]

~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 13

~[P]~(#69514D)articipants in The RP:

  • From CIA : @TaJ

  • From 176 : @Lynch

~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario: A lovely sunny day. I was hanging around Las Venturas when, near to Venturas Casino, I got suspicious on a person drivin' a yankee Sultan. The person caught my attention for having the car in quite a damaged condition and heavy black smoke coming out of it's exhaust. This was nothing in front of what the reality was, once I pulled him over. He did stop at the side of the road as expected but... Once I got in a conversation with him, he was absolutely high. Could not understand most stuff I say. Secondly, when I had a more clearer look at the car, I could actually see some blood at the front damaged bumper. This been said I simply aimed my shotgun on him and that person who was heavily influenced by drugs had no way of escape than to confess.

He told that he is a local drugs dealer and today after a "deal went little wrong", he ran over his enemy person's guard although "I believe he is still alive". This was quite horrifying to me but not to him because he was in a world of his own. I then simply handcuffed him and made him sit with me in my vehicle which then I simply drove up to LVPD. There, after quick entries of details into the online system, I officially arrested him and further investigation now began on him by senior authorities.

~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!

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~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 14

~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario:

@Lynch said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Helpers' Media Archive (For Wannabes):

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~[Role Play Number:]~(green) #2

~[Participants in The RP:]~(green) @TaJ @Lynch

~[RP Scenario:]~(green) Today i got a request to the Las Venturas.I've got a call from an offiicer.Alright , i goes to our garage then tooks the wheels at my trunk.And i go to his location. As he said.When he was going to his work some gangsters was there and they made some stupid things over there on the car,then he called me to take a look on the car and to check if everything fine there.Then i started to check the car,I started with the wheels in the Police car,i checked the wheels ,all of the four wheels and as i saw the left wheel was damaged,I turned to my TowTruck to take the new wheel.I removed the old wheels and i insalled the new one,also the good wheel i replaced him too,because i thought that its will be like the others kinda soon.Then nothing happend to the car engine,after that i opened the hood and i checked the engine,everything was great there at the engine,nothing broken or any other special thing on the engine.I've done with the car and everything was fine.

~[ScreenShot(s):]~(green) https://imgur.com/a/N0zBA80

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~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 15

~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario:

@Lynch said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Helpers' Media Archive (For Wannabes):

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~[Role Play Number:]~(green) #3

~[Participants in The RP:]~(green) @TaJ @Lynch

~[RP Scenario:]~(green) Today I worked on The Motor Heads garage,someone from my customer requested to repair his car because he crashed into a traffic lamp,and he didnt ask only for an a regular repair,he requested to make his car for racing things,means that i had a lot of work with the car,the car model was a Patriot from 2009,very old car and hard to repair it,but i had the right tools and parts for that,i started with the engine,he told us that he need a racing car then we placed a V8 engine and we removed the V3 engine,more 5 enrgy and power for the car,he requested for a classic-gold wheels,we took a gold wheels that i had in the garage,and we placed them,i placed 4 and two more in the trunk if something will happend,i placed a classic spoiler on the back of the car,sidebumper and main bumper on the hud.

~[ScreenShot(s):]~(green) https://imgur.com/a/aCzLOdB

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~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 16

~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario:

@SAFP-Carl said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Media Archive:

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~[Participants in The RP:]~(green,teal) @TaJ
~[RP Scenario:]~(green,teal) With a cigarette in my hand and smoke leaving my mouth on good working day chilling in the garage, a cop came into the garage with a clean car, looks good from the outside tho.
I had a chat with the cop and He told me that the engine makes growling noise when accelerating either on high speed or low one.
I opened the vehicle's hood and checked out the engine to see what's wrong !, I checked everything that can make that loud noise and i found something loose in there so i had a closer look and knew that the rod bearings worn out, I tried to reattach it again but it looks like that it couldn't be used again so i had to replace it. However, we tested it after replacing it and the noise was gone.


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Role Play Number: 17

Participants in The RP:

  • From CIA: @Zei

  • From the Goverment: @Nobodyknows

RP Scenario:
It all started after a group of people ,some of them were cops, did not agree about the winners of the elections and try to make the presential speech a mess. But CIA did alot of efforts to reveal the truth, after that one of the agents called Zei decided to interview one of the senators that where present here when it all happened. So he just went to the white house and asked him some questions.
The agent asked him about his opinion about all the thing that happened, this was the conclusion of what he said:" i was pretty in shock, i never though something like this would happen in the first day of elections, we were not in any danger, but it was really scary for us. We did not though we would have that much peope hate, and talking bad about us. The cops are made to protect us , me , you , all the citizens after winning the elections just by getting voted by the people. I personally didn't expect that from neither citizens or even CLO. It was just them considering us criminals at the end of the day we are not criminals. My last words are we are just fighting for people and making their lives better, all i wish is that something like this would never happen again and the current gov goverment should be getting a chance.



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